
The 11:11 Wish by Kim Tomsic

pandacat42's review against another edition

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***I received an advanced copy via Edelweiss for an honest review***

Cute and funny! Middle graders who value their friendships will enjoy this title.

claire_leibovitz's review against another edition

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I read this book before the author came to my school. I loved the book, and I even got it signed! I thought it was very funny too.

sc104906's review against another edition

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I received this through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Megan Meyers moves to a new middle school, where she hopes to transform her identity from nerd to popular girl. As the new kid, Megan is dared to making something exciting happen, she can't figure out what to do. As a last ditch effort, she recites a silly poem she used to hear her grandmother say, when the clock in her classroom turns 11:11. The clock is magic and soon Megan is given her wildest desires, but consequences soon follow. Megan is further pulled into a popular girl feud and must decide whether to trust herself or the magic she has access to.

This was a cute book with a solid plot. The main character goes through stereotypical growing pains, even though she has access to magic. Characters are layered and provide well-rounded rolls within the story.

yapha's review against another edition

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As someone who makes a wish whenever I notice it is 11:11, this was a fun book to read! Megan is super stressed out about starting at a brand new middle school across the country after the school year has already started. Without knowing it, she becomes stuck in the middle of the battle for Spirit Week Captain, between the two most popular girls in the seventh grade. When she sees a clock in her history class that looks exactly like the one that was in her grandmother's kitchen, she wishes on it just like her grandmother did. Her wishes start to come true, but not without unintended consequences. She needs to find a way out of the hole she is digging, but every wish comes with a price. Can Megan find a way to make friends and fit in at her new school without magic? A fun take on being the new girl. Recommended for grades 4 and up.

eARC provided by publisher via Edelweiss

jshettel's review against another edition

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Who wouldn’t want a little magic on their side when dealing with middle school drama?

southernpeach's review against another edition

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This was an amazing book, filled with hilarious insights and heartwarming details. Please write a sequel, Mrs. Tomsic!

wordnerd153's review against another edition

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Really 3.5 stars. Entertaining story with a satisfying ending, but it dragged on a bit.

heidigina's review against another edition

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This was a fun little story and it only took a few days to read it. It is a great book for middle school aged kids.

bookwolftams's review against another edition

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Thank you to @jonathanballpublishers for this #gifted review copy

Megan Meyers is the new girl at her middle school and she wants to reinvent herself. When she discovers that the cat clock in her classroom grants wishes, Megan thinks she’s got it all sorted. Magic has unexpected consequences though!

This is such a cute middle grade read about being careful what you wish for. There are so many great elements in this book; it deals with loss, as Megan’s mum recently died and her family struggles to come to terms with it. I love how it teaches that lying isn’t necessarily just telling a lie, but also not speaking up about a truth. My favourite thing though, is that it teaches the importance of just being yourself and letting people love you for you.

This is a sweet book that has some great morals and issues for kids, I highly recommend this middle grade read.


lwbean's review against another edition

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This is a case of the book matches the cover! What a fun, colorful, whimsical, exciting book! Megan is a delightful main character caught in the middle of new school drama. Tomsic perfectly captures the "life or death" feel of middle school drama without belittling Megan's problems or stress. Magical realism and math add another layer of fun to this tale (or should I say, "tail"?). I recommend this book to those who liked the "Bras and Broomsticks" series. Tons of fun!