
Fighting Fate by Shaila Patel

kblincoln's review against another edition

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This is the second book in this breathless YA romance telling the tale of Irish Empath Prince Liam who is living in the U.S. to find his dream-foretold soulmate: who just happens to be an Indian-American name Laxshmi.

Love, love, love the set up and all the cultural living-in-America-but-of-Asian-background stuff that goes into this. Laxshmi, or Lucky, as Liam calls her, has to deal with cultural assumptions by her mother about how she should behave, can't be seen with her white boyfriend at Diwali celebrations, and struggles with her identity. Cool stuff.

Wasn't as enamored of the Irish brogue speech patterns Liam, his parents, and mysterious Empath Elder Brennan had. (and that sometimes bled over into other characters). It wore on me. That's most likely personal taste, however.

I also felt that I probably should have started this series with the first book. Liam and Lucky , while not together at the start of the book, are quite deeply connected to each other. And I mean deeply. They are massively in luuurvvve and very vocal about that to each other in terms of saying things like "you are my soul" etc. This felt a bit over the top at times, and I was thinking that if I had been along for the ride as they fell in love and found each other, it might not have felt so overwhelming.

The story is heavy on feelings, and protecting each other, and figuring out what they're going to do with their lives now that they've found each other but haven't quite joined in soulmating (or in a more physical sense, if you get my drift, this is very sweet romance with one joke about "diddies" when she's in the hospital but other wise just a lot of holding and kissing so safe for most ranges of YA). It's a little less heavy in plot. Although we get some intrigue with another Empath Elder out to use Lucky for his own nefarious purposes, and a forced arranged marriage, it's mostly Lucky and Liam feeling each other's feelz as Empaths (lots of water and air imagery describing their feelings.)

If you're a lover of YA fiction with characters that are emotional spigots of angst and love, this book will be right up your alley. And despite my quibbles with Liam's brogue, as a character, he's great (and a hottie). And if you're looking for a main character who lives in her bicultural identity as an Asian-American, definitely pick up this book. As a parent of bicultural daughters, I really did enjoy that part of the book.

mcoppadge07's review against another edition

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I've been going back and forth between 3 and 4 stars for this. I really did like this book. Like a lot. The problem I have is how self-destructive Lucky seemed to be throughout this entire book. If you told her not to do something because it wasn't safe or because hello! there are bad guys out there that you know and they're coming for you it's like she didn't care. I just didn't feel that she valued what people were trying to do for her. It was super frustrating. The things that kept me going through this book were Liam and especially his mom. OMG I love Moira! And when she went all mama bear I couldn't help but cheer. I was SO there for that!! I'm excited for the next book. I want to see how this story concludes. I hope this **event** that happened at the end of the book to Lucky kind of helps me like her again because right now I feel sad for her. And I really REALLY hope that Mama Bear Moira comes back because I loved her.

cozykrysti's review against another edition

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The early version of this book that I read was amazing, and the finished product is even better! It’s captivating, and romantic, and so fast paced. I absolutely could not put it down. The stakes are higher than ever in this scintillating sequel with a villain that is truly vile, and whom readers will love to hate. The story picks up right where Soulmated left off, perfectly tying up some plot points from the first book and introducing a whole new set of obstacles for our heroes to overcome. Fighting Fate manages to be even steamier than its predecessor with some seriously swoony kissing scenes. Liam and Lucky are a literary couple that readers everywhere will fall head-over-heels in love with, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

gracekalli's review against another edition

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Have you ever read a book that so perfectly takes emotions and puts them into words so that when you read them you can actually see the images that the author is trying to paint? This series does exactly that. I thought Soulmated was really good, but when I read this book, I hadn't even gotten 25% in and I was so completely enamored of this book. Most books about empaths struggle to find a way to connect with the readers. There is (usually) no easy way to get the story flowing fluidly AND paint a beautiful masterpiece filled with emotions that not only find their way through the pages, but that you can see, feel, and understand. This is a book that allows you to explore what the characters are experiencing right along with them, and the author is a true Master with the written word. The only downside is that I have to wait for the 3rd book!!

krystimuggle's review against another edition

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The early version of this book that I read was amazing, and the finished product is even better! It’s captivating, and romantic, and so fast paced. I absolutely could not put it down. The stakes are higher than ever in this scintillating sequel with a villain that is truly vile, and whom readers will love to hate. The story picks up right where Soulmated left off, perfectly tying up some plot points from the first book and introducing a whole new set of obstacles for our heroes to overcome. Fighting Fate manages to be even steamier than its predecessor with some seriously swoony kissing scenes. Liam and Lucky are a literary couple that readers everywhere will fall head-over-heels in love with, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

krystimeyer's review

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The early version of this book that I read was amazing, and the finished product is even better! It’s captivating, and romantic, and so fast paced. I absolutely could not put it down. The stakes are higher than ever in this scintillating sequel with a villain that is truly vile, and whom readers will love to hate. The story picks up right where Soulmated left off, perfectly tying up some plot points from the first book and introducing a whole new set of obstacles for our heroes to overcome. Fighting Fate manages to be even steamier than its predecessor with some seriously swoony kissing scenes. Liam and Lucky are a literary couple that readers everywhere will fall head-over-heels in love with, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!