
Tell Me When I'm Dead by Steven Ramirez

spideycatx's review

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I thought this would be just another zombie apocalypse cliche kind of book but I was very wrong. It had plot twists that I didn’t see happening, great characters and a really good protagonist named Dave. I got attached to some of the characters and would worry about what happens next to them which kept me engaged and wanting to read more quickly.

I really enjoyed this book and would pick up more books from this author!

vokram's review

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Tell Me When I’m Dead by Steven Ramirez August 2013 Zombie fiction 2.49/5

This is a book about a zombie apocalypse centered on one town in northern California. It follows an unreliable main character who is fighting alcoholism and marriage problems all while zombies are slowly appearing. This book is kind of an odd duck. There are very few grammatical mistakes, which I appreciate.

It opens on a scene where the MC is in a situation that seems hopeless and flashes back to the beginning of the plague and the events leading up to this penultimate scene. It doesn’t flow well. Seems like the author wrote the story and figured he would vary the format by starting with an action scene to give the book a hook. It doesn’t add anything and is confusing to the reader. There are too many names and events referenced in the opening that need exposition to work.

There’s also an odd religious aspect that I couldn’t quite figure out. These sections seemed as though they were added later for flavor. The motivations of the characters seem suspect and don’t reflect the actions presented. There are a couple of minor plot points that fizzle out and some foreshadowing that fails to materialize.

This book was ok. Not great but not too bad. I will not be following this up with the next one in the series if there is one.