
Built To Last by Elisabeth Grace

mandyreads's review against another edition

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review

I just loved this sweet and emotional second chance romance set in a small town. Small town contemporary romances are some of my favorite types of books to read. Right from the beginning I felt like was reading a Jill Shalvis novel! The town of Saltwater springs feels charming, cozy, warm, and inviting. I want to runaway and live there!

We first meet Scarlett when she has moved back to her hometown to settle her parents financial affairs and start her own business of running a bakery which she has longed to do since she was a child. While looking for a contractor to help her renovate her store space, she runs into her first love, Luke Garrity. Luke still harbors some animosity towards Scarlett from mysteriously leaving him 10 years earlier without a word. From their first meeting on the pages you could see and feel the spark of chemistry between them. Even as they fought and I just loved getting to see that.

Scarlett clearly still has feelings for Luke, but refuses to really confront them for fear of Luke finding out why she really left him all of those years ago. She also believes that there isn’t any hope for her and Luke having a future together because of the secret that she is keeping from him. She doesn’t want to hurt him anymore than she already has. Luke still believes that they are meant to be together, even after all of this time, so they start spending time together.

The supporting cast of characters are wonderful too! From the elderly Mrs. M with her nosy and gossipy nature, to Scarlett’s long time BFF, Layla. I especially loved Shelby, Scarlett’s friend who runs the local flower shop. She has the funniest southern sayings that made me chuckle.

This book is a wonderful story about forgiveness and learning to lean on those who love and care for you. It even has a little bit of mystery and suspense thrown in for good measure. Definitely add this book to your TBR and get to it as soon as you can. This was my first Elisabeth Grace book and it won’t be my last.

xoxo, Rach

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trudyd's review against another edition

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Elisabeth Grace, You have a fan in me. Built To Last is one of the most beautiful Second Chance Romances that I have ever read. To have two people find each other again and accept everything in the past had my eyes filling with tears. Too be honest there were numerous occasions I needed tissues.
Poor Scarlett has been through so much. She has had to silently mourn. She has felt the pressure of her socialite parents, and forced to move away. Ten years have passed. Now she must face her decisions and those of her parents. Luke, her past, her love, her everything can never know why she left. She only knows she can't give him what he needs. I was not looking forward to reading truth. I was afraid of what would happen. Throughout the drama the book was glued to my hands. My eyes never left the pages.
Luke has never gotten over Scarlett. He will do anything to get back what they had. But when the truth of her leaving is told he is crushed. Again, Scarlett is left to grieve alone. At this point in the book I gave up hope of seeing my HEA. Luke, the strong determined man, wanted nothing to do with Scarlett.

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Find this review and more at Ramblings From This Chick

Built to Last is a sweet contemporary standalone from Elisabeth Grace. This book was charming and I really enjoyed the second chance at love for Scarlett and Luke. I loved the characters here and the town of Saltwater Springs was adorable. If you are a fan of small town contemporary romance stories and second chances, this is one you are going to want to check out!

Scarlett Devereaux and Luke Garrity were in love as teenagers and planned their life together. But one night changed everything, and Scarlett left town without ever looking back or letting Luke know why she left. Now ten years later, her life is a mess and she will do whatever it takes to turn things around. Back in Saltwater Springs, Scarlett is determined to open up her own bakery and when her first contractor scams her she is desperate to find another. But when the only option left turns out to be none other than her first love Luke, she knows that things are bound to be anything but easy. Luke wants answers for what happened years ago, but more than anything what he wants is to make Scarlett his once and for all. But can they have a chance at a future when the reason Scarlett left is big enough to destroy everything between them?

I liked Luke a lot. Scarlett was likable as well, but I did have issues with her. While I did have some mixed feelings here though, Scarlett and Luke were good together. It was so easy to see the love they had for one another. Time and distance had done nothing to lessen their connection, and the chemistry between them was very strong. These two were clearly meant for one another, and I hated that they had spent so long apart when it was obvious they were supposed to be together. Luke was a really good guy, and I loved how hard of a worker he was. He had made something of himself when a lot of other people would have just accepted the circumstances they had been born into. He was also great with his family, and had this really sweet side to him. Scarlett had been through a lot and I really felt for her. She had allowed her parents to push her into a life that she didn't want, and left her with a mess to clean up after they passed. The one thing I didn't like when it came to Scarlett though was the fact that she was so against telling Luke the truth. She spent almost this entire book knowing that she still loved him and admitting that she needed to tell him the truth, and yet she just kept putting it off while trying to convince him that they just couldn't be together. I felt like with ten years already gone, she should have been able to admit the truth and communicate like an adult. The fact that she couldn't made her appear a bit weak and childish to me. Especially considering that she wouldn't let her friend even bring Luke up during the ten years she was gone, yet she was mad at the same friend in the present for never having told her certain things that Luke had going on in his life. I wanted to shake her a few times and tell her to grow up.

Overall, this was a good book that I enjoyed reading. It wasn't one that really broke any new ground or changed my life, but I did like it and it was a sweet story. I have to say that Scarlett's big secret wasn't one that shocked me, and though I didn't know all the specifics ahead of time, it was one that I had seen coming from a mile away. I knew what had made her run, and it was predictable. I was so mad at her for not talking to Luke, and I really felt like she was to blame for the years they spent apart. Luckily I did like her and I was glad that Luke was as good of a guy as he was and that he was able to move forward with her after everything that she had done. I think that this book is a good one if you are looking for something sweet and enjoyable, and like the contemporary genre. I will read more from Elisabeth Grace in the future, and I liked her writing style a lot. It was really easy to get into the story here, and I look forward to seeing what she will come up with in the future, especially if it is set in this sweet little town.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

jaimejustreadsromance's review against another edition

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This was my first time reading a book by Elisabeth Grace, despite the urging of my blog partner to read her books. I'm an idiot and should have listened because I really enjoyed this one and if that's any indication of what to expect of her other books, I've been missing out.

A sweet second chance romance set in the charming small town of Saltwater Springs, this story had me smiling and swooning the whole way through.

I enjoy when an author just dives right into the story, keying us into the couple's past through snippets of memories and through conversations between characters rather than trying to describe it all in a few chapters at the beginning. The way that Luke goes after Scarlett full force from pretty early on could come off as too much too soon but when you understand the history they share, it actually makes it perfect and necessary.

Luke is the perfect combination of hard-working manly man and sensitive romantic that will have you swooning over him in no time. If you're like me you'll be frustrated with Scarlett and the way she disappeared from town ten years prior but you'll also admire her for doing what she thought was the right thing. The road to their HEA is paved with resentment, confusion, misunderstandings and heartbreak but in the end it's all worth it.

If this is the type of story I've been missing out on by not picking up Elisabeth Grace's other books, then I really deserve a nice slap to the head from my blog partner...and Elisabeth when we meet again at the next signing.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

aschae's review against another edition

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Another beautiful story by Elisabeth Grace.... she never fails to impress me. A story about second chances and true love. After walking away without a word 20 years ago, Scarlett tries so hard to protect Luke from her past decision... one that would have changed everything for the both of them. Luke has been waiting for answers for ten years as to why the love of his life walked out.. and his feelings haven't changed since the days she left him. Beautiful, heartbreaking, hopeful and exciting.. HIGHLY recommended!!

jaimereadsromance's review against another edition

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This was my first time reading a book by Elisabeth Grace, despite the urging of my blog partner to read her books. I'm an idiot and should have listened because I really enjoyed this one and if that's any indication of what to expect of her other books, I've been missing out.

A sweet second chance romance set in the charming small town of Saltwater Springs, this story had me smiling and swooning the whole way through.

I enjoy when an author just dives right into the story, keying us into the couple's past through snippets of memories and through conversations between characters rather than trying to describe it all in a few chapters at the beginning. The way that Luke goes after Scarlett full force from pretty early on could come off as too much too soon but when you understand the history they share, it actually makes it perfect and necessary.

Luke is the perfect combination of hard-working manly man and sensitive romantic that will have you swooning over him in no time. If you're like me you'll be frustrated with Scarlett and the way she disappeared from town ten years prior but you'll also admire her for doing what she thought was the right thing. The road to their HEA is paved with resentment, confusion, misunderstandings and heartbreak but in the end it's all worth it.

If this is the type of story I've been missing out on by not picking up Elisabeth Grace's other books, then I really deserve a nice slap to the head from my blog partner...and Elisabeth when we meet again at the next signing.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

kimmylovestoread's review

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People who were/are able to buy this book as a whole story are lucky. I read this through Elisabeth's newsletter, so it took ten months to get all of Luke and Scarlett's story. TEN. MONTHS. I fell in love with them pretty much instantly, so it was a long ten months.

Scarlett and Luke were very much in love when they were younger. They even went as far as to talk about their future, but then tragedy struck and Scarlett left town. Now it is years later and Scarlett has returned to open a bakery. After losing most of her money thanks to a bogus contractor, Scarlett is in desperate need of help and turns out Luke is the one to give her that help. At first things are quite strained between them, but it doesn't take long for the two of them to become close again. Luke never did find out why she left, so once they start to rekindle their romance we find out that Scarlett in holding on to a big secret. The result of that is her holding back just a little because she knows that she can't give Luke everything they used to dream about.

It was very obvious that despite their time apart, Scarlett and Luke still loved each other. There were moments in the book where the two of them would reminisce about the past and I liked those moments the most. We were give glimpses into their young love and when Luke helped Scarlett relive some of those moments they used to have, it made me love him even more.
"Open your eyes, Lettie." Slowly, she opened one, then the other, squinting against the sunlight, which hurt her eyes after having been in darkness for so long. When her vision grew accustomed, she took in her surroundings and sucked in a sharp breath.

Luke had brought her to their spot by the riverbank. Back when she was in high school, they used to come here all the time—they'd hang out, drink beer, fish, and sometimes even make love in the grass beside the water. Back then, neither of them had had the luxury of having their own place, so some of their best and most intimate moments happened right in this spot.

"I can't believe you remembered how to get here," she said softly.

Luke had stumbled upon the spot when they first started dating and had taken great pride in showing it to her for the first time. The river was pretty shallow but still wide at this point, with tall trees looming over the opposite side of the bank. The side they were on had a small clearing where Luke had pulled his truck up beside the water. It was the perfect vantage point to watch the river bend in the distance and disappear.

"I'd never forget how to find this place." He paused for a moment, his expression growing serious. "I came here a lot after you left."

"Right. What was I thinking?" Scarlett chewed on her bottom lip. Of course. She'd been stupid to assume that he wouldn't have ever brought anyone else here after she left.

Luke must’ve been able to tell what she was thinking. "Not like that. I’ve never brought anyone else here. I would never do that." He gazed down at her intently, the blue in his eyes deepening.

"Why did you come here then?" she asked around the lump in her throat.
Luke brought his hand up to rest on her cheek and brushed his thumb slowly back and forth. "Because it helped me to feel closer to you when you were no longer in my life."

Tears sprang to her eyes because Scarlett knew the feeling well. While she'd been living in Boston, she would often pull out old letters that Luke had written her or listen to songs the two of them used to enjoy for the same reason.

"I don't know what to say," she whispered.

"You don't have to say anything, Lettie. I'm just happy to be back here with you again …and not just with the memories of you."

**Sigh** I love Luke. He's just so darn sweet.

If you love a good second chance romance, this is a must read. Especially if you are fan or Elisabeth's work. Or if you have never read one of her books, this is a great one to start with!