
Dealing in Death: A Death and the Devil Extended Novella by L. J. Hayward

clarian's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. As it's a retale of the second book from Ethan's pov it's a bit repetitive.

loulou87's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

A whole book from Ethan's POV


Being in Ethan's head was such a treat. To be able to understand how he was feeling in different scenes from book 2, was heartbreaking at times. He was truly all in with Jack and wanted to do what was best for him... He was also being his regular ^Quirky^ self and that made him retreat at times.

I loved his POV. I loved him before and I love him even more now. He was so perfectly flawed and human. Such a great character

claudiereads's review against another edition

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Forgive me, Ethan baby! I love you, but I can’t give your book five stars.

suze_1624's review against another edition

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I did enjoy reading this, looking at Ethan’s side of the stories.
I read it quite some time after the last book, so it was like new scenes but I can imagine if read close to Book 2 especially, it may be a bit repetitive.
We do get more Ethan background, see his interactions with some of his sisters and brothers - including how many there are for a mental tally of who is left.
Seeing some of the action from Ethan’s side is more emotional but I didn’t feel so much of the intensity of other books.
I think this has to be a series for my reread shelf!!

div_hufflepuff's review against another edition

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I normally hate books like this. The ones that retell a story that you already read in the previous book and everything is just repeated. Nothing new is added, just a different character's inner thought thrown in with the same old dialog.

THIS BOOK IS NOT LIKE THAT! And thank the heavens for it. We get the same plot line but from Ethan's view. We get new scenes, and whole new view of the plot. You get to know the villain Two and learn more about the Cabals. We get to meet the gem Nine, and lose her all over again. It's a rollercoaster ride. Just when you thought you knew the plot, you realize that you knew NOTHING..AT...ALL.

You also get to see how Ethan views and feels about Jack, and the whole relationship in all. He isn't just this monster everyone makes him out to be. He has a heart, he hurts, and her remembers. In the past books we mostly see Jack being broken down and changing. In this one, we see Ethan's process. The feels kicked me in the gut on this one. I want these two, no scratch that, I NEED these two to have an HEA. Like super secure townhouse in the city, with little Jathans running around. Jack goes to work at the agency, and Ethan occasionally picks up tickets on really bad guys. They vacation in the south of France in the summer, Ethan teaches the kiddos martial arts and how to fix cars. Jack reads them bedtime stories and shows them how to make butter chicken.

But before they get this happily ever after, they take out Cabal and everyone else that tries to tear them apart. Great read, love this author, love this couple, and love this series!

on_my_bookshelf2's review against another edition

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Finally reading a whole book in my Darling's point of view and I am over cloud nine at it. He's such a sweetheart and I fell hard for him after I read his POV.

jenniferhar's review against another edition

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This is definitely one of my favorite series, it has been since the first book and it just keeps getting better.
This is the second book from Ethan’s POV. We get to see what he was up to while Jack was working.
It was so refreshing to see it from Ethan’s POV, because he is really insecure and it’s something we don’t get to see as much when it’s from Jack’s POV.

I just don’t ever want this series to be over, one of my favorite series and definitely one of my favorite couples. I’m never going to get enough of them.

junojuniper's review against another edition

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I don't know why I was reluctant to read this. Maybe because I had not been crazy about having Ethan's POV in the past AND we already knew what happened in this part of the story. But this was great. Third book comes out in less than 2 weeks. I can't wait.

haletostilinski1's review against another edition

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A whole book from Ethan's POV? Uh, fuck yes! Gimme!

We only got one short story from his POV, so aside from knowing he was into their relationship, we didn't really get insight later on and especially in book 2 and what Ethan was up to all the time.

This was a real treat, because I myself always love getting both POV's of the MC's in romance books. I can live without it if it's really well written - as with these books, I have been doing fine without Ethan's POV for the most part - but if I could get both I would take that over one POV any day.

So getting basically a full length book, or novella, from his POV was awesome and such a treat. I always always was wondering what Ethan was getting up to when he was gone days, weeks, months at a time.

We get that here, and find out that Ethan might not have been as retired as he said...although he is definitely trying to be and that is his ultimate goal. But Ethan is having to deal with his own shit that he isn't exactly talking with Jack about...just as Jack wasn't talking enough with Ethan in the second book.

Plus, one of my favorite things about getting his POV is we get just how deep his love for Jack goes, how much he thinks about him, how deeply he cares for him, how scared he is that he isn't enough for Jack and that he doesn't deserve him. It really puts things, in well...perspective ;).

Plus, it's been quite awhile since I read the second book so I forgot some things that happened here and there, and also there were new things that happened in this from Ethan's POV to make it refreshing as well and not just the same story over again, because it wasn't.

(Like, Two was just called Two the whole time in this book so I forgot that he had been pretending to be the Constable.)

I just loved this, and it is definitely worth a read, especially because it gives us so much insight into Ethan and his past and why he does what he does and how he thinks, and how crazy in love with Jack he is, so if we don't get his POV in the last will be okay, because I know more about how Ethan operates. (although if it was split between both Jack and Ethan's POV, that would be so awesome...IMO)

Two massive thumbs up from me, I couldn't put it down once I started it. Definitely recommend!

fleurette's review against another edition

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I rarely read short stories between the main books in the series, but I make an exception for this series. Not only these short stories are very important for the whole story of the series, but also they include the voice of Ethan. And they are usually very good.

This, however, is probably the weakest of the stories I read. To some extent, this is a re-telling of the events from the last book from Ethan's perspective. And I would definitely prefer it to be a completely separate story. Fortunately, I read the last book in this series long enough not to remember exactly everything. But even though it's a very good story and well written and I like Ethan a lot, I would prefer something else.

I'm not completely disappointed, but I didn't quite expect it.