
Tears of Glass by Anna Bloom

nadine_booklover's review

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"He's a man broken and in pieces. Burning and drowning all at once. Shadows and light, pain and joy. Night and day. Two men at war with one another."

Leaving us with a cliffhanger like the one in Tears of Ink the sequel couldn't come fast enough for me. So I dove into the pages like a starving wolf into it's prey. And I devoured Tears of Glass from the beginning right through the end.

" I never want to have a second chance with you, because I want everything to be a first, forever."

Even if I thought it's not possible, I fell deeper in love with Elijah and Faith. Both challenge you as a reader on different levels and sometimes you catch yourself shaking your head but still root for this certain character. The chemistry between Faith and Elijah never looses its appeal or chemistry. However it changes. It changes right along with the characters who you see grow through the story. I love the way Elijah takes care of Faith and pushes her in the right direction with only so much as nudging her.

""I've been existing my whole life until the day I met you. Now I want to live.""

The way Faith finds her way back to Elijah and starts over her life and career as an artist is inspiring. Not knowing what you want out of your life but with the right nudges you at least try and then you find something beautiful again.

Even though the story itself is not as thrilling as the first book, it captures your heart and depends on your love for its characters.

""I never wanted to be on your skin." Our eyes lock. "Everything that ever made me feel is on my skin.""

Tears of Glass is a fantastic sequel to Tears of Ink with wonderful character development and that shows a second chance at love is totally worth fighting for. And if you might have guessed, this book also ends with a cliffhanger that leaves your eyes wide open asking: WHY? Why now?

So what does the author have in store for Faith and Elijah and how will they deal with the challenge ahead? Can't wait to read Tears of Gold soon!

jf_reads's review

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emotional sad fast-paced


angelaypancho's review

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Tears of Glass

Tears of glass is the second book in Anna Bloom’s series. As I stated in my previous review, Elijah is not the typical H I normally read. I did however enjoy reading his and Faith’s story. Elijah is super sweet. Anna Bloom was able to create characters I not only enjoyed reading but ones that we can personally relate to in one way or another. The story line is believable, the characters likeable (or hateable depending on who they are!), and the plot is interesting.

Please note that Tears of Glass may have some triggers for some readers so please do read the trigger warnings before you proceed with this book.

I did notice a few grammatical errors as well as a few inconsistencies which is why I am giving it a 4 star review instead of a five stars I feel it could have. I look forward to continue the series..

angelpayne's review

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Oh, holy cow. What can I EVEN say about this book?? First, that I'm mad at myself for taking a while to read it--because it's seriously one of the best books I've devoured so far in 2019. Second, that I'm happy I read the first book--because this one picks up fairly shortly after that incredible cliffie ending. But this is such an amazing sophomore effort from Ms. Bloom, and I'm thrilled and excited about where she's going to take this couple next. I have to say that I was extremely fond of them in Book 1, but in THIS book, I fell head over heels in love with them. In the first few chapters, I wasn't sure I was going to. Elijah did something seriously awful in Book 1, and it doesn't get explained right away in this book. When the explanation does come, it's then Faith who starts in with the stubborn, teenage recalcitrance. But thank God for a hero like Eli, who doesn't just call her on that crap, but dives in on proving how really wrong her mindset is. It just made me want to wrap that man up and take him home! This is a hero we ALL need: not just protective and strong and loyal, but the kind of man who will rise above himself to ask what his woman really needs, to the point of making true self-sacrifices. I can't begin to describe how much I adored him through this book. The last act of the story is going to rip your heart out, so be prepared. I am waiting on pins and needles for Book 3!

discoveryofpages's review

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I loved this book as much as the first one the ending now has me on edge to see what happens next just waiting for the typos to be corrected on the kindle version and then I will be stuck in book 3 !!

ssrosepetal's review

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After reading the ending to Tears of Ink I was seriously wondering how Eli was going to redeem himself. That and I was so concerned about Faith! I have to say, I fell even more in love with Eli as the story progresses. Not only did he redeem himself but he went above and beyond to prove his love to Faith. I also grew to love Faith even more. The wall around her heart slowly fell and she started letting people in. What I didn't like was Dan. I originally liked him in Tears of Ink but I lost that love in this story. I also LOATH Faith's dad. That man is horrible! This book was everything when it came to the growth of Eli and Faith. It shows how love can grow and how people can overcome all the pain and horror of their past with love from the right person. Not to mention that ending AGAIN!! I'm looking forward to Tears of Gold and Eli and Faith's HEA!! *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review*

bookflutter's review

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Have you ever seen the Illumination film Despicable Me with those cute little minions? Well I have, like a million times, because they’re just adorable. One of their famous quotes is the simple word WHAAAT. This word must be said with your mouth hanging open with a complete and utter look of confusion on your face. A look of disbelief because the brain just does not compute what you’ve heard/read/seen. Got it in your mind? Good. That will be your face for pretty much the entirety of this book. This girl...I just...smh. I love Faith to pieces. I feel like she’s my sister from another mister.

I feel like I could be Abi, her bestie that’s been there for her through everything from a young age. Because if I’m being honest, I totally volunteer as tribute for that role. She’s just had the hardest life. Some of it wasn’t her fault, AT ALL, and some of it is self inflicted pain. Because she likes control. And I can personally relate to that type of self harm and her history. But I just couldn’t help but shake my head at her throughout a lot of this book. I feel that this book is a make it or break it moment for those reading this series. Some people may be repelled by her wishy-washy behavior. Of course a reader wants to see a happy ever after ending for this couple, because Eli and Faith are just meant for each other. There’s just no other ending that is acceptable! They both just bring out the best out of each other. But not everyone will be able to see past her behavior and continue on their journey. She’s been hurt and when she feels that internal fight or flight instinct, she’ll run. Every. Single. Time. But I’m trying to se past all those behavior issues. Because I want to see that happy ever after I know they’re gonna get. Because like I said, no other resolution will be acceptable by this reader!

I personally think she punishes Eli without seeing the big picture. And thank the writing gods you get a resolution for that fiasco in this book! And thank goodness Eli is man enough to put up with all her internal issues. That man deserves a medal of epic proportions for what he puts up with. He’s just dreamy, and I was so happy that you get to see more into his world. Away from all the royalty aspects he truly morphs into a more lovable man, and I’ve got my fingers crossed he keeps all those tributes as we go into the next book. Now back to the reading cave I go! Enjoy this one folks and remember all characters have their quirks. Just bear with them, they won’t let you down. Hopefully.

kazza248's review

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This is book two in this series, and WOW, I didn't think it would be better than book one but it was, it was an emotional rollercoaster, lots of twists and turns, heartbreak and laughter, page turning till the end.

Book two carried on from where the first book left off with Faith heartbroken, not only dealing with her own life but with Eli's younger sister Tabatha, not thinking that she can recover from it all, there is only one person that she wants but she forces herself to hate him.

Although settled with Eli, she still has it in her head to RUN, but her friendship with Dan is fragile after she left the last time.

There is so much going on in this book that I don't want to give anything away, just trust me and read this series, you wont be disappointed, I have book three now ready to read, well done Anna on another fantastic book.

lynsey284's review

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Beautiful amazing feel in love with Eli love faith perfect love story for 2019

jensreads1983's review

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What a beautifully written, heart wrenching, twisting, emotional follow on to Tears of Ink this was (and another stunning cover). I loved it and felt the tears, anger and pain, their passion and love the throughout the whole book.

Tears Of Glass is about second chances, making changes and two people from different backgrounds and social circles who are drawn to each other. I was utterly transfixed with the plot. This is a story filled with suspense, heartwarming moments, hotness and complex characters. It has it all and the plot is unique, I can't say I have met characters quite like Faith or Elijah in any of my previous reads. Anna Bloom balanced everything out brilliantly.

Everything about Tears of Glass was perfect and Anna Bloom's writing I'm loving more and more with each book. The journey for Faith and Eli was outstanding and I love how much both grew throughout the story. I'm extremely excited because there is yet another cliffhanger for a third book to this series and with each one just as amazing as the last, I can only guess what Anna Bloom will pull out her sleeve.