
Mortality by Kellie Sheridan

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Mortality follows two teenage girls through the zombie apocalypse. Savannah and Zarah have both found themselves orphaned after the virus takes over, but their circumstances and attitudes about what’s happening around them are quite different. Savannah teams up with a group of survivors and trains to kill the zombies, while Zarah bonds with a guy who ends up helping her through the worst of times.


Zombie action.
There are plenty of zombies in this book, and they’re not the type that just shuffle around and groan. No, the second generation zombies are way smarter and way more dangerous than that. There was just enough zombie gore without being gruesome and there were some fun horror elements (though I wouldn’t say the book was scary). If you enjoy a good zombie novel, this should satisfy!

The emotional story.
While this book is definitely about a zombie invasion, the real story is about how it affects the people left to deal with the nightmare that’s sprouted up around them. Savannah has had to live with the guilt of not acting when her parents were being attacked, and because of this she has vowed never to be useless again. This has pushed her to act when others want to simply survive. Then there’s Zarah. She feels lost and confused in the new world that she faces, and she relies on Liam to take care of her. The two girls respond to the crisis completely differently, but both responses are believable based on the girls’ personalities and experiences. Zarah’s story changes a bit as the book goes on, and it gets a lot more intense and emotional (and really sort of creepy). Loved it!

Not your stereotypical ending.
This book didn’t end the way I expected it to (at least not completely – there was one aspect to it that I guessed at, but not the major twist). The last 25% of the book was definitely exciting, and Sheridan ended the book explosively in a way that was very fitting considering the intensity of the story. For a little while, I was pretty sure that I knew how it was all going to play out, but I was very wrong. The ending could be considered a cliffhanger, but it’s by no means an ending that leaves you hanging – it was a satisfying ending that leaves you wanting more!

Yay for a character of middle-eastern descent! Zarah’s heritage isn’t a huge focus of the book, but it’s definitely mentioned more than once. I appreciated Sheridan’s use of diversity.

The negatives:

Two separate stories.
The only aspect of the book that I wasn’t crazy about was the fact that it felt like two separate stories and the two storylines really aren’t intertwined until the very end (and then, just barely). Both Savannah’s and Zarah’s stories were interesting, but switching back and forth was a little frustrating – I was waiting for their stories to converge! Since I felt a bit more invested in Savannah’s story than Zarah’s until somewhere around 60%, I wasn’t always a fan of the changing POVs. Sometimes I was also a little confused about the timing – it didn’t seem like the two storylines were happening on the same timeline (even after finishing the book, I’m still not exactly clear on this). Still Sheridan did eventually weave the stories together, and I was much more invested in Zarah’s story once something major happened in her storyline, so this didn’t stop me from enjoying the book overall!

The romances.
I wasn’t completely sold on either of the romances in this book, but I didn’t dislike them either. Really, the romance felt secondary in this book (which I appreciated), so I didn’t have to be completely invested.

Mortality was an intense read, full of zombie action and emotional turmoil. I’m looking forward to reading the next installment! I give the book 4/5 stars.

***Disclosure: I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

hyms's review against another edition

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This is so close to a 4 star book, but the MC was an idiot and I had to withdraw a star because of her.

Mortality surprised so much – I don’t know what I was expecting but it was definitely not this. Maybe it was the cover that made me think that the story would be weird and boring. (Maybe you can tell I’m not a fan of the cover!) But this was so much better than I imagined.
The story is told from to points of view – Zarah and Savannah. I quickly became a bigger fan of Zarah than Savannah. I actually that Savannah was somewhat of an idiot must of the time. She misses the most obvious things and she seems so stupid and pigheaded. At the same time her self-esteem is beyond bad and she blames herself for EVERYTHING! She even blames herself when it’s not even remotely her fault. That got old pretty fast!
Zarah, on the other hand, is so interesting and she became more and more so during the story. By the time I made it to the end of the book, I kind of wanted Savannah’s point of view to just disappear so I could focus on Zarah!
The story is really intriguing and I loved the story, the setting and especially the zombie – they were so cool! I can’t wait to get my hands on the second book!

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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* I received an ARC copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Ah yes, the classic zombie story. This one did have a few unique traits and I have to say reading the zombie POV was really disconcerting. I was happy that there was no love triangle because after reading the synopsis I was a little worried. This was a really solid zombie novel. It had all the required characteristics and was truly skin crawling. Some of the descriptions from the zombie side made me shudder because...ew.

Overall 3.5 out of 5 stars.

gabbyreadswithtea's review against another edition

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*WARNING: There may be spoilers in this review, but big ones will be marked.*

Actual Rating: A really, really high 3.5...

Favorite Character: Zack, Cole

Cover Rating: 8/10

I saw this book around and thought i'd give it a try (As a r2r) because of all the good ratings!! I'd seen the cover around and (As you know...I LOVE cool covers, and this is one of them) I was excited that there was still room for me to grab it :)

I've just purchased [b:End Dayz|17210281|End Dayz (The Hitchhiker Strain, #0.5)|Kellie Sheridan||23691500] so I can read more about Zack, Belle, Pierce (What a cool name, am I right?) and Alex. I'm really interested about Zack's background, although I think Pierces might be more interesting as well as Belles.

I love Cole as well, and for starters, it's an awesome name, and second because he's hot and can kick ass! That's why I think Cole and Savannah are so awesome together. They can kick some zombie butt!!
Spoiler Talking about Kicking zombie butt...I feel for Liam. I still don't see how he couldn't have knocked her to the ground, rather then knocked her into the zombie-underworld. Then he could have, like, tied her up and brought her to the scientists so she could be normal again! But anyway...enough about that. Moving on...

I think that somethings going to go wrong with the cure and the Cole is going to have to find/create a different cure to save her. I'm also curious if the authr is going to give us two stories like she did in the other book. (Maybe Liam and Zavannah?) But Savannah MUST be narrating at least one of the parts, she's too awesome not to have her say. And maybe they'll run into the milita again...oh, of course they willl, because Cole needs to save his dumb-ass brother, that locked Savannah up. Then again; that's how she found once again, an unfortunate situation that sorted itself out :)

I received this book in exchange for an honest review, for an ARR (R2r) from the Making Connections YA Edition group on Goodreads.

jenbsbooks's review against another edition

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I've only read one other zombie book (Hollowland) and I liked this more than that one. It was a good read and I'd read the sequels, but it didn't really get me too emotionally involved or anxious. I didn't find any profound thoughts I wanted to highlight and save in my quotes. It was just a pretty good story.

The story is told from two perspectives. It isn't an even switch (every other chapter) as I usually see with dual POVs, Savannah was definitely the main one. They were clearly labeled at the start of each chapter, and both in first person, but Savannah's story was told in the past tense, while Zarah was told in present tense. I haven't seen a shift like that in the same book before, but it did help differentiate the voices I guess.

I never really felt like we got to know Cole, his character especially just seemed like a shell. I did like how the two stories came together in the end (which wasn't unexpected).

I haven't read the book "Warm Bodies" but I saw the movie. At the beginning, as the four youths go out on an errand, that seemed similar (I kind of visualized the movie as I was reading the book). Also ... (it's not really a spoiler is it to say that one of the characters becomes a zombie is it? The cover kind of gives that away, right?)it was interesting to hear about the transformation in first person. That too was a bit similar to Warm Bodies, as we got more of a peek into the zombie perspective (Walking Dead doesn't ever show that).

I was hoping for a little more of a happy ending, although it was probably realistic (as realistic as you can get in a an unreal apocalyptic/zombie world)... I realize it's the first in a series, and while it didn't end on a cliffhanger (which I don't necessarily like), it felt a little like it just ENDED. It wasn't quite satisfactory.

There was a little romance, some implied sexuality, but it was all very PG as far as content (no real sex/language ... some violence and gore, can you have a zombie read without that?)

Thanks to Netgalley and Patchwork Press for the advance copy.

megansendlessreads's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed the switching perspectives throughout the book. I got an amazing insight into two girls lives and how very different they were. The Plot of the book may be based off of a common story line, but it built into this unique book that really brought something else to the table. I loved how this author wrote the story and allowed the reader to have an in depth perspective of both sides of the story.

Savannah is such an interesting character and I loved all how she handled all the hardships she was put through. She took everything that tried to take her out and used it to her best advantage. I loved her perspective and felt that her character was one that many people could connect with.

Many of the other characters in this book had a different perspective then Savannah yet she didn’t let them discourage her from doing what she thought was right. I loved how each a character added to the story and made the story so much more interesting.

Overall this book was pretty good. The only thing that really got to me was that many of the switches in perspective were inconsistent and I didn’t feel that every switch had a point in the story. Some of it was just fluff. I do hope to see the series continue and will be looking for the next in the book.

**** I received this eARC from NetGalley.****

littlemimus's review against another edition

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I wanted to love the book as much as I loved the cover and premise. I hate it when my review is negative because I understand that writing is a difficult job and I appreciate the authors' efforts. This book turned out to be one of the least thrilling zombie books I have read.

The plot and dynamics were very cliché, and not in a good way where the author uses tropes to evoke emotion in the reader, or where the other elements of the story are so good that these issues are ignorable. There was minimal action, and when there were scenes that had fighting or plot, they were written in a way that made them less interesting than they could be. They were also very predictable. I thought there was not enough playing around with ideas, only the use of ideas already out there. The plot is not the most original so, of course, I would expect something unique from Sheridan, be it a compelling or different writing style or a set of characters that were intriguing.

Unfortunately, the characters were quite bland as well, none standing out much. I had no attachment or connection to the protagonists. So, I really didn't care if they lost or became zombies in the end. I just wanted it to be over. The dialogue fell flat and weren't creative to me. The story was told in two perspectives, and while I could tell the difference between the speakers, it did not make the reading any more interesting. There were also (not so subtle) hints at romance, but they did not develop enough for me to want anyone to be together.

The writing was mediocre. It was not very beautiful or thought-provoking, nor did it feel polished. My reading experiences related to Mortality ended from the last page I read. 

I did not get to the very end of the story, but perhaps Sheridan's writing improves in the final chapters of the book. This book just was not for me, and that may be because I grew out of these types of stories and became pickier. If it interests you, I would not stop you from picking it up to try! :)

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a digital ARC of the book.

faerietears's review against another edition

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Full review on the blog!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This poor innocent book was received from NetGalley a little over a year ago. Due to it’s past release date it kept getting set aside in order to read and review books that were not yet released. I’m sorry to the author AND to myself, because this book was great!

Short review: If you’re into zombies and teen fiction, read this book. It’s a fast paced enjoyable read.

urlphantomhive's review against another edition

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If there's one thing I've learned from zombie books, is the following: Never-ever use a vaccine that's not properly been tested. If you do not believe me, why not read Mortality (Kellie Sheridan), The Passage (Justin Cronin) or ARV-3 (Cameo Renae) although that last one has the most ridiculous vaccine ever: against RADIATION!

First rule of not properly tested vaccines: It will go horribly wrong and people will turn into zombies.

After a first relatively minor zombie attack (unless you're living near Cleveland) the government hurries this new vaccination scheme, which goes - following the strict first rule of not properly tested vaccines - horribly wrong creating a new race of zombies that are a bit less dead and are harder to defeat as they have some other thoughts than BRAINS, apparently.

In this apocalyptic world Savannah and some other survivors have been camping at her old school, trying to stay away from the zombies as much as possible. But when disaster strikes and they have to flee, they learn about a terrible, gruesome plot of the government when trying to save the ones they love.

On the other end of the dual POV is Zarah. In the beginning it's not completely clear what her story adds to the book, but this will become clear eventually. I thought it was an interesting story, also because it describes the craze in the city during the first outbreak better.

The love stories in both story lines were a bit too much for me, but not so eye-rolling annoying that it gave me headaches. They do make stupid decisions, but then again they are new to the whole survival thing.

It's not the best zombie/apocalypse story out there, but I thought it was interesting and nice to read.

Mortality is the first book in the Hitchhiker's Strain duology. The second book is called Duality. A short prequel consisting of four short stories is called End Dayz.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

jeanz's review against another edition

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I received an e-copy of this book directly from the Author, Kellie Sheridan in exchange for my honest review.
I was definitely attracted to the cover of this one, I think the two females on it represent Savannah and Zara. Which are the two points of view that the book is told from. I love the font style and placement of the book title, book series and author name, they do enhance the cover image rather than detract from it. The cover is quite dark, which also suits the book as the characters are going through a seriously dark time too.
Would I pick up this book on the strength of just the cover? Yes the cover would draw me in and the the blurb would totally hook me!
So the book is told from two points of view and also features the characters we met in the prequel End Dayz. Savannah, lost her parents when they were attacked by the infected, infected themselves and put out of their "living death" by a neighbour. Savannah has since learnt how to fight and look after herself becoming a valued member of the New Ravencrest community. Savannah is quited gung-ho and want to go out and fight the zombies, both old and new strains. Her relaxed slightly over confident attitude leads to trouble not just for herself and her group on the mission for supplies but for their community back in the Ravencrest School. Lots of things happen and Savannah ends up leaving her friends and community behind her, joining forces with a guy she's literally just met called Cole. Cole's father is a scientist who may have found the cure . . . Savannah manages to infiltrate another organisation in the hopes of rescuing her friend Zack and cole's brother Ethan.
The other point of view is from Zarah's, being alone with her aunt. Then her Aunt whom she has been staying with, is bitten and knows she must leave Zarah to keep her safe. Zarah's boyfriend Liam turns up just in time to prevent Zarah from truly giving up. Zarah's point of view tell's us all about their escapades. They have to split up shortly after an incident that see's Zarah's life in the balance. Liam promises to come back....Will he come back? Will Zarah survive until then?
I could literally go on and on and on about this book, so much happens, I've tried to leave most of it for you to discover yourselves by reading the book. I'd say read End Dayz first as it gives you some relevant background on certain characters in the book. You would still enjoy Mortality without first reading End Dayz. But I think reading End Dayz first really enhances the reading experience. I love the pace. the writing style, everything about the book!
So did I enjoy the book? Yes I totally loved it! every sentence, every word! Brilliant Book! Would I recommend the book? Definitely yes to all my bookish friends, and already nagging Rachel to add it to her MUST read list! Would I want to read more in this series? Oh yes please as soon, as it's available please! Definitely looking forward to more in this fantastic series.Would I read other books by this Author? I intend to as I have a couple of her other titles already on my kindle to be read. I'm really looking forward to reading them now even more than I was before having read anything by Kellie Sheridan.