
Primal Force by D.D. Ayres

teresajluvs2read's review

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Primal Force by D. D. Ayres is the third book in her K-9 Rescue series it can be read as a stand alone as I've read books 5 and 6 so after reading this one I really want to see how Yardley's story pans out. I really liked this book because while the main character was grumpy war vet his dog Samantha was aware of when she's needed even when he denies it. Jori is a gifted canine trainer who went to prison on drug charges she didn't do but learns that her gift of training canine companions change her lives and those of the recipient of her dogs she trains.

Jori Garrison went to prison for her ex-fiance drug trafficking but in the end she learns a new career training canine companions for Warrior Wolf Pack which leads to a job and of course Lauray "Law" Batisse a Arkansas State K-9 Trooper and veteran K-9 Army but even though he's lost his leg he mourns the loss of his dog more. But when Law starts looking into Jori's conviction and it's connection to the Tice family who wants to keep secrets buried it will take both of them to survive an accident, ice storm and keep an injured dog Sam alive. Can they fight their feelings for each other or will Law decide that his PTSD and memories are his alone without both Jori and faithful Sam to help him through the rough road ahead? Will the drug task force be able to find the missing suspects before it's too late?

jonetta's review

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Jori Garrison is a K-9 trainer of service dogs for vets with PTSD who is assigned to work with Lauray (Law) Battise. Law is a tough, rude, surly Cajun/Native American who's now an Arkansas State Trooper. He's a loner and she's finding her way after a rough setback.

Strange to have liked a story so much where I disliked the main character as much as I did! Law redeemed himself somewhat by the end but was a turnoff for most of the book. Here's a "dead ringer" for him (based on his description) and he's what kept me into the character:

Lauray Battise (actor Josh Richardson)

I liked Jori Garrison but at times thought she was bordering on being Law's doormat. But, when I pictured her as Evangeline Lilly and reprised her in her role in Lost, she began to make sense to me (remember how many chances she gave Sawyer?). She's also grappling with some really tough issues and baggage from her past.

Jori Garrison (actress Evangeline Lilly)

There was quite a bit more regarding the K-9 training in this story, which I LOVED! My attraction to this series was for this reason and the dogs' stories dominate. And, as an added treat, we got one of the dog's point of view. Samantha (Sam) is trained as a service dog for vets suffering from PTSD and she loves her Alpha (Law). It's a completely different perspective and was quite educational. I guess that's why I hung in there with Law as he had a serious case and, aside from his behavior in relationships, there was much about him to admire (*she says grudgingly*).

Really good story even if the romance was challenging. It's a must read if you're interested in K-9 rescue and service animals.

bananatricky's review

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Three and a half stars.

I have had a mixed relationship with D.D. Ayres' books. I enjoyed the prequel novella but couldn't get into the first book. However, I requested this book to see whether it was the novel or the author.

First, I have to warn that there are a few (very few) passages written from the dog's point of view which I did not like. It's ok in a children's book but, as a dog lover and owner, I find it a bit odd in an adult book.

Jori is an ex-con, she spent around four years in prison after her ex-fiancée died in a car accident and the police searched their apartment in which they found drugs. In prison she trained as a dog handler - helping veterans bond with dogs who assist them in day-to-day living, whether it is identifying PTSD attacks or getting meds.

Law Batisse lost half his leg in an IED explosion in Afghanistan which killed his K9 partner Scud. The son of a famous serial monogamist dog handler he has been brought up not to trust anyone. His disability has invalided him out of the forces and he is trying to get a job back with the State Police but won't be a desk jockey.

Attending the Warrior Wolf Pack to get a service dog, Law is chosen by a red poodle cross - Samantha. Law is horrified that this "cheese doodle", not a 'real' working dog could have chosen him and he does his best to hand the dog back.

It turns out that Law's injury and Jori's fiancée are linked fairly early on. This is not really a suspense novel. There is an uncovering of those responsible but it take place off-stage.

Whilst this novel was fairly predictable it was also enjoyable. I quite liked Jori and Law, I wanted to know more about Law's sister (she may be the subject of the next book) and I thought the plot held together well. The scenes of peril were well thought out and engaging.

I did find the switching between points of view from one paragraph to another disconcerting at times. I was seeing things from Jori's point of view and then without warning it would be Law's point of view.

I will go back and try the first one again.