
Highway To Hell by Armand Rosamilia

mrfrank's review

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"Randy watched, repulsed as the two male zombies took turns dead-fisting the barely-alive girl anally." So begins Armand Rosamilia's seemingly most savage offering in his Dying Days world.

That was my initial reaction to the open lines of HIGHWAY TO HELL by Armand Rosamilia and my reaction stands pat the whole way through. Rosamilia is best known for his extreme zombie novellas, but this one takes it a step further. Where Rosamilia's zombies are best known for their unorthodox ability to rape the living, he has always pulled back in getting descriptive in those areas. HIGHWAY TO HELL takes place in the Dying Days world but does not deal with it's main protagonist, Darlene Bobitch. The result is the darkest tale to date withing Rosamilia's world of the living trying to survive in a world of undead rapists.

Thought Darlene Bobitch, the mainstay of Dying Days in absent (and not entirely as she is presented in a short story to close out this novella), the story is still very Dying Days while focusing on a different geography and different characters in the world. This is a breath of fresh air and really opens the whole franchise to an infinite variety of story-telling.

As stated, however, Rosamilia goes really graphic and dark and dirty more then ever before. While I have read other material from other writers much more vulgar and descriptive, this is certainly a departure for Armand in his series. It's not an off put at all but one must prepare for something a bit deeper and unexpected if you're not used to really getting dirty.

HIGHWAY TO HELL is a stroke of genius in the pantheon of Dying Days cannon. Armand Rosamilia gets a little more dirty with his story telling while not entirely tainting the sanctity of his main characters or the vile zombies that inhabit his world. By using two different characters in a different local he is able to pull of a zombie tale even more extreme then you might be used to. You do not have to be familiar with Dying Days to read this story but it sure helps A LOT to be familiar with at lease the first book or two to really appreciate where he goes with this one. A three star book and a four star Dying Days tale!