
Misadventures at City Hall by Victoria Blue

lmurray43's review against another edition

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I loved getting to read Skye’s story. She is a strong independent woman who knows that things are never going to be easy for her in a man’s world. After Bailey quits a spot is open for Mayor which Skye’s boss decides to pursue which leaves a spot for city council open. Skye runs into Kyle who she first met in college and she can’t help but notice he is handsome as hell. The chemistry between these two is amazing and Victoria did an amazing job writing them in a way that is readers can connect and understand what they are dealing with. Love this story and Victoria.

niniwags's review against another edition

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So good!!!! Evidenced by the fact that I read it in just a couple hours!!!! I’ve been waiting for this one since the end of Book Boyfriend and Ms. Blue did not disappoint.

I was completely prepared not to like Kyle Armstrong when we first meet him in the book but boy did he prove me wrong pretty quickly.

Ms. Blue does a great job of showing the disparities between men and women in high profile positions and showing us that there are still men who don’t agree with that.

Another great Misadventure!!

nicki_theoverflowingbookcase's review against another edition

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With her political dreams just within her reach Skye has her sights set on a town council seat. That is until Kyle comes into her life like a freight train. Their instant connection feels like they found their soulmate, but will his political aspirations derail everything she has worked so hard to achieve? Or will they learn to balance love, trust and working at City Hall? With adorable characters and a storyline that I could not put down this was a great addition to the series.

erinremen's review against another edition

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Another misadventure take that takes Skye on an emotion journey with a demanding and pushy Kyle, who knows what he wants and won't take no for an answer. Poor Skye does not know what's hit her! All she wants is to win the election she has set her sights on. No distractions. No detours. With Bailey behind her she has no doubt she can win, until a suprise candidate makes her rethink everything. An emotional and rough journey for Skye, who does what she always does, pushes people away. En enjoyable read, some kinky bedroom fun and a pushy, hot male definitely make for a great way to spend a few hours. Well done, another misadventure with some great characters.

angelpayne's review against another edition

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One of the best in the Misadventures series so far...especially because everyone knows how I love a reformed bad girl, and this one features Skye Delaney, who served as a semi-heavy from Ms. Blue's first MA title, "Misadventures of a Book Boyfriend." This story was a wonderful chance to have that window inside of Skye's head, explaining her nearly maniacal drive for political success--but more importantly and beautifully, how a breath of real devotion from a man can knock all of those perceptions right off-keel. Kyle Armstrong is EXACTLY the man for Skye--though she definitely doesn't know it at first! She tosses off their initial attraction as a purely chemical thing, and expects to have Kyle in her bed as a one-and-done deal. But Kyle doesn't win her over for more by bedding her again. He does that by being a real man: a guy who accepts her for everything she is, flaws and ambition and all--all the things she has been rejected by others for--and shows her how beautiful and amazing she is WITH all of those things. In short, he's the man who makes her a better woman--and isn't that what we all want? I simply loved this funny, sexy, at times irreverent but always heart-touching, story. Such a delicious read!

dmconnolly1's review against another edition

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When this book was announced I was so excited because I loved Skye from Book Boyfriend. Skye’s sass and career drive lead her to Kyle and the sparks fly!! Loved this story!!

dorothy0426's review against another edition

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HOT DAMN was this book absolutely freaking AMAZING!!! Had me hooked right from the start and loving every single part of the book. It is one of my top reads of the year and definitely one of my favorite Misadventures to date.
I highly recommend this steamy, sexy read. You will not be disappointed it's a MUST read!!!

profromance's review against another edition

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Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2

What does it mean to be a strong, independent woman in a world dominated by males? How does said woman show vulnerability without losing her presence in that world? These questions are the essence of Victoria Blue’s newest book, Misadventures at City Hall. It’s an important message in a #metoo world, and it strives to show that strength and vulnerability can exist together.

Skye is the assistant to the city manager who aspires to a long political career. With her current plan, she has plans to run for city manager, then city council, then mayor, and political positions beyond. Her plan becomes complicated when Los Angeles City Hall is gutted by scandal. Her aim becomes muddled as she is uncertain about her next step. Kyle Armstrong is a special advisor to the Grand Jury for Los Angeles. One night, Kyle and Skye connect in a bar. They know each other from law school at UCLA, and Skye is not a fan of Kyle’s. She believes him to be arrogant and too self-assured. Unfortunately, she is attracted to him physically, complicating her interactions with him as it is clear that he desires Skye.

With the encouragement of a colleague, Skye decides to run for city council, a step beyond the first step of her “plan.” Following that encouragement, Skye enters the race. What she soon finds out is Kyle has entered the race too. Their chemistry and his persistence in pursuing her begin to complicate her campaign. Trying to avoid Kyle while wanting him physically leads her to make decisions that threaten her future. Will Skye fulfill her goals? Will she be able to stand against the men of this political realm? Can she be vulnerable with Kyle and still sustain her strength? These are the complicated questions of Blue’s story.

As a woman who struggles with showing vulnerability as a way to remain strong, Skye’s struggles resonated with me. Blue’s depiction of Skye hit all of my emotional triggers about vulnerability. As Skye self-sabotages her relationship with Kyle throughout the story, I felt her pain and frustration. Blue makes it palpable and real for her reader that, at one moment, you want to reach through the book and hit Skye upside the head, and the next moment, you want to pull her into a hug because you understand her pain. That is Blue’s strength in this story.

Even more, when we first meet Kyle, we believe he is a player, a man who cannot be trusted with Skye. What we find out very quickly is Kyle’s strength of character allows Skye to be vulnerable. Blue shows us that trusting someone is made easier when love is sacrificial. Kyle could have easily been a misogynist. He’s arrogant and self-serving at first. As the story progresses, however, he sees Skye’s struggles, and he makes changes to become the man she needs in order to be more vulnerable. He becomes an exemplification of the “woke” modern male.

Together, these two are romance dynamite. Their chemistry in and out of the bedroom is felt off the page. They clearly complement each other, reminding the reader that we don’t have to find the “perfect” fit on the page. Instead, our perfect fit might be someone we least expect.

I love the Misadventures stories because they offer simple stories with big messages. Victoria Blue’s Misadventures at City Hall is seemingly uncomplicated, but there is more to her romance. Showing our own vulnerability, acceptance, and opening our eyes to each other’s vulnerabilities makes us better people. Blue illustrates for us the power of love when we let go of our fears and allow ourselves to find safety in the arms of another.

bookdrgn's review against another edition

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I liked this better than Misadventures with a Book Boyfriend.
Skye is a frustrating character, but Kyle is obtuse.
I’m not sure how I feel about this.
I did enjoy the normalisation of period sex though.

bookaddictreviews's review against another edition

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Remember Oliver’s best friend and roommate from Misadventures with a Book Boyfriend, Skye? This is her story and I was so excited when I found that out! Plus there was some more Oliver and Baily, so it’s a win-win.

Skye works at City Hall and decides to take the plunge and throw her name in the race for city council. She is driven, smart and has what it takes to win. However, her opponent, Kyle Armstrong may throw a wrench or two into her plans and risk her campaign.

Skye, I love this woman. She has sass for DAYS. She is hardworking, driven, and honestly a great friend. Kyle, well the man is an alpha male who you can’t help but love. He knows what he wants and he will do anything he can to get it, including Skye. Their chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS, the banter the had was fantastic and honestly, I just couldn’t get enough of them together.

I love the Misadventures series and this book is definitely one of my favorites out of them all. It is full of steam, banter and loads of tension between Skye and Kyle. A MUST READ!