
Othersphere by Nina Berry

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, loved how this series wrapped up, it was such a great read! 

katelin00's review against another edition

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Originally posted to A Bookworm's Confessions

Othersphere is the final book in the Otherkin trilogy and I really enjoyed it. It wrapped up the loose ends from Othermoon and filled in any missing information. We finally learn everything about Dez and her connection to the Othersphere, who her biological parents are, and who she ends up with.

At the end of Othermoon, Caleb left because he couldn't trust Dez after she met up with Lazar twice without telling anyone. She was doing it for the right reasons because everyone wanted to kill Lazar but in the end, Caleb broke up with her and then left. In Othersphere, Dez and Lazar are together despite Dez still having feelings for Caleb. I found it a bit weird honestly. I still don't know who I was rooting for in the end
SpoilerShe ends up with Caleb. As an experienced reader, I saw this coming.

At the beginning of the book, Amaris sneaks off to meet up with Caleb. Dez follows her, knowing that she is going to meet her brother and Dez just wants to see Caleb. Things go to hell from there. Suddenly they are surrounded by the Tribunal and Ximon throws Amaris into the Othersphere, using Dez to open the veil. Caleb and Dez escape and return to the school. Everyone agrees that they have to go rescue Amaris from the Othersphere
Spoiler London and Amaris are in love with each other so London is the most vehement at getting her back. London had a crush on Dez but I was actually surprised when London and Amaris became a couple. I'm glad London was able to find someone she could be with.
. When they get a call from Ximon claiming that he has been possessed by a "demon", the group decides to check out if what he claims is true. Caleb believes Ximon is telling the truth but Dez doesn't. As she is the unofficial leader, the group backs her up. They find Ximon's location and break into his house. It turns out he was telling the truth. Ximon is being possessed by the same creature that possessed Caleb in Otherkin. At first Ximon is himself but then Orgoli, the creature from the Othersphere, takes control of Ximon again and basically destroys the house. November almost dies and Dez freezes up for the first time. We also find out some pretty interesting information
SpoilerOrgoli is Dez's biological father. Her biological mother hid her from Orgoli because he tended to eat all of his children. It's what made him so powerful.

This book has more action and more tension between the friends. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that a group of teenagers are the ones who go into these extremely dangerous situations with the approval of their teacher Morfael. It just seems a little too unbelievable at times. I did like finding out about Dez and her origins. It's an interesting world. The Othersphere is dangerous but also really cool. I liked learning more about it and the Amba. Berry created a very interesting world and I enjoyed the series. It ended well and I felt no need for the story to go on. She managed to wrap everything up without leaving any plot holes.

This is another 4.5 star book. I would like to thank NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this title prior to it's release.

bookworm151719's review against another edition

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I loved that this one was action packed & I never wanted to put it down. But I didn't like how not many of the characters had much growth. A few of them did, & they had some really important growth to their development. However, I was disappointed that Desdemona didn't have some of the growth, seeing as she was the main character.

vikcs's review

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adventurous mysterious fast-paced


aprilk's review against another edition

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Othersphere is the final book in The Otherkin trilogy by Nina Berry. It begins shortly after Caleb left in Othermoon feeling betrayed by Dez. Now with Caleb gone Dez has started dating Lazar and has not heard from Caleb since he left. After Amaris sneaks out of the school Dez follows her, knowing she's going to meet up with Caleb. She just wants to see that he's okay, but when they are suddenly attacked by Ximon and The Tribunal things take a turn for the worst. Ximon opens a portal to Othersphere and throws Amaris through it into the dangerous other world. Now Dez, Caleb, and the other shifters have to find a way to get her back.

Othersphere is an amazing ride of fantasy and adventure! It was exhilarating picturing the strange new world and learning of the amazing ways it awakens Dez' s senses. I loved finding out more about Dez and her amazing connection to Othersphere. I can only imagine being a teenager trying to find out who you are and where your from while being stuck in a love triangle with two brothers and having the pressure of a friend's death on your shoulders. Needless to say tensions are high within the group, causing emotions to run amuck, pushing the story to a perfect crescendo as they race to save their friend.

I love the world Nina Berry has created in this book. So dangerously beautiful and breathtaking! It made me a little sad the story had to end. But I think it was a nice ending to the series with everything neatly resolved and Dez finally realizing she chooses who to be and that her origins doesn't have to define her.

dreamerfreak's review against another edition

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Nina Berry has crafted a winner all around in her Otherkin series. The world building is marvelous and seamless; the characters are so lifelike I expected them to step off the page. In this final installment of the trilogy, we finally learn the truth of Dez's parentage and abilities.

Dez is a beautifully flawed character; Bery doesn't hold back when it comes to fragility or the strength of the teenage mindset. Dez learns hard lessons throughout this series, but she finally learns the hardest of all in Othersphere: you can't base your self-perception on others. Growing up is hard enough without love triangles and world-saving in the mix.

May I just say again how in awe I am of the world building? Unique, spectacular, and gorgeous. Otherkin is a mash of multiverse, shifters, and something totally different, and the result in magical.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]

markma's review against another edition

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Othersphere by Nina Berry is the third book in the Otherkin trilogy. In this book Dez, Lazar, London, Caleb, Amaris, Arnoldo, and November have to face the worst that Othersphere has to offer. When Dez follows Amaris when she goes to see Caleb she is glad she went. Ximon found out about the meeting and comes and attacks them. He sends Amaris through the veil into othersphere. Now they have to go throughout the veil into othersphere. During the journey they discover that they are up against a bigger threat to shifters than just the tribunal. Dez also finds some information out about her Biological parents, stuff that she was okay not knowing.

This book was really good. I loved the first two books and so I was super excited for the third book. I am sad that this series has ended, I will miss the characters. I would recommend this book to animal lovers. It is fast paced and funny.

sangloup's review against another edition

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Book Nerd Your Way 2021... Book #41

The final book of the Trilogy finds Dez confused and alone and having to make some major life choices. Discovering who she is, who she truly loves, and who she wants to be will mean sacrifice and hard work.

This was a great way to end the series, but I was a little sad about a few things that I would have liked not to have happened. Well written and pulled me in. I really enjoyed this whole series.

slc333's review against another edition

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Ok - while I wasn't necessarily happy with some of the actions of the main characters (like Dez getting together with Lazar while still in love with Caleb, Caleb leaving, and Lazar for getting caught up with Dez) I could totally understand why each of them behaved as they did. And I loved Lazar he was my favourite character in the series.

kirstieellen's review against another edition

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I have so much to say about this book. Othersphere brings us to the third instalment of the Otherkin trilogy. Dez is with Lazar - a character loathed up until the end of the second book . . . who are we kidding?! We still hate him, he stole Dez from Caleb, and we all know Caleb is just, you know, better [and totally still in love with Dez - so adorable]. So here we are gripping the book a little too tightly as we try and accept this apparent love Dez has for Lazar [whilst in your mind you're going pah, you still love Caleb and you know it]. But come the end of this book I was happy with the result of this little love triangle, but I definitely have mixed feelings about the book itself.

Problem number one. The plot. So let's take a step back and actually work out what the main point of this book is. Is it the love trio? Or is it Ximon? Or is it Orgoli? Or is it Dez's biological mother? Or is it whether Dez is going to go back to the Othersphere or not?
I found this a little frustrating to say the least. I didn't mind a bazillion things going on at once, but once the books ends I felt like, what the hell even happened for 300 pages. In short, it's more wibbly wobbly than the other books. I just felt the structure was a little off. But nonetheless it's pretty good. And if I was writing an essay on it, I would probably whip out some awesome opening sentence like; this book follows the journey of a teenage girl as she discovers who she actually loves, even though she already knows, whilst simultaneously losing all her friends (ish) and trying to battle off monsters, of which most are related to her. Okay. Not the best sentence. But you get my frustration? Thought so.

Problem number two. Ximon. We see a total break down of this jerk, bye bye Mr. toughness. I was like oh, okay then. It made sense but then it introduced this question that will bother you for the whole book, does he really deserve what he gets in the end. At first you'll jump off your chair and wave you trident around in the air saying YES OF COURSE. And then you think, but maybe he could change? But then you're like no. And then your head just hurts because his character is so much effort to think about. Ouch.

And now, I will bless you all with the paragraph you want to hear - how gorgeous Caleb is. That's RIGHT, despite our rocky break up with this sex god in the last book, he is still our shining knight in armour. So time to put those tissues away and start drooling over how chivalrous he is. His black coat is just, sigh, amazing. The sexual tension between him and Dez is agonising on so many levels. Just, breathe.

Lazar is so clingy. That's all I have to say. He's like a freshly cooked piece of spaghetti that you throw against the wall. Yeah. That's my level of love for him - non-existent. I was sad that Arnaldo didn't end up with a girl in this book [sorry if you were hoping he would] because he's so gorgeous. But omigod, when his brothers shift [because they're young] they're the most adorable little fluffy eagles. Ahem, anyway. The relationship between London and Amaris develops a bit more, it's pretty cute, but I'd forgotten they were together so I jumped the first time they walked in holding hands. I was like, say whaat, and then, oh yeah.

The actual conflict that happens in this book is awesome. What Berry does with the idea of extinct animals is awesome. I really enjoyed it. I cannot fault the book in this aspect, it's action packed and totally enjoyable. In a way, it follows the tradition of the other books by having plot twists and weird characters, so there's plenty to enjoy. Even though I was frustrated at some aspects of the book, it's just a solid good read that you can sink your teeth into . . . or fangs ;)