
Indebted by Amy A. Bartol

wendydawn21's review

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Indebted has to be my least favorite of The Premonition Series. I still rated a 4 stars because over all, it's a great book (characters, writing style, plot, etc.). The reason I didn't love this book as much as the others; including book 4 and 5 (I wrote this review AFTER I read those ;)), is because of Evie. She is very selfish in her self sacrifice. She doesn't seem to care about anyones feelings while trying to save their life...if that makes any since. For example, she promised Reed that she would NEVER leave him again. She vowed to allow him to protect her. I mean, she BINDED herself to him for Heaven's sake (pun intended)! Then what does she do? She agrees to contract that forbids her from being with Reed and she doesn't care about his feeling because it saves her friends.

Another irritating trade about Evie. She is so wishy-washy. She loves Reed...she loves Russell...she loves Brennus... OMG! already. Pick one already. One minute she wants to get away from Brennus and the Fellas, and in the very next breath, she needs to protect them because they are "family". I understand being indecisive or the fact that she could manipulated, but it is REALLY bad in this book. There were times where I wanted Reed to give up on her, or at least get mad because of betrayal, but he wouldn't. And that's the reason we all love Reed.

Overall, the book falls in line with the plot. I just wish Evie had a stronger backbone but not so selfishly self sacrificing. It comes off very immature and whiny. Two things that I cannot stand in a character.

kristinhzta90's review

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I really like how strong Evie is and that she won't be swayed from her mission until she sees it through. That takes a lot of courage especially when dealing with all the hounds of hell that encounters.

The hostage section with Brennus made me feel conflicted. On one hand, I really liked him and the other fellas and how they treated her as an equal during strategy sessions. On the other hand, they hid from her the ugliness of their true existence...the enthralling, killing, and clearly the sex Brennus was getting on the side from his slaves. This was all done to lead her into a fall sense of security and normality...Stockholm syndrome for sure. At one critical point, you can tell that Brennus really does love her, but then the ending, which is a preview of the next book, just made me realize he will throw that away to simply re-acquire her. Just plain creepy and gross.

I am really enjoying this fantasy series, my only complaint is how hard it was to get a copy of this book. I refuse to buy from Amazon, and it just became available on the iBookstore (and is still not available on B&N nook). I can't wait for incendiary to be released, but I wonder how long it will take for it to be available outside of Amazon.

misslover's review

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Ahhh YES! Complete awesomeness!!

I loved the 3rd instalment of the Premonition series. This book never slowed down one bit. From the start to the finish I felt like anything was going to come out and say "BOO!" And it pretty much did. Evie is still running for her life from seriously the whole world and beyond. We meet more crazy creatures and legends when we thought we had met them all. Each being a little bit more dangerous then the next. The fight for Reed and Evie to be together is pushed to the highest limit and it almost left like we truly would lose their relationship forever.

One thing makes me feel like I have turned to the dark side. I loooooved Brennus. Seriously something so dark and sexy about him. I still love Reed but is it bad to say that I wouldn't have minded Evie being stuck with a certain problem she was cornered too? One predicament that I really don't want to give away so I will just leave it at that.

Again we have a few chapters in Russell's POV and this time, I really enjoyed it. I felt like those POV's needed to be shared this time around. More drama, and seriously intense situations happen constantly in this book like no one was able to take a breath. LOVE THAT!

Finally a book in this series shines with 5 bright stars and I'm hoping the next one will do the same.'

halynah's review

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Well, that was intense! The plot was very rich in events, that take your breath away with excitement. There was more action, than romance, there were new characters and dangers.I'm so sick and tired of Brennus, that I hope, that in the next installment he will disappear somewhere, but Finn may stay - he is sweet! ;-)!I can't fathom, how somebody can be Team Brennus - tastes differ indeed! For me he is just a creepy stalker - I'm definitely Team Reed! I hope, that we'll know more about Tau and meet him in the next book and I petition for more appearances of Zee - he is one of the most adorable characters ever!!! To sum it all - great installment, amazing series, highly recommended!

devansbooklife's review

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The reason this series is so addictive is because of the constant drama and action. There are some things that drive me nuts, like how EVERY ONE is so completely enthralled with Evie. Bartol does an incredible job of describing the reasons, even if they drive me crazy. Evie often makes me nuts with her self destructive ways, regardless of the fact it comes from good intentions. And I believe I'm the only one who adores Russell. I feel so much for his character. Somehow Bartol makes me like bad guys too. This book proved that for me.

sallypoe's review

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... I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the fourth book!!!

ashleylynn06's review

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Amazing. Her love for Reed and her soul mate, Russell, is breathe taking. I'm looking forward to reading the next book.

caseyeel's review

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In hindsight, my choice to read AND finish this series is a questionable decision. My impression of this book is definitely worse now than it was in the moment, but here's my initial review:

This book is where it starts to get good, like the first two books pretty much followed the Twilight plot line and I was like I see where this is going, but then all of a sudden, this book started to get better and I was like OH SHIT OKAYYY LETS GOOO.

Things That I Liked:
Plot Twist: Starting from this book, I couldn't predict where the plot was going and the author definitely got more creative with this book so I was like

ashkwtf's review

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I really enjoyed the first book but Evie is a bit TSTL in this one. It's pissing me off.

sbeke's review

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Brennus <3