
Out of Time by Monique Martin

wildfaeriecaps's review

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Better than the last free kobo book I read. But still predictable. It felt like a moderate amount of build up for a very disappointing end.

anasatticbookblog's review

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Slight spoiler***** I enjoyed this story very much. But the addition of King as a vampire seemed like it was added to cash in the the vampire craze. I love vampire books. But this story just didn't need it. King can be a big scary gangster without him being a vampire. The whole time travel thing was enough. I think the book would have read better as a history teacher and assistant...the vampire addition wasn't introduced till the halfway point, and by then, I was so into the book it was unnecessary.

I enjoyed the relationship of Elizabeth & Simon, Charlie, the priest, all great characters. The book would have been even better without the addition of a vampire.. It just seemed like the story was already written, then somebody said "hey, you need vampires for a book to sell nowadays!" so bing-bang-boom, a few scenes were changed, and suddenly it's a vampire book.

Still, well worth the $.99 on kindle.

meesha_mo's review

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3.5 stars. I liked the premise and surprisingly the romantic side of it. But I did not like the student/teacher inappropriate relationship and was very glad that it was hardly mentioned. I just kept it out of mind as I read and created a different backstory in my head.

tmleblanc's review

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I can’t believe I waited so long to read Out of Time by Monique Martin. I originally purchased this book in December of 2014. So it has been languishing in my eBook library just waiting for me to read it. Taking place in NYC just before the stock market crash, Out of Time combines the mysteries of time travel with the hidden world of mobsters and speakeasies with a paranormal twist.

Yes, you read that right. If you like time travel with a spice of paranormal, you should probably be reading this one.

See the full review at Second Run Reviews. This is a unique review involving several quotes from the book.

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

stbeaners's review

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While the idea is interesting, and the characters are relatable, the ending is rushed and the romance comes off too heavy.

laden_bookshelf's review

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This was an okay read. Slow-going in parts, it was an interesting concept if a bit predictable.

git_r_read's review

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Time travel adventures have intrigued me since I was a wee tot and watched Land of the Giants and Planet of the Apes. I've read a few and enjoyed most (not a fan as many others were of TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE) and decided to give this series start a try. I don't always dig on romance in the mix, but Monique keeps to a nice minimum. She mostly keeps Professor Simon Cross and his teacher's assistant Elizabeth West on their toes.
I liked how reasonably quickly the two were to adapt to the travel back in time to the '20s, but not so quickly as to be eye-rolling on my part. I think Elizabeth took to it like a duck to water sooner than Simon. I enjoyed watching her take control of situations where he seemed lost.
It changed the dynamic of their relationship, especially when the gangster started showing interest...the vampire gangster....very cool twist.
I am glad that this was offered up as a free download...not unlike Krispy Kreme offers up that first free delish glazed goodness hot from the conveyer belt....I will be back for more....

iris_cadaver's review

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Reads like two separate books slapped together. The first half is the same love story you've read a million times before, then once the characters get together, the book's all "Hey, look! Vampires!" And then there's a trite vampire plot where the vampire is going to kill everybody ... and then he doesn't. The end.

Found myself rushing through the conclusion just to be done with it and move on to something else. If the author had actually tried to weave the love story and the action together, this could have been a three-star book for me.

gillothen's review

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Sadly, one star is the minimum permitted here, or my rating would be lower.

Painful. I tend to be anal about finishing books, but this was a real effort. The writing was packed with clichés, and often very clunky, while the structure was bizarre, switching the novel between genres, from a queasy-making older professor and younger TA story, to time travel in which problems are miraculously overcome, to the sudden introduction of the paranormal and a sudden gallop to an ending that I assume we are supposed to see as action-packed but which actually felt pretty lame to me.

If you like the above mix you can get it for free on or other fanfic sites - I'm pretty sure I detected several genre references. This author has published another nine books in the series, plus a couple of spinoffs, and you'd have to pay me substantial cash to make me read them.

jesssicawho's review

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Boring. Can't bring myself to go further.