
One Week Girlfriend by Monica Murphy

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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Drew Callaham tiene que ir a casa para Acción de Gracias y con ello tiene que enfrentar los secretos que allí le aguardan, pero no esta preparado para eso, así que necesita una novia falsa para presentársela a su padre y su madrastra.

Con un hermano a su cuidado, con un trabajo que no da mucho y sin nadie que se preocupe por ella, Fable acepta ser la novia falsa de Drew Callaham porque necesita el dinero.

Estoy demasiado atrapada en esto... fingiendo una vida en la que estoy completamente sumergida.

Con un estilo literario increíble, One Week Girlfriend es una historia sobre una chica dañada y un chico muy dañado. Puedo asegurar que este libro es 100% predecible; la cosa es que, no te importa si sabes que va suceder, sigues leyendo. Ahí es cuando sabes que un libro es muy bueno.

Creo que ame a Drew desde un principio, es uno de esos personajes que resulta realmente fácil de amar. Es mi tipo de personaje masculino favorito: Hermoso pero dañado, o como a mi me gusta llamarlo, un héroe sufrido. Él se odiaba a si mismo. Tanto como ame a Drew, ame a Fable. Ella es muy inteligente y su proceso de pensamiento es muy realista, eso me gusto de ella. Ella tenia algo como así como el peso de todos sus problemas sobre sus hombros debido a su situación familiar.

Mi problema con este libro fue el lapso de tiempo en que se desarrolla. Es imposible, repito para hacer énfasis, imposible que dos personas desarrollen sentimientos tan fuertes en un periodo de tiempo de una semana. Es muy poco realista, y es lo único que le critico a la autora. Por cierto, todo este libro lo pase de una emoción a otra, de felicidad a tristeza. Me sentí vulnerable a todas las emociones que la autora describe mientras pasan las paginas.

mandyreads's review

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4.5 Stars

laureenreads's review against another edition

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No stars yet because I want to think about this one some more before I give it a proper rating. I will say that it was predictable in a lot of ways so the huge twist... wasn't a surprise to me. Still, it was sweet in places. The fact that they are both so damaged and yet are able to find love with each other is adorable, though as it stands it seems like Fable gave compassion and cared for Drew all the time but didn't get anything in return beyond the cash and his love. Hopefully in book 2 he is there for her in return.

magencorrie's review against another edition

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3.5/4 stars

My Thoughts:
One Week Girlfriend was a very emotional read, and had quite the raw element to it. I did enjoy the story, the way the author wrote it, and how it progressed. It definitely wasn’t what I was expecting at all. And I enjoyed that bit of surprise to it. Though I was able to figure a few twists of the story out, it did keep me compelled to the pages.

I very glad I finally got to read Drew and Fable’s story; it had been sitting in my kindle forever! Though there were a few things I wish would have been done differently the story was so emotionally raw, and passionate. I came to really feel for the character and their situations.

The characters within the book definitely drew me in from the moment they appeared. I wanted to know their stories, and where they would go. Fable was one such character. Yes, her name is definitely unique, and I loved that it was explained in the book. But what I enjoyed so much about this chick is she’s a tough girl! Her life has not been easy, and she works for what she wants. So when a proposition is placed on the table, one that would benefit her family, she takes it. Though this proposition really tests her emotionally, Fable’s strength was brilliant. I admired that about her.

Oh, my Drew. Now, if you love a good, dark, sexy, and definitely emotional messed up dude, Drew is your guy. Though he has some issues, and a very dark, secret , I really felt for his character and wished so badly to help him. When he comes to Fable with his proposition, that proposition really became a turning point in his life. Though he comes off tough and strong, he really is a guy who needs saving. And Fable really showed that she could save him. What I adored about Drew is the growth he does go through in the first book. And despite what happened to him, I couldn't help but fall for this character.

What I enjoyed a lot was the character growth I saw in the book. From the beginning to the end I saw a great deal of character transition between Fable and Drew, though they still have a long way to go, I definitely saw them grow.

I also enjoyed the intense attraction and sexually desire these two had. Yes, I could feel it pouring off the pages, so it made the emotional and sexual attraction build up that much more fun to read about.

The book definitely has a darker aspect to it than I thought it would, definitely dark, I enjoyed that. It challenged the character, Fable the most. And that darkness is what really made me see Fable’s strength. Drew’s emotional turmoil added a great dramatic buildup; it was intense and very emotional. I also enjoyed that the buildup, both sexually and emotional, between Fable and Drew, because it was slow and progressed at a very decent rate.

The only thing I didn't enjoy was that the pacing was a bit rushed at times and the story was really short. Though it all developed nicely I really felt the story could have been more in-depth. The detail, though just enough to envision the world Monica wanted, was simple. I wanted more!

The twists were well written, and the story was very captivating. And as I have repeatedly mentioned, this is a very emotional read! And the ending will leave you wanting more of the story. I did enjoyed Drew and Fable’s story, and I will definitely be picking up the next book when I can. One Week Girlfriend was a quick, raw, emotional and dark read.

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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Really interesting story. I know that based on the description, it basically tells us that Drew hired Fable to be his fake girlfriend for a week, hence the title One Week Girlfriend. But really. Really. The story is so much more than that. Though I must warn you that there are some strong sexual and mature content here. It wasn't easy for me to read new-adult books like these since the story's way too mature already. But then again, it was the plot that made me enjoy this book more and prevented me from putting it down. Every scene was interesting and it's like you just have to know what will happen next. That's what happened to me so how about you read it now and see what I'm talking about.

reeyabeegale's review against another edition

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2.75 stars.

I was on high with all the Elle Kennedy books (Off Campus and Briar U), I’ve been craving for more NA books and then I stumbled upon this.

Honestly, I can never trust book covers (not that this one has a great one — no shade, just saying I don’t like it) again. At first glance, I thought this was going go be light and fluffy for the most part. I wasn’t prepared for the drama hidden in this book, and I felt overwhelmed.

This wasn’t written poorly, it’s just too fast and had little “build-up” or at least enough back story to solidify everything. Yes, I felt bad for Drew but I wish there was more to their story besides the tragedy of Thanksgiving. This book was marketed as two people dealing with their own darkness, but I only got Drew’s. There wasn’t much to Fable (which btw, has such a cool name, I’m rethinking what to name my child in the future), only a snippet of her “tragic” life which isn’t new to most book characters. In terms of characters, I wish they had more depth, and that I would’ve loved to have empathized with them. They were written in a “shallow” (for the lack of better term) way that hindered me from relating to their story.

It would have been better if there were other cast of characters, it would have been a breath of fresh air if not all scenes revolved around them and around Drew trying to run away. I understand what he was going through couldn’t have been easy, but I wish the author didn’t bombard me with all the negative and sad emotions all throughout because then I ended up emotionally drained afterwards (without shedding actual tears, might I add). But with all I’ve said, I want to see how the writing, and the characters improved in the second book — fingers crossed that it’s better.

abbyreads2's review against another edition

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I freaking loved every second of this book. Though, the ending really got to me. I couldn't stop yelling at him for being stupid. Ugh, I'm hoping their story continues or something. I loved it besides that. The stepmother, though, I hate. She was really wrong for that in so many ways. I hate her! This is definitely one of my 2019 favorite books so far.

melly2966's review against another edition

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carladelgado's review against another edition

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It was a good book, and I got so annoyed at the ending and I can't wait for the next book to come out! Gaaaaaah! :)

I didn't love it as much as I loved other books like Slammed or Point of Retreat, but it still deserved 4 stars. :D

brielajada's review against another edition

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I have to say I grabbed this book after reading the reviews on it thinking I would so-so enjoy it.I've read a lot of books, and I'm fond of the main characters faking a relationship for some reason. So, I opened this book and got hooked. I read it in one sitting and the fact that it seemed a little rushed (the writing and love) and something's that happened made me shake my head and despite the fact I knew the whole plot and already knew before reading it. i knew what was actually going on and why his sister died and all the other twists. I loved it couldn't put it down. It was an addicting book and I would recommend to anyone who can handle a good drama filled romance.