
Death in Venice, California by Vinton Rafe McCabe

erinh81's review

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**I received this book for free as part of the Goodreads Firstreads Program**

I'll be completely honest here. I found this book extremely hard to read. I'm sure the story was great and the characters were well thought out but it was hard to tell because the story, the characters, and any depth therein was convoluted by extreme run-on sentences. A paragraph containing one enormous sentence happened more times than I could keep track of. The descriptions were so involved and long winded, it was hard to even sense a story happening behind one moment in time stretched out across page after page. I like stories that move, stories that pop in my imagination, but this one stalled with almost incoherently long sentences and drab descriptions. I like stories that have at least a bit of dialogue... it was almost entirely absent for much of the book.

However, if you enjoy your novels to be lyrical, then you may like it. His choice of words, most of the time, was full of art. And as you know, art is entirely subjective. For instance, I love impressionism and do not enjoy much abstract art. This novel is to literature (to me) what abstract painting is for art (to me).

It is different, I'll give it that. It was a challenge to read, but I'm glad I tried it. I likely will not pick it up again.