
Forgotten Visions by Lia Davis

lifeinthebooklane's review

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I liked this book, although I really wanted to love it from the description. That said I did enjoy it - I didn't give up on it and got to the end. I make a point of not persevering with poor books, life is just too short. This book is well written, with characters who were consistent throughout and also a strong plot line. The book has been edited well and is easy to read.

From the book description I was expecting a lot more romantic angst and to see the hero and heroine struggling with their emotions. This took all of half a chapter and was actually a very minor part of the story line. I didn't mind this - it just seems strange that the blurb suggests a paranormal romance when this is much more a paranormal action book with a side serving of love.

This is a good verses evil tale, which is well told, although the 'background' story of Divinities, Witches and Demons was not explained quickly enough for my 'tastes'. However this is just MY preference of having things explained 'upfront' - I know other readers prefer not to have too much information in one go. And you did get explanations, so by the end of the story you understood what was happening.

It didn't grab me like some books do, and it didn't take my emotions on a roller-coaster ride. This was mainly because I struggled to connect with the heroine. For me she was a little meh, and I didn't care for her as much as other characters in the book. I guess I just didn't feel her emotions.

I DID connect to the actual story of good v evil though. I also liked that book felt 'complete' even though there were some loose ends and clearly more battles to be had in future books. I WILL be reading other books in the series as I want to know what happens to Lydia, Zach and Khloe and also whether Barbra will make any more appearances

lilbirdh's review

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I am hooked on this series and this book is the best one so far! Great romance, brilliant characters and lovely paranormal elements.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

angels_gp17's review

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Forgotten Visions is book one in The Divinities series. It's a magical introduction.

We are introduced to several magical characters and creatures; witches, divinities, and demons. In this first installment we center around the murders that are happening in the magical community and who the divinities are.

Ayden and Kalissa knew each other a long time ago, but something happened to make Kalissa forget how important Ayden is to her. With that; their lives go in different directions and both have been hurt, emotionally. They must mend each others souls and learn to love again while navigating an evil bent on destroying the world and them. Unrequited love is painful and yet the author did a great job on pulling these two together and building the romance to where they both remembered, forgave, and loved again.

We get a lot of information in this first book, building of the world, war, and different characters. Which sets us up for more magical goodness. Their is also a mystery on who is killing off the divinities that are out in the world and why are they doing it? We learn a lot here. Magic is real and alive. Those that have the power must band together to protect the world from an ongoing threat.

It was a good start and introduction to The Divinities series. I’m curious to see where things go and who might find their magical partner next.

Rated: 3 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy provided by Barclay Publicity via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


grinningcat's review against another edition

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H/h- Ayden and Kalissa
POV- 3rd person
Genre- Paranormal Romance
Sub Genre- Witches
Heat level- they do some of the things and use some “C” words, but not the big one
Series? Y
Cliffhanger? N
Triggers- violence, erotic content
Trope- Childhood Sweethearts
What I liked- Extensive world building. Davis has a gift for world building.
What I didn’t- the loose end of the ghost. There was no follow through.
Verdict- recommended. You can’t go wrong with a book by this author.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

mrose21's review against another edition

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It wasn't a bad read. It was just a little boring.

I mean its taken me a whole 24 hours to read 240 pages. To be honest I've not had much will to read it. Nothing has pulled me in.

bookwife's review against another edition

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I received an ARC from the author for an honest review.

I loved Kalissa and who the heck couldn't love Ayden? Ill be honest and say that I liked him a lot more than I liked Kalissa. It has to be hard to know someone is your mate and she doesn't really act that way towards you. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle and to see how she really had no idea. I loved watching their story progress.

I also loved the storyline itself. There are so many secrets and surprises. I was defiantly never bored. The only thing that bothered me a little was Kalissa... I know it wasn't her fault but come on! Ayden was perfect! He treated her like a queen and loved her even when she didn't know what was going on. I am super excited for the next book!!

Originally posted at:

tiffanibrwn's review

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I was surprised by this author, she writes a very engaging story. The book was predictable at times, but not in a bad way. Its a feel good book with a great ending and likable characters. Give it a try and you'll enjoy it!

ajenkins979's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this book, overall
At times though, it felt really slow reading.
Kalissa and Ayden are great characters, and I am glad they were able to work things out.
Khole, wow what a "handful"
There is actually lots going on in this story, which is good, but its not overwhelming.
Looking forward to reading book 2

*I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

nikkisbooknook's review

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This was a world to get lost in! Witches, Demons and assorted other paranormal figures wreak havoc between the pages!! This was like Romeo and Juliet without the suicide!

Ayden is a big, burly bear with a heart the size of Texas, quietly pining away for Kalissa. Kalissa really couldn't see the mate for the trees due to the spell which robbed her of her memories. It's true what they say all is fair in love and war, and this magical was has casualties galore!

I'd love to read more in this world!

bookwifereviews's review

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I received an ARC from the author for an honest review.

I loved Kalissa and who the heck couldn't love Ayden? Ill be honest and say that I liked him a lot more than I liked Kalissa. It has to be hard to know someone is your mate and she doesn't really act that way towards you. It was heartbreaking to see him struggle and to see how she really had no idea. I loved watching their story progress.

I also loved the storyline itself. There are so many secrets and surprises. I was defiantly never bored. The only thing that bothered me a little was Kalissa... I know it wasn't her fault but come on! Ayden was perfect! He treated her like a queen and loved her even when she didn't know what was going on. I am super excited for the next book!!

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