
Glass Hearts by Lisa De Jong

magali33's review

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3.5 stars

lifeandliterature's review

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He's damaged and broken, but I can put him back together. Piece by piece, I'll put him back together.

Glass Hearts is book two in the hearts series and picks up exactly where book one ended. Alex is moving into Dane's apartment after having gotten back together following their separation. What's really clear right from the start is how much Alex and Dane love each other. Crazy, can't keep their hands off each other, madly desperately in love!!

While I really liked book one, I enjoyed this book so much more. It wasn't as long as the first book and I felt that it just flowed a lot more smoothly. It was angsty, and hot and heartbreaking and even frustrating at times. But above all of that it was an incredibly awesome read!!

Dane Wright is going to be the death of me. Death from orgasm? Death from swooning? I'm not sure which one will kill me first, but it's bound to happen some day.

I loved Dane in Plastic Hearts but I fell in love with him even more this time around. Crazy, in love with him!! One of the best things about this book is that it's told from the point of view of both Alex and Dane and so we got to really get a much better feel for Dane as a character. We knew he had a past that he's not proud of but in this book we really get to see how broken he is. We get to experience his pain and his belief that he's not really worthy of Alex. But by being in his head, we also get to feel how much he loves Alex. How passionate he is about her. And how tortured he is at times.

She owns me. She completely and totally owns me.

I liked Alex in book one, but I didn't love her. I thought she had moments of being whiny and selfish and lacked backbone. However in Glass Hearts I think we have a much more mature and grown up Alex. She's become a girl who is much more comfortable in her skin now that she's out from underneath the stifling relationship with her Mum and Dad.

But just because Alex and Dane are back together and deeply in love, doesn't mean that things run smoothly for the two of them. Dane's family play a much bigger part in this book and we really get to see the impact that their behaviour has on Dane and in turn on Alex. After some initial bumps in the road, Alex is determined to show Dane that he is worthy of her love and that she is in for the long haul.

And what an absolutely perfect ending!! I was so happy to hear that the author has two stories to come featuring two of the other characters from The Hearts series. I can't wait to read them!!! Lisa De Jong writes a really awesome males point of view and I have my fingers crossed that she writes a lot more of it in the future!!

4.5/5 Sexy Dane Stars!!

amanda_'s review

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Tropes: 19

It’s a little black strapless dress that barely covers her ass. If I show up at the bar in anything like that, Dane will kill me after he drags me home and covers me up so no one else can see me.

Does this sound healthy to you? If the answer is yes, then this book will be right up your alley. However, if you find Dane's obsessive need to dictate what his girlfriend can and can't wear as well as Alex's reaction to it disturbing, this will not be your new favorite book.

I wasn't sure what Glass Hearts would be offering. The first book, which I read years ago, was fine. At least that's how I remember it. Maybe Dane was as possessive and creepy in it but I didn't see it. Either way, I'd hoped this book would offer some insight to his family and background. Alex's overbearing parents weren't exactly interesting in the first book, but Dane's past intrugied me. So when the first book ended on a cliffhanger, I was all for reading the second in hopes of learning more about Dane.

Did this book offer that? Yes, to a short extent. Dane's family plays a bigger role in the second book, but at the same time, it didn't get the attention it deserved. There is serious tension in the relationship between Dane and his brother as well as both their respective relationships to their mother. This should have been the main focus of the book, not Dane and Alex's mundane struggles.

I've mentioned Dane's character a little, his possessive behavior. I did not mention the fact that he considers it his right to dictate what his girlfriend wears, even in her own home. He's turned into the standard New Adult hero, fully equipped with a dose of sexism, aggressiveness, and a penchant for violence. Boring. Recycled.

A disappointment, to say the least.

pelicanfreak's review

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Plastic Hearts was okay -enough so that I did want to read on into more of the lives of Dane & Alex, despite the predictability and poor grammar in the first.

Glass Hearts went about the same as Plastic Hearts. I enjoyed the lengthier look into the above-mentioned characters however this author seems more into writing the steamy parts than the story - that's fine as there's a large market for that; I'm just not a part of it. It did hold my attention for the most part and while I would liked to have read more about what WAS bothering Jade (I suspected she was knocked up myself) I did not get to and so there were lose ends.

I do recommend if you're into romance - not my favorite 'cup of tea' but the grammar was improved over its predecessor and the story (the parts that were squeezed in around the sex) was good enough.