
Bob's Burgers by Chad Brewster

samarie04's review

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A MUST for any Bobs Burgers fans

I literally just randomly discovered this treasure trove today. I’ve watched the show since it started and fell in love with the zany characters and outrageous predicaments they get into. I am so glad I stumbled upon this ebook. It’s amazing! It’s all canon, doesn’t add anything new or take away anything from the show. Seriously, if you like the show, do yourself a favor and read the comic!!

geekwayne's review

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'Bob's Burgers Volume 1' collects five issues of the comic book series. I don't watch the show it's based on, so take my review as one not as familiar with the show.

Each issue has a section devoted to one of the characters from the show. Tina gets a section called Erotic Friend Fiction, which has stories about horses or frankenstein (or, in this case, franken-butt). None of them are remotely erotic, but seem to be focused on the rear of a boy that Tina likes. Louise's section is based on unsolved mysteries, like a giant fort out of cardboard boxes or Louis becoming invisible. Gene Belcher gets a section devoted to musicals where everything is supposed to rhyme, but doesn't really. The parents get a bit shorted. Linda is left with a letter that she writes to promote a product or idea that she has, and Bob is left with a page of burger of the day ideas.

The Unsolved Mysteries section worked the best for me. The rest range from occasionally funny to not funny at all. The art was not bad, and the covers were actually pretty great. There's even a cover gallery at the end with alternate art. But good covers don't make for good comics, and that seems to be the case here.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Dynamite Entertainment, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

cat_thecatlady's review

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there's never enough Bob's Burgers in my life.
full review here:

nisforneville's review

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGallery in exchange for my honest review.

I've just recently started watching Bob's Burgers, but I am already addicted to the quirky style of humor. This graphic novel does not disappoint. There's something for everyone who enjoys comics. Linda's Long Letters are quite amusing. I just love Bob's Burger of the Day Ideas; If you enjoy puns, you'll like them too. There's also Tina's Erotic Friend Fiction Presents, Louise's Unsolved Mysteries & Curious Curiosities, and Gene Belcher Presents.

If you enjoy exclusives, it includes alternate cover versions.

Even if you're not familiar with the show, I suggest checking it out if you enjoy robots, zombies, and creatures from urban legends!

thewordyhero's review

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"Who turned Bob's Burgers into a graphic novel?"

This is a question that no doubt keeps you up all night, tossing and turning. No fear, dearies. Thanks to the Advanced Reader's Copy I received from NetGalley in exchange for this honest review (that in no way influences my opinion), I can safely assure that this is NOT the worst thing to happen to our beloved animated characters.

I feel like the writers did a great job translating the subtle moments of humor from the show- things like awkward silences and perfectly timed puns- into the comic. The spacing and flow of the panels keeps the jokes from feeling rushed, and a lot of the elements of humor from the show are kept in through the action, or lack of action, in the panel sequences. The artwork is great and keeps the same bold visual cues that define the show.

The voice of the characters seem to stay true to the show, too, with one exception: Linda. Her letters to various companies are placed throughout the issues, but I just didn't feel like I connected with her in the way she's represented here as I do when I'm watching the show. Overall, there was just not enough Linda for me in these issues, because at the end of the day, what separates the show from other animated, sarcastic and irreverent shows like it that lack originality (I'm looking at you, Family Guy) is how this dysfunctional family actually has a healthy dynamic and that they maintain strong relationships with each other, despite all the crazy. So for me skipping out on a lot of the family-centric stories in favor of individual storylines for each of the kids lessened some of the appeal of what makes the series so great in the first place.

Overall, the gags are well above-par and I definitely had those laugh-out-loud moments that keep me hooked on the show. My only real complaint is how much of the storytelling is being focused solely on the kids, but with great characters like Tina, Louise, and Gene, that's not even a real complaint, is it?? 4/5 stars.

clindsey89's review

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I received an ARC of this title from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

While I did have a handful of laugh-out-loud moments reading these comics, it fell flat of the genius that is the show. Surprisingly, I enjoyed Bob's sections the most; his burger name ideas made me giggle uncontrollably. Tina was a close second with her Erotic Friend Fiction, but even that got a little old after the fifth story. Usually Gene is the character that gets me the most, but his musical numbers did little for me. Maybe I need to hear it in his voice, rather than just imagine it in his voice to truly find it funny. I think it's possible that if I had spaced out my readings of the five issues found within, I would have enjoyed it more. Still - a solid three stars.

shaffe71's review

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2.5 stars

This was fine, but I'm not sure that I actually liked it.