
The Bridgeman by Catherine Astolfo

lorihenrich2021's review

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Emily jogs to school early. As the principal she is the first to arrive beside Nathaniel the caretaker. After her shower she notices that things aren't looking normal. There is no coffee started and some of the doors are locked and the lights are off. She begins looking for Nathaniel and ends up in the basement where she discovers him lying on the ground in a pool of blood. After checking to makes sure he is dead, Emily sets things in motion my calling the police. After the police clear the scene, she enters the school and the basement to search for a hidden place that Nathaniel had shown her. There was a diary there that Nathaniel didn't want anyone to read. Emily found the diary and took it home. She began reading a tale that was disturbing to say the least. When someone breaks into her home to steal the diary back, Emily realizes that she should have turned over the diary to the police when she had the chance.

This was an okay story for me. I felt kind of lost because of the reference to the past difficulties of Emily and her husband Will. The plot line was okay. Characters well written. But still not sure of this. Will have to try another in the series to decide for sure whether I like it.

booksuperpower's review

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The Bridgeman by Catherine Astolfo: short mystery, checked it out of the kindle library for free. The books sounded good and had good reviews for the most part. But, for me there were some problems. First of all, there is a section in the secret diary that people should be forewarned about. Seriously, it is really bad and it didn't need to be included for people to grasp the situation. There is a note at the END of the book that sort of apologizes for the graphic content involving animals, but by then it was too late. The description of puppy mill, while hard to read was I supposed a little preachy, but I thought it was good to let people hear what goes on in these places, so that's not what I'm referring to.
Second of all, this is a part of a series," The Emily Taylor" Mysteries. That's fine, I read series. ( not always in order) But, it's a good idea to remind people what happened in previous installments. Sometimes we need a refresher, or as in my case, I hadn't read any of her other books. There were references to Emily and her husband's past that are never explained. I mean I get get the picture, but I was expecting some sort of brief explanation as to what has happened. So, I still don't know what happened. The who done it part was not as predictable for me as for some. I do read a lot of mysteries and I had my suspects, but I still wasn't sure until the last couple of chapters. The plot is simple, a man is killed at the school where he works as a custodian. The principle, Emily, finds his body and the town mourns. But Emily remembers some personal papers the man had stored and had wanted her to take care of if something ever happened to him. In these papers she finds a journal/diary and reads it, which of course opens up the whole " can of worms". The book has some good mystery qualities, but also social commentary as well. If the author has toned down some of the later it would have been better, at least for me. ( Don't get me wrong, I applaud the effort to draw attention to puppy mills, I own 5 pets and and am a strong supporter of the ASPCA.)