
Bad Girls - Eight Noir Stories by Max Scratchmann

corrie's review

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Bad girls, wicked women; lecherous, treacherous villainesses; hedonistic harlots, and plain old-fashioned bunny-boiling temptresses. Nooooo shit! :-) Author Max Scratchmann promises us eight blackly humorous tales, a gothic grimoire of murder, lust and revenge and he was not fooling around. With beautiful language and a lot of British tongue-in-cheek he gives us a lot of twists and unexpected turns. It was very entertaining. But he also managed to pull other emotions from me. So glad I took a chance on this one. If you like the odd and noir, this is your book!

f/f, m/f the sex is not overtly explicit
Themes: oh man this is dark, and very British, many many twists, ewww, It squicked me here and there and I loved it, if murder isn't your thing don't read this, but these women though...
4.2 stars
