
Caller 107 by Matthew S. Cox

kirstenmeek's review

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Curiosity Quills in exchange for an honest review.

Caller 107 was a pretty quick read, and I rather enjoyed it. I'm floating between 3 and 4 stars, mostly because I'm not quite sure what to do with a book like this. It's very different from my normal book and I am still a little muddled about my feelings for it. I'm writing this immediately after I finished reading the book, so maybe I'll get more clarity as time goes on.

This book is the story of a girl who's trapped in a pretty shitty situation. Her parents are divorced and she's caught in the middle of a pretty vicious fight. She's not handling it well, and everyone involved seems to have forgotten how to think of the feelings of the others. The friends the main character finds to help her through this difficult time aren't really friends at all, just other kids with shit in their lives. Anyway, things escalate and she finds herself in a bit of trouble, and then the book gets kind of weird. I don't want to say too much, so I'll stop there.

I thought the characters felt real. The family situation was brutal and, unfortunately, all too common. I felt like there was some nice "lessons to be learned" stuff going on, I'm not sure if it was a little too heavy-handed? Maybe i'm looking for "cheesy?" I don't really know, there was something that rang a little off with me as far as the development of the characters in the end of the book, but I can't put my finger on it. Other than that, though, I got quite in to the book. I went through it quite quickly and felt myself getting pulled in to the head of the main character, which was really nice. It was a good book.

imsam's review

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Decent book. Takes a little too long to get started and the dialogue is cringe worthy at times, but it's a fun enough story that works.

markj71's review

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Great read. It's not classified as YA, but I think many teens would enjoy this book and relate to the main characters situations of having her parents going through a divorce and feeling abandoned by her father.

urlphantomhive's review

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3.5 Stars

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Natalie's life hasn't been what she expected from it for the last two years. After her parents got a divorce, and she was used as a means by the parents to hurt each other she's grown into an angry teen that has nothing of the bright prospects she used to have. After another fight she finds herself with her no-good new friends but it may very well be her last night on earth.

This was quite an interesting story. Even though Natalie isn't the nicest of kids in the beginning of the story (I'm being very friendly here) you could easily see where she came from and how bad she felt. The Christmas-carol like ghost that lets her make up for some mistakes made for a nice twist to it.

It was a very fast and light read, even though the themes were definitely not something I'd consider light. I read another book (Prophet of the Badlands) by the same author a few months ago and was therefore drawn to this book, but they are completely different books, though both interesting and worth a read, IMHO.

myblissfulbooks's review

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Original Review:
I will admit that I had a hard time getting into Caller 107 but boy am I ever glad I stuck it out! Maybe it was because I saw myself in 13 year old Nat and I didn't want to relive my own rebellion or think of how it may have ended. But that is the very reason why this book is amazing. It is so well written! Matthew Cox pulls you into Natalie's world and makes you see the how, the why, and the emotions behind every dumb movement that leads up to her tragic situation. The subject material may be a little dark but it is VERY realistic.
Caller 107 is well worth the read.
Since I can now go more in depth about Caller 107. So here I go, ladies and gents.
Natalie is a rebellious 13 year old who is just trying to get attention. She is from a very well to do family yet Natalie looks for and falls in with a bad crowd. She starts hanging out with an older group of kids who like to do drugs and wreck havoc where ever they go. Natalie has a bad attitude and seems to think that alone will keep her safe. If only!! When she finds herself in a situation that neither her mouth or wits can keep her safe her life completely changes.
Enter the voice of DJ Todd! And the real adventure begins. DJ Todd sends Natalie on what I would call a soul searching scavenger hunt. And that is about as much as I can say without really giving too much away.
Why don't I want to go more in depth then that?? Because I want you to go and pick up a copy of Caller 107. I want you to fall down the rabbit hole and get lost!! So please do yourself a favor and check out Matthew S Cox's Caller 107!!! You will not be disappointed.
I completely related to Natalie. I was her to a point when I was younger. I ran with a rough crowd, I sought out trouble and those who created it. Matthew S Cox makes her realistic, believable, and very relatable.

pelicanfreak's review

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I received a copy in exchange for honest review.

The blurb for this book makes it sound intriguing and as it opens, I am pulled in. I like the main character, Natalie and I immediately get really into the story. However I'm unable to go on as what I call 'text speak' is used in the context. I can let go of grammar when it's to convey someone's accent, or manner of writing, etc. That is a different issue. When I'm going along and words like "coz" are being used repeatedly, I'm sorry but I'm not going to read the book. If you didn't have the self respect to type out the words correctly, why should I spend my time reading the book?
I do think this was shaping up to be a great read, but I cannot get past the manner of writing in order to find out.

ericarobyn's review

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Unfortunately not for me. I really disliked the main character and couldn't look passed that in order to attempt to enjoy the story.

butyougotmysoul's review

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I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

Caller 107 is about a young girl going through her parents' divorce. She lashes out, like any tween would, however she goes a little too far.

I liked this book for several reasons - it's engaging and at times, witty. I found myself rooting for Natalie, even though I couldn't stand her personality. Moreover, I found myself rooting for her father, and for her friend Leigh.

However, there was a huge disconnect for me - Natalie consistently calls her father by several different "dad" names, however her mother is nearly consistently "Mother". It was weird, and while I think it was trying to portray the way Natalie felt in her head towards each respective parent, it still didn't jive the way it should have.

Regardless of all this, the book was well written without any major grammatical issues, or plot holes. I enjoyed it and found myself drawn into the story.

markj's review

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Great read. It's not classified as YA, but I think many teens would enjoy this book and relate to the main characters situations of having her parents going through a divorce and feeling abandoned by her father.