
Hacking: Digital Media and Technological Determinism by Tim Jordan

tjr's review

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Hacking is a good book, albeit one that is a little dry. However, it is an academic book, aimed at academics, and so a little dryness is to be expected. It is to be “coded” into the text in other words. In this book Tim Jordan gives a solid overview of the the origins of hacking, and how the idea of hacking has transcended and morphed into other areas of society and not just a small subset of computer hackers. Hacktivism, Cyberwar/Cyberterror, Digital Commons, et cetera, are all discussed at length in this book, thereby making connections between otherwise disconnected and disparate aspects of society. In essence, Jordan is looking at the digital societies within societies.
One criticism I do have is that I found some of the summations of points, and conclusions, to be overly repetitive. Jordan will mention something in one paragraph, only to mention it again and again; conversely, Jordan also makes certain points repeatedly within the same paragraph. I do believe that if this characteristic could have been curbed somewhat, it would have made for a less dry text, and one with more impact.

The Good
* The book was written using Open Office running on Ubuntu.
* Gives detail and fleshes out parts of society that are otherwise either sensationalized in the media, or overlooked altogether.
*Not overly long
The Bad
* Some repetitiveness could have been edited out
* Text could use a little spicing up to make it more accessible to a wider audience