chirson's review

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It was much better. Definitely more interesting and with some things actually happening.

kikiandarrowsfishshelf's review

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The serial is taking off. I really like Micah.

bschlotz's review

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I love this series so much. I love the stuffy old professors prattling on about the euclid and aristotle, and the iconoclastic students seeking to overthrow them but getting distracted by handsome men in tight pants, and the mayan spies who are very concerned that their technological dominance will come to an end.

tracy2_0's review

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Love. This is such a fantastic idea, to read in this way.

pers's review

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I think I'll enjoy this story more once I've got all the 'episodes' and can read them back to back instead of one a week.

graculus's review

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Tremontaine - episodes 3 and 4 More excellent storytelling in episodes 3 and 4 of Tremontaine, which comes as no great surprise - lots going on for everyone involved, but particularly for Rafe who gets a lot of action both in and out of bed.
In episode 3, 'Heavenly Bodies', we see Micah make a great step forward in mathematical terms and Kaab's realisation that her new friends' greater understanding of the world around them could spell disaster for her family's control of the chocolate trade. The Duchess is trying to get Kaab's family involved in whatever it is she's up to and Kaab takes the opportunity to be in there while it's being discussed, even if it gets her in trouble with her uncle afterwards.
Meanwhile in episode 4, 'A Wake in Riverside', Kaab discovers there's more to Riverside than she previously knew (particularly in terms of the luxuries to which those who live there have never been exposed) and also that one of the first people she encountered in the city has come to a bad end. Alongside this, Rafe really ought to learn never to mix business with pleasure and the Duke really ought to know better than to make arrangements to bring his lover into the same house as his wife, no matter how convenient this idea might be for himself.
I'm still listening to the audio version of these episodes and enjoying them very much - for those who are not tempted by the serial version, there will apparently be an omnibus edition or two available at the end of the run. And aren't the illustrations for each chapter fantastic? They're the work of an Australian artist, Kathleen Jennings.