
The Angel of Forgetfulness by Steve Stern

timinbc's review

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Meh. It had some enjoyable moments, and some of the Yinglish made me laugh out loud.
But as I approached the end I found I didn't care what happened to any of the characters.

Occasionally I got frustrated with the layers of story-about-a-story-about-a-story. Sometimes it was the rambling on about Yiddish scholarship. Other times it was the Yiddish words that were not explained and couldn't be inferred from context.

At one point I wondered if the book was a series of exercises in writing techniques, because I kept getting the sense of "Oh yeah, then what happened?" and then losing it again.

I liked "The Frozen Rabbi" better.

literaryfeline's review

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pussreboots's review

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The Angel of Forgetfulness by Steve Stern was one of those long-term wishlist books. It was on there long enough for me to forget the reason behind it's inclusion.

The plot synopsis certainly sounded promising: a struggling writer inherits the tattered, unfinished manuscript from his aunt. Saul must delve deep into his aunt's history in order to finish the book. Along the way he uncovers a romance between his aunt and a fallen angel.

Unfortunately the plot is tied up in an unnecessarily complicated narration. First there are numerous flashbacks, stacked up like matroyska dolls. Each flashback has its own point of view told with a rambling prose. Missing though are the well-needed segues and hooks to help the reader navigate through the scenes.

That said, I know the book won't stick with me. I guess my "forgetfulness" is truth in advertising on the part of the book's title.