
Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty

doublearegee's review

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The inevitable happened, in true Jessica and Marcus fashion. I only had a couple complaints, like Lorna wasn't the ex that made the toilet seat, it was Sierra, and that haiku section was kind of annoying, and I realize this was about getting Marcus and Jessica back together but I would have liked more about Bridget and Percy's wedding.

bibliocat08's review

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I was really pleased with the way that this series ended. I was worried that she would just end it with number 4 and them not having any resolution. Loved the concept of the title. That even though they can't sing worth a damn together they make perfect harmony! Yay Megan McCafferty!

kristid's review

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After being very disappointed with Fourth Comings, and not for the reason that you are probably thinking, I wasn’t sure what to expect with Perfect Fifths. I knew I would either hate it of love it.

And I must say, I doubt that many Jessica fans will be disappointed with this last installment. Though at times, I found the narration boring and slightly pretentious, maybe I’m not as intellectually advanced as Jessica and Marcus, but does anyone really refer to the Lacanian theory in general conversation? Post graduation at least? Maybe it’s just me, and the simple folk I converse with!

I appreciated the insight into the strange and often misunderstood mind of Marcus Flutie, finally! What we come to discover also helps improve what we already know of the couple from the previous four novels. Which I highly enjoyed! And any Marcus fan will as well.

Although the entire novel take place in the span of eighteen hours, all of our favorite characters make an appearance: Bridget and Percy, Scotty and Bruiser, Len and Manda, Bethany and Marin, Paul Parlipiano, and Mac. So don’t think that they are left out of the story!

Overall, it was a perfectly imperfect ending the story of Marcus and Jessica. And now that the series is over, I’m eagerly awaiting the chance to read other works by McCafferty. Sorry for the vague review, but I really don’t want to give anything away!

joyousreads132's review

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Uhm. Halfway through the book..I should've stuck to my Adios! back in book #2. I'm sorry to say but I'm flouncing.

martewin's review

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It's more of a 2.5

theoglibrarianmom's review

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Okay, well this review is coming at you with me only 55 pages into it thus far, but like all books by Megan McCafferty, this one delivers the charm and wit that made this series so dear to my heart.

I am giving it 5 stars because already I am captured into the world of Jessica Darling, Marcus Flutie, and the Newark Airport. I can't stop reading, but I will update my review after I actually finish reading it, however I highly doubt my opinion of it will change.

**Some spoilers in this review**

I just came off re-reading the whole Jessica Darling series in anticipation for this book.With the conclusion to the series upon many excited fans of the book, I am feeling like this one might just live up to it's name.

The Jessica Darling series is a series that I recommend to everyone because there are so many truths about life and love observed by the protagonist, Jessica. When readers first meet Jessica she is in high school and a self-described misanthrope that falls unexpectedly in love with Marcus Flutie who is the boy that your mom warned you about. The series takes you on their roller coaster ride of a relationship that anyone who has been a teenager and in love can relate to. The series is laugh out loud funny as I can attest to from reading on a subway and laughing loud and hard much to the annoyance of other passengers.

Perfect Fifths opens when Jessica Darling literally runs over Marcus after not seeing or speaking to him in a few years after turning down his marriage proposal and for the first time, readers get to be inside the mind and thoughts of Marcus.

Although this series is aimed to females, I would recommend it to males as well because I think they could learn a lot about females from this series. The author, Megan McCafferty, is obviously an educated individual and through out the series muses philosophically on life, love, relationships, and Barry Manilow. This series is the quintessential book for all females 14-100 years old.

I finished it today. I stand by what I said above. This book was amazing. I laughed, cried, and cheered. Perfect Ending for a perfect series. I wish it wasn't over.

mstaino4's review

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The author used this last book to tie everything up nice and neatly, which is odd because Jessica Darlings life has been anything but nice and neat. The book was very simple, not much happened, just a lot of talking (which was confusing at times because Jessicas and Marcus voice were almost identical). I was very disappointed by the end of this series.

jjordankc's review

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This was a thoroughly enjoyable read and the perfect ending to a GREAT series. I love Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie and found this book to be a pure delight. I rarely finish a book in a day, yet I barreled through this on a Sunday and abandoned all plans to savor this story. I didn't love the 4th book in this series (although didn't hate it either), but the rest of the books were joyful, fun, and entertaining reads. My heart was happy at the end of this book and although I'm sad for the Jessica/Marcus story to come to a close, I was so pleased with the conclusion that I certainly can't complain. Yeah!! What fun!

stacytomasi's review

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Megan McCafferty really rushed this book. It lacked the character connection that we loved so much in the prior 4 books. I wish we had seen more movement from the characters, rather than them sitting at the airport.. then going to a hotel... just felt a little bored.

neuroticwriter's review

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It is the last book in the series and it really lived up to everything that it needed to be. Nothing overly done. Nothing had a great finality to it. Just right.

In this book Jessica and Marcus are at an airport. Jessica is on her way to her friends wedding and Marcus is coming back from some volunteer work in New Orleans. She literally bangs into him. They both want to talk, but she is late. So late that by the time she gets to the gate the plan is leaving. The meeting shakes them both up and makes them start thinking about questions they should have asked, something they should have said, wanting more. Well, Marcus gets in trouble for loitering and gets rescued by Jessica. They decided to sit down at a coffee shop and talk, about everything, and yet nothing. At least not the words that truly need to be said. Eventually you learn about what both have done for over the past three years and how much they have changed and stayed the same. You also learn about all the other minor characters. But most importantly you learn how much their attraction for each other and love is still very strong between them, no matter how much they try to fight it.

Like I said I couldn't put the book down. I was engrossed in it from page one. I had to keep turning the page to see what would happen next, which character I would learn about next. I loved that Megan wrote things from Macus's point of veiw. I finally got to see what made Marcus tick, see how he really looked at Jessica, and why he says cryptic messages without really trying.

I also LOVED the haiku section. Some people may not, but you really got to see them opening up to each other more; Marcus's funny and care free side, and Jessica's cynical and analytical side.

Overall I was extremely pleased with everything. However, I wanted more at the end. Maybe a confirmation that they will stay together this time. Or showing that Marcus bought that ticket to the Virgin Islands and he is going with her. Something! But then again it might be my own longing to want more. More from these two characters that I have related to.

If you have never read the Jessica Darling Series, you must. If you love chick lit books or something that you really can relate to, this is the perfect book for you. I could relate to her completely. She grew up in a small town with friends she didn't like, with her best friend moving away. She thought life was horrible there, nothing to do, or anyway way out. Then Marcus comes into the picture, the bad boy. The boy you know you should stay as far away from as possible, but you just seem drawn to them. (Just like me!!) Their relationship goes back and forth for years, after graduation in 2002 to her going off to Columbia University in NY, and finally after. The whole time you are reading Jessica's diary.

It is awesome coming of age book. (It is not a Young Adult novel. So you don't have to feel weird reading it in public.)