
A Conspiracy of Whispers by Ada Harper

mousegoddess's review

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alyanthea's review

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adventurous emotional
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


wayfarer's review

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If you like cinnamon rolls that look like they could kill you and could actually kill you, you're in the right place!

I really enjoyed A Conspiracy of Whispers, which I read in the span of one afternoon. I couldn't put it down, and afterwards, I found that the characters and setting really stuck with me. The main characters, Olivia and Galen, are both well-rounded, and I found myself rooting for them right away. The worldbuilding is creative and fun, with two wildly contrasting settings living shoulder-to-shoulder. The secondary characters are interesting in their own rights (Maris 4ever). And the ending is entirely satisfying.

The novel employs some tropes that I'm usually positively allergic to, but they were all handled with thoughtfulness and/or subverted. One is alluded to on the back copy: the main character is a fertile woman, a rare thing in the world of the book. That would be a huge red flag for me *normally*, but I trusted the author not to use this as a lever for cheap drama. And I was rewarded: there is no sexual assault/no serious threat of sexual assault in this novel. (There is a brief, drunken attempt by a jackass, but the scene is short and rewarding.) The main characters pay attention to consent, too, which is lovely.

The main pairing is m/f, but there are many queer characters, including an ace person, and there's a trans character as well.

There are two other pairs that I would love to read more about: Sabine & Lyre, and Yoshi & Emeric. Maybe I'll get lucky...

Totally recommended if you like sf and love stories!

peytonm's review

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Book 11 of my NEWTsReadathon2019 challenge! This satisfies the Acceptable level for Ancient Runes since it was recommended by friends.

This book was sooooo cool! I adored the writing. Olivia was such a BAMF, and Galen matched her perfectly. There's a variant of the alpha/beta/omega trope, and I was so here for it when it's well done! Lots of intrigue as nations jockey for position and the main characters caught up in the middle of it. Highly recommended!

olive2read's review

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Mostly glorious with an incredible cast of characters and a solid main pair.

I’d have liked to see an apology from Galen in the resolution, as opposed to only one from Olivia. They both fucked up, they realised their mistakes, and I’m getting really tired of the men in m/f romances not carrying their weight in terms of growth and resolution. Almost all of the compromise is on her side.

There’s also some major gaps in the world building so this isn’t recommended for folks that want the details of the motives behind the machinations. We know that Galen is fighting to make a better world for Liv but nothing about what that means beyond “not a mandated breeding program” ... and there’s a pretty wide range of options that leaves.

Also - another reviewer noted the discrepancy between the cover models and the characters’ physical descriptions and that is definitely a source of dissonance. Straight flaxen & dirty blonde hair, skins that flush to pink, and - at their darkest - are described as deriving colour from a tan don’t fit with the PoC on the cover. Not sure what the disconnect is but it’s an odd set of choices.

everydaymagic's review

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Fast, amazing read. I would give this 4.5 stars if possible, but I can't. Therefore, since it's not quite a perfect book, 4 stars it is.

This is an SF romance where the romance isn't the only thing going on. It's dense, intricately layered, and meaty look at biology, gender, and society that features many things missing from so many other books. All the characters are complex and great, the world-building awesome, and the actions everyone takes are completely believable (well, except one; more on that later). You know when you're reading late at night and you just can't put the book down until you finish? This is that kind of book. I had to know what happened.

Liv, the female protagonist, is a freelance assassin. She is lower-class and tough, and has to be merely to stay alive and free. Galen, the male protagonist, is the brother of the neighboring country's queen, and the general of their armies. The two meet when Liv's latest assassination assignment takes her over the border. Their initial meeting gives Liv all the power, and she uses it--something I really loved! She and Galen swap back and forth being "stronger" in various situations, and it was great watching them learn to rely on each other during the upheaval of political revolt. They keep using their talents and abilities, surprising one another time and again--a perfect setup for a blossoming romance.

Another thing I loved? They both needed to change their beliefs and understandings of not only the other's world, but their own. Both had flaws to overcome, and both Liv and Galen had to work at it.

Oh, that one moment I didn't believe?
Galen, the head military mind of his country, didn't once think that the situation at Meteore might be a set-up to weaken the city he leaves behind. Nor did his sister, the Queen, or his associate, Lyre. But it occurred to me immediately, and it left a sour taste behind. He shouldn't have been that blind.

That aside, this book was amazing. Just go read it already. You won't regret it! And I'm betting you'll keep an eye out for the next Ada Harper release--I know I will be.

firewhiskeyreader's review

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Hi, hello, I loved this so much. I think if you go into this expecting a plot heavy sci-fi with a fantastic romance arc, you'll be the happiest reading it than if you go in thinking it's a romance with some sci-fi. But Galen is one of my favorite romance heroes of all time. I love him so much. He's so soft even though he's a soldier. And Olivia is a freaking badass queen and I love her too. But Galen is just... He's everything. Also, I'm very excited about the sequel, but honestly, I think this world needs a prequel with Yoshi and Emeric and at some point we have to get Alais's story of finding love as a (presumably) asexual character. Like, I have a need for these things. Are they happening? Please say yes.

sararo's review

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I liked this book so much. I liked the world-building, I liked the characters, I liked how they related to each other.

sirsangel's review

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I enjoyed this. Just wish I knew for sure how to say some of the Species/Races names. A pronunciation guide would have been great.

Enjoyable read.