
Blood Moon by Alyxandra Harvey

fflur_jones's review

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Still a fun series but just felt a little drawn out this time around! Think it suffered from a lack of new romance material to really hook you in cause the action part of the series has always been less developed.

rebeccacabrams's review

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its a great book and part of one of my favourite series. I cant wait to get the final one to finish the story

shadowrealmreader's review

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4.5 stars. It was awesome and I'm going to read the last installment immediately!

sony08's review against another edition

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Love this series

sharonmills's review

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ugh!! the ending killed me! when will the next one come out?!?!?!?!?! I need to know what happens now!!!1

amethystbookwyrm's review against another edition

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This and my other reviews can be found at

Blood Moon starts right after the end of Bleeding Hearts, where Solange has been drinking from humans, the blood moon is starting and huntsmen have arrived in Violet Hill.

Blood Moon is the darkest of the Drake chronicles and, while I did miss the humour and wanted more of the romance, this one kept you on the edge of the seat throughout the book and you could not predict what was going to happen next.

I did not like Solange in this book as I just wanted to slap her throughout it and even though we have some answers at the end of the book about why she is acting this way, we do not understand everything leaving us in suspense for the final book. I really did not like Constantine, a character we briefly met in the last book, and even though he seems to want to protect her, I think he is behind everything in this book although I might be wrong.

I really felt sorry for Lucy, Nicholas, Kieran and all the Drakes in this book as everything changes for the worst and I am not sure the Drakes and extended family will ever be the same again. I really liked hearing Nicholas’s POV in this book as it shows us how he really feels about everything (unlike the others in which we had to guess) and how he is torn between protecting Solange and his love for Lucy. However I did miss the romance between Nicholas and Lucy as, even though Blood Moon was mostly told by them, they did not seem to spend much time together and when they did they were in danger.

Blood Moon ends on another cliff-hanger which is torturous as we have to wait so long for the last book. I would recommend this book to all who like Harvey’s Drake Chronicles.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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After the shocking cliffhanger to the last book, I had high hopes for this one but I found it very disappointing. The standard of the other books was high but there were so many things about this book that I didn't like. Frankly if it hadn't been the second last book in the series I might have even quit during it. This book is narrated by Lucy, Nicholas and Solange.

Solange becomes the royal bitch from hell in this book and I hated her. She was behaving like a spoiled whiny brat, hurting Lucy, breaking all the rules and being cruel to her family. I had suspicions about what was happening but even being proved right about it didn't change my feelings towards her as the damage was done. I think if the author had shown her hand earlier we could have had sympathy for Solange as she struggled not to do bad things, especially with her as a narrator. Instead we don't get the why until I had turned against her and I have never warmed to her again since.

I liked seeing how Lucy fitted in at Helios-Ra, watching her trying to learn to protect herself while having a vampire boyfriend and trying to work out what to do about Solange. I love her character and her narrated chapters were the bext thing about the book by far. I still enjoy the relationship between her and Nicholas who are the best couple in the series.

I wasn't interested at all in the Blood Moon gathering. I don't enjoy it when urban fantasy descends into vampire politics and endless talk about who hates who and diplomatic relations between tribes and their security teams attacking people. I found the whole thing to be long drawn out, boring and tedious. The vampire politics is one of the reasons I lose interest in the Anita Blake books and it had the same effect here. I started to disengage with the book and several of the characters.

I had no interest in Solange and Constantine. I didn't find him interesting in any way as a bad guy, and the scenes between the two were boring in a mind-numbing way. I really wanted to skim every time the story switched to them. I didn't enjoy the whole Viola storyline either.

I would have preferred a more straightforward grab for the crown plot instead of this confused attempt at a storyline which was neither entertaining or exciting. Instead we had a book that was padded out to look bigger but totally lacked the kickass action and intrigue that made the other books so good. Sections of the story were so slow that I considered stopping several times because I was bored. Only Lucy and Nicholas kept me reading.

I really hope the final book in the series dekivers more of a punch than this.

leabookjoy's review

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Well, I know I shouldn't but I HATE Solange (not as much as Constantine but almost)!!
I know it's not her fault but ... Well I feel like I have a character completly flat in front of me =)
The entrance to Lucy at the Academy of hunters is just too funny and I still love Lucy and Nicholas who are by far my favorite couple, right behind Quinn and Hunter but also Helena and Liam.
A great tome that leaves us a little about our hunger but works well as usual =)

_gemmacaroline_'s review against another edition

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3.5 stars

toriedawn1's review

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Well that was a wild ride. There was so much happening in this book I dont even know where to start. I was a little dissapointed when I first started this book, I had been hoping it would ve following the next Drake brother. Im rather curious about the three eldest. The story in this book was a little confusing though I think it was meant to be? Solange is suffering from some kind of split personality ||going by the name of Viola apparently||. I know Nicholas loves his little sister but does he have to follow her into crazy land? ||though I'm beginning to think it may all be a ploy just to stay close to her.
Constantine is awful, I am really hoping he is a bad guy so I can feel reasonable about me hatred of him.
I know in reality this book was pretty good, I just didn't enjoy it as much as the others.
3.4 stars.