
A Wicked Hunger by Kiersten Fay

lynguy1's review against another edition

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A WICKED HUNGER by Kiersten Fay is the first book in the Creatures of Darkness Paranormal Romantic Suspense series. Fay is a “new to me” author.

Coraline Conwell survived on the streets after the death of her parents and brother when she was ten. She thought she had finally put that life behind her when she married Winston Gordon, a wealthy businessman. However, all is not what it seems and living in a world where vampires run the city and witches exist, anything can happen. The second protagonist is Mason, a member of the Vampire Enforcement Agency assigned to investigate Winston and Coraline.

The story begins with a great first chapter that pulls the reader into the story. Coraline is someone you can root for as her back story comes to light. The main characters felt three-dimensional with their own flaws and virtues. The relationships between the characters were mainly believable.

There were enough twists and turns to keep me engaged, but Coraline seemed too weak and naïve to be a great heroine. There are plenty of steamy scenes in the book and the suspense part often took a backseat to that. Additionally, the novel ends in a cliffhanger. For this reason alone, I would only recommend this to those that enjoy that type of ending.

Many thanks to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op and Kiersten Fay for a digital ARC of this novel via Net Galley and the opportunity to provide an honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way.

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Thanks to the publisher for a copy to read and give my honest opinion!

Ok. That was not cool.... I’m bereft. A book should have a beginning, middle, and an end....what kind of end was that? This book continues and is not summed up nicely between two bindings so be prepared.

What did I like? I liked the characters, Mason, Knox, Trent.... Coraline. All of them came to life in a whimsical way but still the storyline was good. I appreciate a good story line but that ending hurt. This is a unique spin on vampires and witches, and nicely done.

Would I buy this book? Great story but looks like the story continues into book two so be prepared to want the next one .....because that ending .....will leave you wanting it.

Thoughts for the author? I’m fuming. Disclaimer warning needs to be put on this book.

mermaidmomma's review against another edition

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I have always had a weakness for the paranormal romance genre. When I realized that this book was playing into that, I was so ready to read this book and now I am hooked to continue the series. I mean Kiersten Fay delivers the paranormal with vampires, witches, ghosts, hexes, blood bonds, and so much sexual tension of course I am going to continue this series. 

Kiersten Fay does a great job setting up the world that we are entering in this series. She lays the foundation of not only the war and the state of the world currently, but builds interest into Cora's background. There are so many questions that I have about her bloodline and that is one of the things that has me so ready to pick up the next book in the series. I need all my questions answered. There is also a great balance in this book of actually developing the characters present, some of that is the result of the multiple POVs that are given. All that being said, I honestly could have used more spice at times. This was advertised to me as an erotic novel and while it had its moments, I was left wanting more.

chrannag's review against another edition

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I love this story! It has captivated me from the beginning. The plot is complex but easy reading, the characters are rich and earthy at the same time. The threads of the story are entwined with a simplicity that leads you to search for more. The degree of expectation is increasing while you are reaching the end. And all of a sudden, when all is in high level, finishes and you have to wait for the next book! I hope will be a short waiting...

A hundred years after the vampire breed have become in plain sight, Coraline, a tough girl who grew up in the streets, and she has to made it by her own with ten years old, after her parents had died, has been introduced to the comfort world by a rich and cold businessman. He took Cora away from the streets and married her, but with coldness and deception, using her as a ginnea pig. Now her husband is dead, she is a target and her life will be whirled down but for a sexy as hell vampire agent, Mason. She is now into the world of her nightmares' creatures, bonded to a vampire very difficult to ignore, and discovering herself in the process. She is learning how to trust and the most important, how to be herself despite all the fears that she carries since her childhood.

ashrowe's review against another edition

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So, i think this book started out interestingly but as I read even though there was action it go a little boring. Not enough for me to stop reading but kind of a lull where I kept thinking “ have I read this somewhere before?”. Even though there was some great action it just seemed way to familiar for me to enjoy it. BUT then we get to the end and things start getting interesting again. There is where we meet Knox and who he is keeping secret in the safe house that Cora and Mace hide out at. And we find out a secret about Cora. Also a possible betrayal in a tight nit group of vampires.

So for the first book in the series I found this good. The characters were relatively interesting the story flowed nicely even though it was rather…familiar ( I suppose thats the word I’d use). I enjoyed this authors other series ( Shadow Quest) a lot so I’m sure this series is going to be another one of hers that I’ll enjoy reading.

I don’t think you can really go wrong with this book if you like paranormal romance with vampires, decent action scenes, a few twists, humor, and of course the steamy romance scenes. I’m looking forward to picking up the next book in this series because by the end I could tell its going to get really good ( I hope).

autismreading_mom's review against another edition

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This is the first book I've read by Kiersten Fay.My first time reading her work but was so impressed, Wicked Hunger is a riveting, imaginative, fast-paced, full-length paranormal saga filled to the brim with compelling drama, Can't wait for number 2 in the series

redhairedashreads's review against another edition

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DNF 69%

This book started strong but as it went on and more characters were introduced I started to lose interest. We started with the plot of a missing vampire which was a good solid plot but I feel that it was forgotten about shortly after Mace and Cora left the city. After that there was so much going on with her blood, the bond, other vampires that I just keep wondering what was going on. 

I think the concept of this was interesting. But it needs to be fleshed out a bit more before it can be successful, at least for me. 

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

see_sadie_read's review against another edition

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I generally really enjoyed this book and I'll get to the reasons why in a moment. But before I do, I have to rant a moment and say I was leaning toward giving this book four stars right up until I reached the end and it didn't end. Seriously! WTF? I understand that as part of a series some threads have to be left open in order to link the books together, but nothing concluded in this book. NOTHING. In fact, a brand new character was introduced on essentially the last page. THE LAST PAGE! You just can't do that and expect readers not to get irate. You just can't. **Deep breath**

What I did like was the writing. It's smooth and easy to read. I noticed one or two misused words and/or typos, but very few. I also thought that Mason was to die for. I adore seeing a tough guy go all weak at the knees over a female. Cora was an interesting mix of frightened and strong willed. I liked her well enough. I even found Knox to be a curious character and he appealed to me. However, unless he ties in and becomes integral to the plot in later books, the drama around him read very much like a pointless distraction that diluted the storyline. The time would have been far better spent staying on track with the original plot-line (which was essentially dropped, BTW) and actually wrapping something up, IMO.

So my final word on the matter is that A Wicked Hunger was an interesting read that left me incredibly unsatisfied at the end. It's well written with some engaging characters, but I just really need a conclusion of some sort if I'm going to walk away happy.

a_devine_read's review against another edition

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Cora’s parents died when she was little. She’s been on her own since. She’s lead a rough life but met Winston and got married. When she goes to surprise him while he’s at work, she is pulled away by law enforcement. Pulled into another room, Cora realizes he’s cheating on her and then watches as he is shot to death.
Mason, who is with law enforcement, is tasked with keeping her safe. As a witness? As a suspect? She doesn’t know. Then somehow, they exchange blood and they are bonded. (Mason is a vampire.). In trying to keep her safe and out of harms reach, they are out into many different situations. They finally get to a safe house only to discover something different about her past and her heritage. Add in another vampire that Cora somehow gets blood bonded to, trying to figure out her past and what was going on with her husband, Cora and Mason have their hands full.
Awesome book! Chapters are quick reads, easy to find a resting point if needed. Story flows great and there is enough going on that it keeps your interest. It sounds like a lot of subplots but they truly make the book, I cannot wait for the next one to come out. It does leave you wondering what will happen next.
Thanks to for providing a copy to read.

storytellersbymarlou's review against another edition

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This book was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I got pre-approved on Netgalley for this book by Kiersten Fay and let me tell you THAT WAS AWESOME! And I've been in a romance and vampire mood lately so it couldn't have come at a better time. So big thanks to Kiersten Fay for letting me read another one of her books! (I've also read and reviewed Keeping His Siren)

Story: The story was jam-packed with lots of different things and nothing felt rushed. Usually paranormal romance books go too fast and certain situations give you a whiplash because they turn around so fast. Fay knows how to write a compelling story that you just can't put down with a storyline that will not leave you questioning your sanity.

Writing style: I am enamored with Fay's writing style. Her sentences flow together beautifully. I fly through her books and almost 400 pages are not enough. No amount of pages is ever enough.

Characters: Because I've read Keeping His Siren which is a standalone novel in this world and happens after the events in this trilogy, I already recognized some names and how important they truly are. Our MC Coraline is a woman with lots of issues and has a rough past that follows her everywhere she goes. Fay has portrayed her anxiety and fears so beautifully that I can't help but want to roll Cora in a blanket burrito and keep her safe. But I'll leave the protection to Mason, wouldn't want to get into a fight with that badass vamp. Don't let me start about Mason because I won't stop. *insert mayor heart eyes*

I finished this book incredibly fast, I couldn't put it down. I had to unfortunately because I had to go to bed, but the first thing I did when waking up is pick up this book. Fay's writing is an addiction that I never want to get rid of. I first gave this book 3,5 stars but now that I'm at the end of my review I've decided that it deserves 4 stars because it's just so damn good. I can't wait to read the next book!