
Lighthouse Beach by Shelley Noble

jessicamap's review

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Thanks to William Morrow and TLC Book Tours for the free copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was my second outing with Shelley Noble, and while this isn't my typical genre, these are the perfect books to have in between all of the psychological thrillers and horror novels. LIGHTHOUSE BEACH is perfect for those looking for a beach read this summer and to have something lighter thrown into their TBR.

Shelley Noble does a great job setting the scene and really pulling the reader into the book with the characters. Lighthouse Beach plays such an important role for all the women in the story and it almost felt like another character in its own right. All of the characters have a very authentic and genuine feel to them - someone you can relate to and empathize with. This is a great story of self-discovery and shows how strong friendships can truly be. I felt that all the characters had a great development throughout the novel and you really get a feel of who they are and how their pasts shaped them.

If you're looking for a great light beach read or are a fan of Shelley Noble, then make sure you find this one for the summer!

I give this 4/5 stars

ellesea's review

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4.5 stars

I found the beginning of the narrative a little slow as it struggled to hold my by attention as I began my first Shelley Noble novel. However, by the time I reached Chapter Three, Lighthouse Beach had more than piqued my curiosity. Especially as the bride of the society wedding along with Lillo and two other friends make a dash from their hotel to escape the wedding!

Lillo Grey was surprised when she received an invitation to the wedding of a friend she'd not seen in years. Yet, she somehow thought it would be a good idea to attend. It isn't until after the ensuing dramas have receded that she fully appreciates how she needs Jess, Diana and Allie friendship as much as they need hers.

Diana, CEO is a no-nonsense and matter of fact woman. Jess is easily led, especially by her possessive family. Allie is a widow living with her in-laws and Lillo has issues she hopes no one will realise about until after they have left her haven at Lighthouse Beach. Somehow, these four unique women find a renewed perspective on their lives as they descend into the small town where Lillo sought refuge amongst people who have their own individual reasons to live there too.

While the focus is on Lillo and her guest, an abundance of colourful, supporting characters add a wonderful community spirit to the proceedings. They are a mix-matched bunch of people who invade the lives of the unsuspecting outsiders and slightly irk our heroine Lillo when their interference is too much to handle, even when it is heartfelt.

By the end of the novel, I was invested in all the characters. Whilst I appreciate it when the author writes a 'happy for now' ending; encouraging the reader to ponder about what happens next in the lives of the characters. There's an abundance of scope to unravel the loosely tied endings for a sequel. I sincerely hope Ms Noble will write more about Lillo as she goes off to pursue unfinished business and fulfil her potential and to know if Lighthouse Beach did change the lives of Jess, Allie and Diana for the better.

A heart-warming and somewhat humorous novel about the power of friendship. Written exquisitely, the overall feeling of this novel is positive and uplifting with waves of melancholy woven into the narrative. It's definitely a wonderful book to relax with on the beach or by a pool.

***arc generously received courtesy of William Morrow Paperbacks via Edelweiss+***

mrsdmvh's review

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Thank you to Goodreads for a copy of this book!  Yes, I won this copy in a giveaway!  Woo hoo!  Keep entering, I've won a few now, you never know when it will be your turn!

Lighthouse Beach: Life Will Never Be The Same.  This is on the sign when you come in to this little coastal beach town and it rings a sentiment so true for a newly formed group of friends.  Lillo Gray winds up at the wedding of an old camp friend that she has not seen in years.  The fact that she even went blows her mind...and she ends up leaving the wedding with the bride and her 2 college friends, never seeing the bride to her wedding vows.

Each girl carries baggage with her.  Not in the literal sense.  Lillo takes them away to her house and regrets it with every fiber in her body.  She isn't set up for house guests and does not want to entertain them in the least.  This ends up being so good for her, and for each of the girls. 

They form a tight bond you would think they have been friends for years.  It was amazing that this book takes place only over the course of a weeks' time.  Each girl grows exponentially throughout this time.  They all needed a little Lighthouse Beach and it makes you feel so good at the end.   

We all get by with a little help from our friends.  This is what I enjoyed most in this book.  Self-realization is important and sometimes you need a little nudge or two from your friends.  If you're looking for a book where the characters grow and learn, this is the one for you.  It makes it more enjoyable with a beautiful Maine beach setting!  I just wish this was a real place so I could go visit!!!  I don't think *I* would ever leave!

4 star read.  It is a bit of a stretch with the growth considering it all takes place within a week; however, remember this is a work of fiction and darn it, they can all grow this much because that's how fiction works.  It was a little bit of a slow start for me, but once little hints started to be dropped about what everyone's baggage was, I had to find out what background everyone had and what everyone was afraid of/hiding from/etc etc.  This is a perfect summer read!  