
A Little Too Hot by Lisa DesRochers

mollywetta's review against another edition

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This had an incredibly unbelievable and unrealistic plot and the sexytimes were just BAD. But it hits familiar tropes of New Adult: tattooed guys, violence against women (there's a human trafficking subplot).

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

A Little Too Hot is the third book in Lisa Desrocher's A Little Too Far New Adult series. I have been a fan of this series since I first read Lexie and Trent's story. These books have interconnected characters, but can all be read as a stand-alone. I highly recommend that you start at the beginning though as these books are all amazing reads that you do not want to miss. I will admit that this book absolutely shocked me in a totally good way. I went into this book knowing what a great writer Desrochers is, and what amazing characters she has introduced us to so far. That being said though, I will also admit that I was pretty judgmental when it came to Sam's character and wasn't sure how this one was going to go for me. Needless to say, I gave it a chance and was blown away by this one! I love Lexie and Trent and didn't think it was possible to surpass their story, but I think that Sam and Harrison just might be my new favorite couple!

Sam has had a really rough go of it lately. She got dumped only to find out that her boyfriend was in love with his stepsister. Then she flunked out of college and got kicked out by her parents. She was staying with her friend until her friend's parents asked her to leave. With no job and nowhere to go, Sam turns to her best friend Jonathan. Jonathan gets her a job at a gentleman's club as an exotic dancer and lets her stay on his couch. Sam's first night on the job starts off with a bang and she thinks that she spots Trent her ex in the crowd. She quickly finds out that it isn't Trent, but an even better looking guy named Harrison that she instantly feels a connection to. The club has rules set in place, but Harrison makes her want to break every one of them. The more that Sam and Harrison get to know each other the harder it becomes for both of them to fight their attraction. But Harrison isn't who she thinks she is and all of a sudden Sam's life is falling apart all over again. With everything that has happened, Sam knows that she should stay far away from Harrison. But she can't help but feel like there is something between them worth risking her heart for.

I loved Harrison. He was smart and unbelievably sexy. He was also sweet and thoughtful. I loved how he really looked out for Sam and went out of his way to do nice things for her. Even though he had intense feelings for her, he tried to do the right thing when it came to her. You could tell that he really fought to keep himself in control when that was the last thing he wanted to do. Sam was so much different than I first thought. I feel like because of how her character was introduced in A Little Too Far that I was automatically assuming the worst about her and that I really had her completely pegged wrong. I loved seeing a whole new and deeper side to her, including how strong her feelings for Trent were and just how hurt she was by everything. It really brought out the softer side of her and made me realize just how much her character had been through. I really liked seeing her with Harrison, and I thought that they were really perfect together. They had a lot to deal with, and yet they really seemed to handle everything that came up for them really well together. I liked seeing them get to really know one another and I loved the easy and natural connection they had. These two had some of the strongest chemistry I have ever read about, and they absolutely sizzled the entire way through this book. They had so much tension and attraction between them, and they were super hot together.

Overall, I really was surprised just how much I ended up loving this book. Sam was absolutely the last character I ever expected to connect with, and I found myself being drawn in from page one and instantly invested in her story. I loved how things played out with her and Harrison, and I have to admit that I absolutely did not see that twist coming! I really thought that it would always be Lexie and Trent that would stick with me of all the characters from this series, and it was really nice to see them briefly in this story. But I know that Sam and Harrison will definitely be the ones that I go back and reread over and over again. There is just something about these two that really made me fall in love right along with them. This book is probably the best of the series in my opinion, and that is saying something considering just how great the other two books are! This series is absolutely not to be missed, and you need to read these if you haven't already. I have heard that this is the last book in the series, but I just keep hoping that Lisa Desrochers will change her mind and decide to continue it. I am just not ready to let all these characters go, and I would read absolutely anything about them that she writes. That being said though, I will be looking forward to whatever she does write in the future as I have become such a fan of hers after reading these books. These books have so much to offer and they grab your attention right away and the next thing you know the book is over. I absolutely devoured this series and adore the characters in these books, and they have definitely left me with a huge book hangover.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

thebooktrollop's review against another edition

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Full review to come as part of the blog tour!! Really Loved this book, almost as much as I loved A Little Too Far but not quite! The action, danger, WTF moments and I just loved the MC's!!

kaitrosereads's review against another edition

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I wasn’t sure it was possible but A Little Too Hot is my new favorite book in the A Little Too Far series. Sam and Harrison’s story is by far the steamiest yet and I was hooked from the first page.

Sam was not even close to my favorite character in A Little Too Far. I really didn’t feel much of anything for her. Sure, I felt bad when things went down with Trent and Lexie but I didn’t care enough about her to really want to know more about what happened to her after all of that. That all changed once I started reading A Little Too Hot. She seemed a little whiny at first but she quickly grew on me. She was very easy to relate to and I couldn’t help but like her. Things got even better when Harrison entered the picture. He and Sam had some serious chemistry and I was rooting for them from the very first time they met.

The story in A Little Too Hot was the most fast-paced and intense of the series. I had no clue what the book was about when I started it but I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t want to give anything away but the story is really suspenseful and there are some seriously high stakes this time around. Sam and Harrison don’t just have to deal with the complications of their relationship; they also have to deal with some life and death situations. It was intense and by the end of the book I had bitten my nails down to the cuticles.

The romance was scorching, just like I’ve come to expect from Lisa Desrochers. Sam and Harrison had a sort of forbidden romance but that didn’t really slow things down for them. Really it just made things even hotter. The best thing about Sam and Harrison’s relationship though was that they could keep things going even when they weren’t hooking up. They were able to carry a conversation and do things that didn’t involve sex. Their relationship developed almost naturally even in their difficult situation.

Overall, A Little Too Hot was a fabulous ending to the A Little Too Far trilogy and I loved the cameos from the previous two books. If you haven’t started this trilogy yet, get on it!

diaryofthebookdragon's review against another edition

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This romance had a surprising twist to the story that was amusing and fun. Not bad at all.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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My least favorite in the series but still very good. Full review to come.

Full review (originally posted on Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks:
We first meet Sam in A Little Too Far (the first book in the series)--she's one of Lexie best friends, the girl who'd been in love with Trent forever but got dumped by him in the end. I admit I wasn't too fond of Sam's character in ALTF. She was one of the people who stood in the way of Lexie and Trent being together. But I grew to like her in A Little Too Hot and I'm glad that she got her own happily ever after.

Still trying to get over from what happened with Trent, Sam West started partying too much and eventually dropped out of college. Her parents kicked her out and for the first time in her life, she didn't have her mom telling how to run her life. Needing a job to pay part of the rent, her rocker best friend Jonathan hooked her up with a job dancing at a gentlemen's club and that's where she met sexy Harrison Yates.

Harrison sparked something in Sam that she hadn't felt before. Although the club had strict rules during private dance sessions, Harrison makes Sam want to break them all. But, unbeknownst to Sam, Harrison was no ordinary client and was part of something a lot bigger that might just put her life in danger.

A Little Too Hot wasn't as emotionally intense as A Little Too Much (my favorite novel in the series), which was fine with me. However, I had a harder time connecting with Sam's character than I did with Hilary and Lexie. Sam was making some really bad decisions, putting herself in harm's way and she frustrated me. She did get better and I grew to like her more but I was never able to become emotionally connected with her as I did with Hilary and Lexie in the previous books.

As for Harrison, he had a stronger presence in A Little Too Hot compared to Trent and even Alessandro in the previous novels. I got to know and connect with his character a lot more. He was so dreamy, sexy and protective. And he cooks, you guys! **swoon** He might just be my favorite of the men in the series. Before the novel came out, Lisa Desrochers said his character's theme song was Brett Eldredge's "Don't Ya." I listened to the song a lot while I waited for A Little Too Hot to come out. When I finally started reading it, I pictured Harrison as less playful, more muscular, broodier Brett Eldredge. So cute!

The chemistry between Sam and Harrison was scorching, especially in the gentlemen's club scenes. **fans self** I haven't read a "falling in love with an exotic dancer" novel before and that added a bit of freshness in the story for me. Unlike the previous novels in the series, there was a mystery/suspense and a lot more unexpected twists in A Little Too Hot. The middle dragged a little bit, though, when there wasn't really anything going on to move the plot along. Then things picked up again in the last third of the book and all the excitement made up for the middle. It was also really fun trying to figure out who the "bad guy" was. I was able to figure out who it was way before the characters did, but there were still some surprises that I didn't not see coming in the end.

While A Little Too Hot wasn't my favorite in the series, it was still very, very good. I highly recommend you pick A Little Too Hot and the two previous books in the series, especially if you're a fan of new adult or contemporary romance novels. Read my enthusiastic reviews of A Little Too Far (book 1) and A Little Too Much (book 2), if you're so inclined. Bravo to Lisa Desrochers for penning such an excellent series. I cannot wait for more new adult titles by her. Seriously, NA cannot get better than this.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, man, this was yet another fantastic romance, I loved this couple and their story! 

anabelsbrother's review against another edition

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Considering that I didn't really like Sam that much in the first book, I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed her story. She's so feisty and awesome despite the shitty situations she keeps finding herself in. I was expecting a different person!

Also, I didn't expect the story to go the way it went, so bonus points for surprise factor. And HARRISON !!! Dude is hot. Sam + Harrison combo = off the charts HOT, there is no "little".

Great read!

mag_da's review against another edition

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My rating: 3,5

chalila's review against another edition

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Quite different from the previous two. I really enjoyed it, though! There was a ton of teasing and sexy foreplay. Then Lisa Desrochers completely surprised me with a twist. Suddenly it became this crime/mystery thing - which I was really not expecting, but it totally worked. It added some excitement when things cooled down a bit in the foreplay department.

"He's just inches from me, and the feel of his breath in my hair sends goose bumps skittering over my scalp. The urge to spin and press my body against his is unbearable. I turn my head so I can see him out of the corner of my eye. And, God, he smells good - earthly with a musky undertone of sex."

Surprisingly enough though, the foreplay and teasing was way hotter than the actual sex that occurred... uhm... repeatedly close to the end of the book. When they finally got in each others pants, it suddenly wasn't so exciting anymore. The scenes were super short and not very detailed, maybe the author did that so that it wouldn't cross over into the erotica territory - I don't know. All I'm saying is that the foreplay in this was super hot. The actual sex - not so much. Thankfully it contained more of the former than the latter.

There were a few things that bugged me a bit. First it was the heroine's attitude to the circumstances she found herself in. She blamed everyone but herself. She was also incredibly whiny. She did, however, get her shit together eventually!
I also felt that the main characters never really got to know each other properly. At least not to the extent that they would fall in love. After Harrison's secret is out, Sam's mad at him half the time, the other half she's feeling frisky. We never really get to see them interact normally except for a few outings...