
Torn by Logan Belle

tsukikomew's review

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This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on June 16, 2013

Last week we followed Connie Chatterley into her affair. She began sleeping with Oliver Mellors, her coach, and feeling guilty. Cliff, her boyfriend, woke up a little bit and realized his girlfriend was slipping away. Connie was told to have an affair by her idiot sister. Cliff's assistant, Ivy was a bit of a bitch and also a bit of a slut.

This week we learned these things:

1. Connie is still stupid.

2. Cliff is slowly starting to smell the coffee.

3. Dukes is a bastard.

4. Ivy is still a bitch.

On that note, I want to start discussing my issues with this section. I had major issues with the part as a whole. I understood the need to start creating cracks within all the relationships as well as having Cliff wake up and Connie feeling guilty. I get it. I do. The problem with it was, was I'm sort of over it.

I'm over Connie's affair. I'm over Connie's guilt. I'm over that whole thing. I kind of want to kick Cliff in the balls and then chuckle at his pain. I want Ivy to fall into a pit and stay there. Oh and I want Dukes to fall on rusty knives.

Did that convey my feelings about this chapter?! None of the characters are likeable. None of the characters spend much time developing as characters. While I enjoyed the first two sections I am having a great deal of trouble maintaining interest. I just don't like any of the characters and I really don't care if they have a happy ending.

I imagine the story will pick up once Connie confesses her affair. Unfortunately she'll be cast as the harlot for awhile before Cliff decides it was partially his fault. I'm hoping something tragic happens to Ivy and Dukes but we'll see.

I have high hopes for the forth part even though this one disappointed me. I hope you'll join me next week for the forth and final Miss Chatterley Serial Sunday.

2 Stars
Published by Pocket Star
May 27, 2013
74 Pages
Provided by--Logan Belle (the author)

supera710's review

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I received a copy of Torn courtesy of the publisher for review.

In the third installment of Miss Chatterly, Torn takes us a little deeper into Connie's sex-scapades with Mellors, and her relationship with Cliff. These books keep getting better! I found myself wondering if Mellors had anything going on upstairs, or if he was just a meat head droid. And I also was wondering why Connie seemed to just give up on Cliff, when he was so obviously trying to fix their relationship. It's not like he was abusive or weird! Either way, I kept waiting for her to beat Ivy's face in. The fact she didn't was the only disappointment I had, otherwise, I loved the book!

aefedele's review

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This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on June 16, 2013

Last week we followed Connie Chatterley into her affair. She began sleeping with Oliver Mellors, her coach, and feeling guilty. Cliff, her boyfriend, woke up a little bit and realized his girlfriend was slipping away. Connie was told to have an affair by her idiot sister. Cliff's assistant, Ivy was a bit of a bitch and also a bit of a slut.

This week we learned these things:

1. Connie is still stupid.

2. Cliff is slowly starting to smell the coffee.

3. Dukes is a bastard.

4. Ivy is still a bitch.

On that note, I want to start discussing my issues with this section. I had major issues with the part as a whole. I understood the need to start creating cracks within all the relationships as well as having Cliff wake up and Connie feeling guilty. I get it. I do. The problem with it was, was I'm sort of over it.

I'm over Connie's affair. I'm over Connie's guilt. I'm over that whole thing. I kind of want to kick Cliff in the balls and then chuckle at his pain. I want Ivy to fall into a pit and stay there. Oh and I want Dukes to fall on rusty knives.

Did that convey my feelings about this chapter?! None of the characters are likeable. None of the characters spend much time developing as characters. While I enjoyed the first two sections I am having a great deal of trouble maintaining interest. I just don't like any of the characters and I really don't care if they have a happy ending.

I imagine the story will pick up once Connie confesses her affair. Unfortunately she'll be cast as the harlot for awhile before Cliff decides it was partially his fault. I'm hoping something tragic happens to Ivy and Dukes but we'll see.

I have high hopes for the forth part even though this one disappointed me. I hope you'll join me next week for the forth and final Miss Chatterley Serial Sunday.

2 Stars
Published by Pocket Star
May 27, 2013
74 Pages
Provided by--Logan Belle (the author)