
Persuade Me by Juliet Archer

reydeam's review against another edition

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A fun, fun book. It truly was.
I read Persuasion this past winter, and it instantly became a Austen favorite of mine. I do love retellings, when done well, so I was very much intrigued by Persuade Me. There was a chance for disappointment, but disappointed I was not. While I knew how the story would end, I was greatly pleased with the various contemporary factors added that captured my attention and provoked intrigue. While knowing the trajectory of the story, I did not know how Juliet Archer would get us to the end point. She really did a brilliant job capturing the essence and nature of Persuasion while giving Persuade Me it's own personality. I had few minor quibbles - I care little for being told what is going on rather than shown - but I can honestly say that these quibbles did not bother me as they normaly would in other books. For Persuade Me, the telling of the story fit. While Persuade Me is a fun, fun book to read - I would never forgo reading Persuasion itself, as it's richness and depth could never be fully captured in a retelling. Nevertheless, Archer gives Persuasion a go for its money and I certainly recommend the reading of this contemporary retelling to others who have already read Persuasion. For those who have not read Persuasion and like fun contemproray romance would enjoy this story too.

My rating: 8/10

* While part of a "series", Persuade Me is a stand alone book with a very minor connection to Mr. Darcy

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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I was recently afforded the opportunity of working with Juliet Archer. We were fortunate enough to collaborate on The Austen Games together and have developed a nice little friendship driven by our love for Jane Austen! Juliet is the author of the Darcy and Friends series, which currently consists of two novels and is soon to be followed by more works. The first in the series, The Importance of Being Emma, was well received and was soon followed by Persuade Me. Both books have received several romance novel award nominations/wins, and after reading Persuade Me it’s easy to see why!

In a modern-day retelling of Persuasion, Archer introduces us to Anna Wentworth and Rick Wentworth. Both met in France while Anna was an Au Pair and Rick taught sailing lessons. The two immediately fall in love and have a fairy tale summer together. Unfortunately events beyond their control forced them apart, as Anna left to go to school in England and Rick left to work in Australia. For ten long years they lived apart, linked by the memory of that fateful summer in France. Fate steps in again, when the two meet in England, where Anna lives as a University lecturer and Rick is passing through on a book tour in his career as a famous marine biologist. They have both been harboring conflicting feelings about each other, and coming back together after all these years have brought these feelings back to the surface with a vengeance. The two must decide how to best move forward, whether it be together or as separate people. Which one will it be?

Whenever I read a novel that pays homage to Austen’s Persuasion, there’s one thing that always stands out to me as the make or break point: Wentworth’s letter. It is hands down the best letter written in all of literature in my eyes. Therefore, I’m always nervous that when I read a Persuasion influenced novel that it won’t live up to the expectations that I have. I can tell you, my fellow readers, that Archer’s version of Wentworth’s letter is 100% swoon-worthy. I fell in love with the story, the characters, and the comedic undertones of Archer’s writing all while greatly anticipating the moment I would reach “the letter”. Archer’s novel reads like a fine red wine that has been left out to breathe. It becomes fuller and more complex with time, adding to the reader’s pleasure and enjoyment.

Archer’s creativity and wit are clearly evident in the way in which she modernizes Austen’s story. Frederick (now Rick) is now a marine biologist as opposed to being a naval officer, yet still gets to spend most of his time with his love, the sea. Anne (now Anna), who I’ve always considered the smartest of all of Austen’s heroines, gets to showcase that intelligence with a Ph.D. in Russian literature. The inclusion of discussions on Russian literature and the similarities between the plots of these novels and the plot of Persuasion has made me want to delve more into Russian literature in the future. Overall, the entire novel was a very interesting and engaging read. If you love Austen modernizations like I do and are in the mood for a new and fun spin on our favorite classic, definitely check out Persuade Me. You won’t be disappointed!

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)

meeks3's review against another edition

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After reading The Importance of Being Emma and loving it, I was excited to read Juliet Archer's next Austen remake. Thee fact that she chose Persuasion, which is my second favorite Austen novel, made me even more pumped for the book. And what a great book it is! I still think the original is better (unlike with Archer's previous remake because I didn't care for Emma in the first place), but it was really fun to read an updated version.

I found both Rick and Anna to be very interesting characters who were so honest and great reflections of real people. The most fascinating thing to read in this whole book was how each of them worked through dealing with their emotions towards the other and eventually how they both came to forgive themselves and one another for the mistakes they both made.

Because the two reconcile so late in the book you never get a big glimpse into their life together. I do wish the epilogue would have said more about the two of them instead of the "and across the world a man and woman sat on a boat looking at the stars" that we were left with. Yes, it's a sweet sentiment, but I'm the kind of gal who likes specifics in my happy endings and it would have been nice to read how they were living their life together.

Overall I'd say if you enjoy reading an updated version of Austen novels then you can't go wrong with Juliet Archer. She does a fantastic job and I look forward to reading the next Austen novel she decides to update next.

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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You all know I love Pride and Prejudice variations and for a long time I loved that book the most. But then I watched Persuasion and after some time I found that this was the story I now loved the most because it spoke to me. And therefore I was thrilled to read a variation.

Yes, a series, but here you truly do not need to worry since this is a variation and we just hear that Rick knows Darcy and that is it.

Since this is a contemporary version it is slightly different but the story is still the same, as are the feelings. Rick and Anna met and fell in love but her family kept them apart and now he is back and he is famous for his book Sex and the sea. The book is not as sexy as it sounds since but the publisher made it so. He still gets entangled with Lou who then gets hurt in Lyme, Anna's cousin still shows up and with hidden agendas, her dad is still a pompous ass (here he is actually worse than ever since this is the modern age and he lives in the past), her sisters are still idiots. Yes poor Anna, she does not have it easy and she is as sweet and loving as ever.

This was a lovely re-telling, it has that feeling that Persuasion has. Which is not Austen's happiest book. There are bitter feelings brewing underneath and Anna feels that she has lost him forever. And that is why I like this story because they are just so very human, and I love a good story where the couple find their way back to each other and forgive and forget.

Archer manages well in creating a modern setting for this story and bringing these people in to our era and putting a spin on certain events and things going on. An enjoyable book with a couple you will always root for.

I liked it and it did make me so very curious about the first book since that is Emma. I am also happy to announce that she is writing more. Yay, more modern re-tellings.

robazizo's review against another edition

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4.5 stars
Closer to its original than [b:The Importance of Being Emma|6077077|The Importance of Being Emma (Darcy & Friends #1)|Juliet Archer||6253682]. Very entertaining, although Rick was very resentful. But then again, so was Frederick in the original, up to a certain degree at least. The book kept me interested despite the fact that I knew the story already.

melamtz's review against another edition

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This is my favorite Persuasion modern adaption. The characters where done justice as well as the story. One of my favorite things though has to be the reason they broke up the first time. I just felt like it really captured the dilemma Anne had and why she was persuaded. I highly recommend this book.

sarahkat's review against another edition

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Having just finished a modernized telling of 'Persuasion' that I'd found extremely disappointing, I approached this book with extreme caution, so I was absolutely thrilled when I found that my fears were unfounded! The characters were relatable, the writing skillful, the emotion was realistic and settled well (very hard to accomplish, in my opinion, when dealing with feelings of lost love a decade old). I typically find Jane Austen renditions extremely disappointing in some way, but I was very pleased with Juliet Archer, both this novel and 'The Importance of Being Emma.'

carmenna's review against another edition

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Ho amato tantissimo questo libro.
Persuasione è il mio romanzo preferito, e per questo sarebbe stato facile trovare una sua rilettura in chiave moderna, qual è Persuade me, mal costruita, di cattivo gusto, o semplicemente brutta.
Invece il lavoro della Archer mi ha catturata da subito, e se solo fosse stato in italiano, l'avrei divorato in un giorno!
Mi è piaciuta moltissimo la moderna Anna, ventottenne, lettrice di russo all'Università. E' una donna gentile, delicata, resa fragile dal rimorso per aver lasciato andare l'amore della sua vita, e dal senso di colpa che le viene dall'infelice matrimonio della sorella Mona (il corrispettivo della Mary austeniana). La scrittrice, infatti, amplia il background della protagonista, attribuendole una breve relazione con Charles Musgrove, terminata la quale, l'uomo, consolatosi tra le braccia di Mona, si è ritrovato padre e marito di una donna molto diversa da quella di cui, anche a distanza di molti anni, è ancora innamorato.
Il Capitano è invece Rick Wentworth, un biologo marino da un decennio in Australia, autore di un trattato, divenuto best-seller, dall'ambiguo titolo di Sex in the sea. Si tratta di un uomo colmo di risentimento e rancore, che vuole ferire ed umiliare Anna quando la crede legata a Charles, ma che impazzisce di gelosia nei confronti del cugino Elliott, e non può dimenticare ciò che è successo dieci anni prima.
Forse ciò che mi è piaciuto meno è stato proprio il quasi continuo ricorrere ai ricordi dei due protagonisti, ma i pregi del libro superano di gran lunga questo "difetto".
La storia fa male quando deve far male, emoziona, c'è una continua tensione, e non riuscivo più a smettere di leggere pur sapendo perfettamente cosa sarebbe successo (tutti gli eventi di Persuasione sono traslati in Persuade me). Ho rallentato parecchio solo a poche pagine dalla fine, perché non volevo che il romanzo finisse, ma l'Epilogo si sofferma per lo più sugli altri Elliott, piuttosto che su Anna e Rick.
Bellissime tutte le scene con i due protagonisti, che ho trovato in particolare molto teneri quando, entrambi, mettono gli stessi abiti indossati a teatro perché pensano che all'altro/a siano piaciuti.
Leggera variazione rispetto alla storia originale, è il periodo di tempo che ha visto separati i due, aumentato da otto a dieci anni. Mi sarei aspettata invece una sua diminuzione, dati i nostri tempi, e la scelta dell'autrice è stata una bella sorpresa, in cui ho visto speranza e fiducia nell'amore vero.
Molto interessante anche l'attualizzazione di Mrs Smith, qui amica sincera e affittuaria (un po' ficcanaso) di Anna, allegra e simpatica, ma al contempo anche molto triste, a causa della permanente invalidità del marito.

readwithdee's review against another edition

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One of my favorite Persuasion retellings

lindseydomokur's review against another edition

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This book was a very close representation of Persuasion. I loved how it followed the story as well as added new aspects. Even if I have read Persuasion 17 million times and knew what was coming, I still found myself having anxiety when major things happened in this book. I also had all the feels when Rick and Anna were pining for each other and not able to vocalize their feelings. This book was one of the best variations I have read.