
Ghosts of Demons Past by Matt Schiariti

nixwolfwood's review

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I was given an ARC of this book for review. I wasn't sure about reading it for a bit, because I'm not a big fan of the genre. But, after I read Words With Fiends I realized I really liked his writing and that was enough to get me to start reading.

There were times in the book where I had to put it down because I was laughing so hard. Seth is an absolute hoot! I liked him a lot. The characters were believable and relatable.


pelicanfreak's review

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When this book starts out, it’s a little vague and I am unsure of which direction it will go in; also Seth (whose POV we are treated to) isn’t very likable. I keep an open mind but am not totally impressed, initially. There is a lot of dialogue and it holds promise so I keep on and it picks up before I’ve reached the 10% mark.

It remains intriguing enough that I get pretty into it but there times I find the book to be unbelievable or inconsistent: Seth is a ghost hunter to can actually see the spirits. However, he pretends he cannot see them like everyone else and makes a big show of ‘sensing’ them and things like that. If he’s got a client to hire him and let him into their homes, why not just be honest? If they are on board with paying him an astronomical fee in order to rid them of some unwanted, non-living guest, I feel like they could get on board with the fact that he just sees them and speaks with them they way he would anyone else. The other thing is, one visit brings in enough money to pay his rent so he’s either living somewhere really cheap or, there are an awful lot of well off believers in his area willing to hire him. Now, I do understand the concept of fiction and do not hold these little things against the book or writer – I personally just prefer to read along without these little things nagging at me!

Reading along, another nag-factor for me is the ‘been done before’ feeling. The ghost-hunter thing has become a popular concept and like anything I’d prefer to see a little more originality here. There are various scenes, quotations and dialogue that just feels.. well… like they’ve been done before. While I predicted much of it, there was a surprise near the end; I admire a writer who can surprise me.

This was a fast read, lots of dialogue and despite my criticisms, overall it held my attention.