
Handwritten: Speculative Fiction Stories and Vignettes by Vivian Caethe

lorialdenholuta's review

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I love short stories. I keep a few books of them close at hand at all times, and find reading one or two word-nibbles is a nice way to cap off my day. However, reading just one of Vivian's little stories (most are just a page and a half long) is a bit like eating one potato chip. I kept thinking, "Oh, I could quickly read just one more," and then I wouldn't close the book, but would hesitate, and finally shrug. "But one more wouldn't hurt", and before I knew it I was all out of stories. Please think about writing more, dear author.

Handwritten's topics are delightfully, horrifically diverse. Everything from love to revenge, from human to utterly not. My reactions ranged from 'awww' to 'gah!'. I highly recommend that you put this book on your bedside table and practice resisting it. ;)