
Snakeroot by Andrea Cremer

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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Man Crush Monday has to go Connor of the Nightshade series because, oh my glob he's gorgeous and can't wait to see him in a kilt : ). This book gave me what I expected and more. Romance of my fav couples (Sabine + Ethan I ship them so hard). Well this might be a spoiler or not
Spoiler There has to be a second book! Got to see Connor in a kilt, it is my dream now!
I give this book 5 stars because I love the guys of Snakeroot even Logan a little bit.

cassidylynnereads's review against another edition

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I am immensely disappointed that this book still doesn’t have a sequel. I think the plot is drawing the whole Nightshade conflict out and stretching it a little too thin, but I still want to see what comes of the events that are set in motion in this book. I am glad I read Rift and Rise before reading this so that I could see the connections between that series and this one.

heisereads's review against another edition

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Oh, how I love Andrea Cremer's writing and the world she has created in her Nightshade books. I'm so glad we're getting more, and after the events at the end of Bloodrose, this one takes a new and different turn, and is still just as interesting to me reminding me why I fell in love with this series to begin wiht. I love revisiting life with the Searchers, and especially like the feel of the different voices/perspectives we get in the different chapters in Snakeroot with so many of my favorites back along with new ones to balance them out. The plot makes sense for what would come next, yet unexpected at the same time, while also setting the stage for this new series. Having the multiple points-of-view means the reader gets a more complete picture of what's happening. This novel felt even more plot-driven than the previous ones because now that we have so much of the background, we can just move forward with what comes next. I'm interested to know how it will all turn out in the end. I will definitely be anxiously awaiting future books in this series!

eviebookish's review against another edition

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Oh. My. Goodness.
Just when I thought the Nightshade series couldn't possibly get any better, Andrea Cremer came out with two fabulous new additions that completely blew me away. In November 2013, I had the pleasure of reading her adult paranormal romance set in the Nightshade universe, Captive, and guys, it was absolutely amazing! And just recently, I was lucky enough to get invited to take part in the blog tour for Snakeroot (published in December 2013). Needless to say, I didn't think twice. I consider myself a huge fan of Cremer's addictive writing style and brilliant imagination, and so I knew I just had to be part of this.

Snakeroot did not disappoint. To be perfectly honest, I think I enjoyed it even more than I did the original Nightshade Trilogy, perhaps because it wasn't weighed down by Calla's convoluted love triangle. This book was just as exciting, captivating and packed with action, tension and mystery as all the previous Nightshade books, but it was also better plotted and more unpredictable than the other novels. With each chapter, comes a mind-blowing surprise or unexpected reveal. With each page turned, you find yourself drawn deeper and deeper into the story. And, most importantly, you're back in the oh-so-very-familiar world of Guardians, Keepers and Searchers, re-visiting places you know and love, even meeting characters you thought you'd never meet again! What a fabulous reading experience that was! For someone already familiar with the Nightshade world and all the characters, it's a real treat! I can honestly say that there wasn't a single thing about Snakeroot that I didn't love.

The story takes place few weeks after the events of the Nightshade Trilogy, not long after Shay closed the Rift that separated the human world from the Nether realm. Adne (Ren's sister) and Logan (Bosque Mar's son) are both haunted by visions and nightmares involving Bosque Mar, who - trapped in the Nether by Calla and other Guardians - tries desperately to find a way out. Logan, together with Audrey and Chase, are trying to open the passage to the Nether in order to gain their power back. Adne, haunted by Bosque Mar, is doing everything in her power to stop that from happening. Powerful forces are about to clash yet again. Will Adne be strong enough to resist Bosque Mar's calls? Will Logan find a way to get his power back and become the new leader of the Keepers?

First of all, Snakeroot is extremely well written, but that shouldn't surprise anyone, given how wonderfully talented a writer Andrea Cremer is. Her stories are completely addictive, unputdownable, gripping and emotionally affecting. They are also simply entertaining and extremely fun to read. She skilfully expands the Nightshade universe, adding new layers of depth, introducing us to new, exciting plot lines and characters, and utilizing the already fabulously fleshed out settings and ideas. It all works like magic. You almost feel like you're reuniting with good, old friends. Now, I don't know about you, but I love that about books that are part of a bigger series.

As far as characters are concerned, Snakeroot has some great surprises up its sleeve. Readers will be delighted to find out that some of our favorite characters make their appearance in this book. And not only Adne, Sabine, Connor, or the bad guys we so love to hate, Bosque Mar and Logan. However, as much as I would love to rave about who and in what circumstances appears in the book, I can't. It would be too much of a spoiler! But trust me when I say, you won't be disappointed!!!

All in all, Snakeroot is a fabulous new addition to the Nightshade universe. Cremer nailed it yet again. You'll devour this book within one afternoon and will surely be left craving more. To me, Snakeroot was even better - more satisfying and breathtaking - than Bloodrose. Fans of Nightshade series will LOVE this one!

ravencrantz's review against another edition

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I really must wonder, if the main baddie from the Nightshade trilogy comes back in this series, what was the point of the Nightshade trilogy? Those people sacrificed their lives and now that was all for nothing? I'm happy to see Ren again, I really was sad to see him go last series, but as some spirit who can't really do anything? I guess because I really preferred Calla with Ren rather than Shay, but the build up just doesn't make much sense. It took a while for me to really get into the book, something that never happened with any of Cremer's other books. I had to go back and read reviews and synopsis of the other books and remind myself of what happened. Remind myself who everyone was. Now, if I am not mistaken, didn't they have Logan in custody at the end of the big finale? If so, why let him go? I think they said something about not needing to worry about him because the rift was closed and that was the source of his power, but clearly they were wrong.

I mean, come on. How is letting the last of your main enemy run off without any supervision whatsoever sound like a good idea. Clearly, some of the Searchers were getting restless, perhaps if they'd sent someone to watch Logan without his knowledge, especially after he sent people to break into the library, none of this would have happened. Then again, there'd be no story. But all of this comes down to this book not needing to be written. I'm convinced this is simply to milk the series rather than to really do anything else.

So why the four stars? Because I love these characters. I love this world. Even though there was way too many problems, I enjoyed the writing, I enjoyed the action. I did not enjoy the cliffhanger. This could have been a one book continuation. I would have been okay with that. But nope. Had to leave it on a cliffhanger to continue the series. As much as I enjoyed this book, I think I prefer the prequels to this sequel.


alyssar's review against another edition

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sungmemoonstruck's review against another edition

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Spoilers for Bloodrose follow!

This continuation of Cremer's Nightshade trilogy, which focuses on the Searchers' struggles after defeating the Keepers and the threat of the return of Bosque Mar, isn't a bad book. It's just an unnecessary book. It introduces some interesting new characters, while developing secondary ones from the Nightshade trilogy as Sabine ultimately emerges as the most interesting character in the book. But it has the exact same villain as Cremer's other books and you can't help wishing that she'd come up with a new, more creative threat for this series or introduced some new element that would truly change the world of Nightshade. Moreover, Adne isn't a very compelling heroine, especially since her actions often seem arbitrary/a plot convenience. The main reason to read this book is the return of Ren, also known as the unfairly treated character in the entire series. Admittedly, he comes back as a "restless spirit", not back to life, but I have high hopes that he'll finally get the happy ending that he deserved (instead of being unnecessarily killed off and not getting the girl, despite being a million times more appealing and interesting than Shay).

hannahsmanyhobbies's review against another edition

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Gosh that was great. At first I didn't know if I wanted this series to continue on....but man I just loved it so much. Give me more

the_rox13's review

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I honestly don't know why I picked this book up considering I've had a love/hate relationship with the Nightshade series (loved the prequels, hated the Nightshade trilogy itself). Snakeroot was in the middle for me. I liked the characters. Adne was better than Calla as a protagonist in my opinion, Connor was less annoying than Shay and Sarah was just an idiot but I didn't hate her for it. Nothing would have bothered me except for Cremer bringing up Bosque Mar as the villain again, which made the whole original trilogy feel pointless! And I'm not sure why Andrea Cremer made a sequel series and who the hell asked for one because I know I certainly didn't. Anyway, while Snakeroot was enjoyable, I'm cutting the cord with this series.

the_cover_contessa's review against another edition

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I'm a huge Nightshade fan. And, while I hated the way Bloodrose ended, I mean it really just ruined me for a while, I understood it was how it had to go. Then all of a sudden I read the Aftermath novella and realize that perhaps my broken heart would get a chance to mend. And THEN I heard this book is coming out and for sure I need to know if my heart is going to be happy. So, I jumped in and read it.

Blurb from Goodreads:
Fans asked for it, and now they've got it!
Andrea Cremer is continuing the story she began in in her internationally bestselling trilogy: Nightshade, Wolfsbane and Bloodrose.
Bosque Mar haunts the dreams of both Adne and Logan, trying to escape for the Nether, where Calla, Shay and the other Guardians trapped him in the final battle in the War of All Against All...
Will he turn Adne to the dark side? Will Logan reclaim his birthright? And will darkness take over our world?

So, as with the other covers, I'm not a huge fan of this one. But the covers have never really been what has drawn me to Cermer's books. The stories stand on their own. So, while it would be nice to have a pretty cover, or at least a prettier cover than this one, it didn't deter me from pre-ordering this!

I can honestly say that I didn't really know what to expect with this book. I didn't even read the blurb, which is so super short it doesn't give you much insight anyway. What I did expect was to see some of the characters from the Nightshade trilogy in this book, and Cremer did not disappoint on that level. If you have not read any of the Nightshade books or novellas, STOP HERE, there WILL BE spoilers from those books.

Why did I pick up this book? Well, like every reader who had their heart torn out from Bloodrose, I had hope upon hope that Cremer would someone right my life by bringing Ren back. I can truly say that my heart shattered into pieces when he died in Bloodrose. So when I saw that glimpse of him in Aftermath, I knew Cremer could not disappoint her readers.

For the most part, this book is about Adne and Logan and their stories of what happens after the Guardians have trapped Bosque Mar in the Nether.

Just as she was in the other books, Adne is a kick butt character. She is VERY independent, to the point of always striking out on her own, despite the fact that it might get her in trouble at times. She's truly strong and can really take care of herself. But she is connected to the evil that lurks around her people and she's not sure why or how it keeps getting at her.

Logan, oh Logan. He's a hard one to read. He wants power for sure, but he's such a wimp in the way he goes about things. He wants everyone to do his dirty work for him, what else is new, right? I didn't like him in Nightshade and this book did not make me feel much different. For most of this book I wanted to throttle him. He is completely selfish in his actions and it made me want to throw the book.

And of course we get a glimpse of Ren in this book. But he's not the Ren we knew. He's not a corporeal being, which disappointed me despite the fact that I was excited to have him back. And, while Cremer tried to infuse that Ren we knew in the trilogy into this book, I just was not feeling him as being the same. Yes, I imagine he is somewhat changed being this ghost of a being. But I still wanted him to be Ren, and he really didn't give me the same feelings.

The book is fast paced. It took me no time to read it. So lovers of the Nightshade trilogy will still get that feeling of wanting to turn the pages. But this story just did not grip me as much as the other. This one was more boring to me, even a bit predictable in parts. I did love that Cremer chose to write this in third person, so you get multiple points of views as opposed to the one point of view we got from Calla in the trilogy. It did give so much more to the story. And I'm finding that more and more authors are leaning towards this way of writing so the reader can really be totally omniscient and know everything that is going on.

I'm annoyed that the book ended kind of on a climax, I am getting quite sick of cliffhanger type endings. Had it not been that way, I would still have marked the next book to read because I love Cremer's writing and her character development. Overall I think that ending the Nightshade trilogy at Bloodrose would have been just fine. I almost feel this book is a bit of a cop out for Cremer; her wanting to bring back those readers who were totally mad at her at the end of Bloodrose by enticing them with this hope of what they might get. And enjoyable enough read, but I don't think I'll rush to read the next book.