
Inked by Eric Smith

haldals's review

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Please tell me there will be another part to this book, I need more!!!

chel_hop's review

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this could have been so good

diamondxgirl's review

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DNF @ 50%. It's too much fantasy for me!

the_cover_contessa's review

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Almost 50% in and I just can't do it. I tried, I really did. But the writing is sub par (tell, tell , tell, where's the showing?), as is the editing. And the story is boring for me. No rating or review.

samanthas_books's review

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Read this as part of: I read the lowest rated books on my TBR (so you don’t have to)

*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Whilst I loved the premise of this book, I didn’t end up enjoying this.

I didn’t feel particularly connected to any of the characters and I found them to be very immature. This could have been middle-grade, that’s how childish they were.

I found that the story was very jumbled. Considering how short this book was it tried to cover a lot and, for me, was unsuccessful in holding my interest. If the book had been longer, it would have allowed time to flesh out the characters and the plot. There was a lack of urgency as every time conflict arose, it was dealt with within a few sentences. I just found the pacing to be very odd and overall, this story wasn’t for me.

randyribay's review

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A quick, fun fantasy. Interesting premise, even though I keep looking at my own tattoos now and thinking about how boring they are. I hope there's a sequel because I'd like to delve deeper into this world.

neilpbardhan's review

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Fun YA read!

penguininabluebox's review

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*sighs* What is wrong with me why can I not get into any books lately? Just didn't care for either the world, the plot or characters, so I DNF'ed it at 31%.

hmfogel's review

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4.5 stars--I might be a tad biased because I know and very much like the author, but it really is that good! :)

(Thank you to NetGalley and Bloomsbury Spark for the ARC!)

biohazzardous's review

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True rating: 3.5

It’s nice for newcomers into the fantasy genre. It’s good by keeping you wanting more with every turn and opening up an interesting world. Sadly, it rushes the world building and character development. The main characters are fun and well done, but we don’t get to really see much about them after the first half. It all seems rushed nearing the end. Things just pass by and we don’t get a chance to find out how much time really has past as it’s very generalised. The MCs just start to know things and it didn’t give the audience enough time to register and hold in the information before the characters kept pushing forward...

Overall good story, likeable main cast, and nice world. Could use some more depth and length to let us breathe in new information or get to know the characters and world better.