
Business as Usual by Denise Grover Swank

groovyjenni's review

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The format of this book was different from the previous books in the series. It took a while to get into. I preferred just being in the girls' minds in the first two books, but this was interesting to see what the guys were thinking of the interactions. Hope there's another book in the series!

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Business As Usual was a great read. I originally started reading it back when I read the other books in this series, but I just couldn't deal with it at the time. I wasn't in the right headspace to read it. I read the prologue and had to set it aside. The prologue was too realistic for me. It was too much like my own experiences and I just wasn't in a place where I could/wanted to read it. I finally went back to read Lexi's story and I'm glad I did.

Business As Usual was such a great read. Ben and Lexi were perfect for each other. What they have both been just works. I was waiting for Lexi to find out what happened to Ben and hoping it wouldn't be too bad when she did. They just are so cute together! Because of their past and what happened it makes it work even more. Lexi gets to know Ben before she knows what happened to him and it is just amazing.

Lexi was raped and since then she has a new identity at a new school where her overbearing brother keeps tabs on her. She cannot really just go out and do what she wants since her brother blames himself somewhat for not keeping her safe before. If you read have read Redesigned, the second book in the series, then you know the brother already and a bit of Lexi's story. He really is way too overprotective of her. She will never move on and learn to be strong and okay if he doesn't let her be herself.

Ben has a crazy ex who accused him of raping her when he didn't. Now that crazy ex? Oh did I hate her. I wish nothing but bad things on people like her. Argh! Because of her false claims Ben lost his scholarship and is working a ton to try and finish up his school year. He gets a job as a tutor with Lexi's brother as well as working at a bar and a few other things. He has a lot going on and doesn't need any distractions.

When Lexi puts on a play to help her school program she is working on she finds that dressing up with a wig and such makes her feel different. It makes her more confident and like she is not that broken girl anymore. It was so great watching Lexi really grow and learn to move on, to be strong and not let her rape rule her life anymore. She starts acting out with her brother, making him see that she is an adult and can do what she wants. He can't control her anymore. She doesn't always make the best decisions still, but luckily she has people who look out for her. She first meets Ben when they go to the bar after the play and she is in disguise. There is just something there between them that slowly grows to more. Neither of them think they want anything right now, but they just can't help but be together.

Ben is amazing with Lexi. He knows pretty quick who she is even though she doesn't think he does (since she is always in a disguise). She worries about telling him who she really is and about her overbearing brother, but he never pressures her to tell him. He likes her for who she is and he lets her move at her own pace. He was wonderful. He finds that obviously something bad happened to her, and once he finds out what it is his turn to worry what will happen when she finds out about his past. Oh, I just loved him. He was so sweet and kind and caring. He was amazing.

Throughout the story Lexi's brother is also acting stranger than normal. He is cranky and tired and lashes out and is just not himself. Lexi knows something is going on, but she doesn't know what. That is partly why she does some not so smart things. She wants to find out what is going on and help her brother like he has been helping her. It was intense at times, especially when Lexi has to deal with her past head on, but it just shows how strong she really is. There are some bumps in the road, she does take time to really be comfortable with everything, but I loved it. It was hard for me to read at times because of my own past, but it was a great read.

spowers2627's review

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This was my favorite of the Off the Subject Series so far!
Denise Grover Swank writes characters that are realistic, complex, and flawed. The story of Lexi and Ben was well written. I was rooting for Ben from the beginning. It was even better that we were able to see more of Caroline, Reed, Tucker and Scarlett. I love a series that let's you see where the characters path takes them beyond the first story and Denise Grover Swank does not disappoint!

mrsjkamp's review

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When I finished After Math, I was really surprised with how much I liked it. I just finished Redesigned so I could read this one and enjoyed that one as well. This one is Lexi's story, and I'm so glad she decided to tell it. Lexi is a great character, and she really did have some unresolved things going on from the second book, where we met her. I suppose if BAU hadn't been written, we could have been happy with her ending, but obviously she had more to say.

I wasn't sure I'd be thrilled that this one moves to a dual POV format unlike the other ones. It worked for me, and I liked getting inside Ben's head, but it made me wish for Reed's POV too from the second book.
SpoilerSpeaking of Reed, I didn't really like that he was a total nutcake in this one. There was a lot going on throughout the whole book, and Reed and Caroline's side story wasn't a happy one. And even though I knew the whole time they were going to make up, I just didn't like that. Reed was amazing in book two, and this just didn't jibe and kind of messed up how I felt about him. Oh well.

In any case, I kind of felt like Ben was almost too open with Lexi about how he felt about her. It didn't feel as manly as I saw Ben in my head, but it all made sense I think with everything he's been through and such. I really liked how he was with Lexi, and Lexi deserved something good, so that made me happy.

If you dig the NA trend, definitely check this series out. I love the way she tells stories. :o)

heatheray's review

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Lexi is a college student who is recovering from being raped. She has an overprotective older brother (Reed) who, really does treat her like a child in his attempt to protect her. Reed is engaged to Caroline, who is now like a sister to Lexi. There are two stories going on throughout the book. Lexi trying to get back to some kind of normalcy with human intimacy after the rape, and something that is going on with Reed that is tearing him and Caroline apart. Lexi is trying to get to the bottom of that as well because she wants Reed and Caroline to be happy.

Ben is a college student with one semester left who was accused and arrested for a horrible crime that he didn’t commit. That situation leaves him without his scholarship, working three jobs, and barely surviving so that he can make it through this little bit of college he has left. He isn’t your typical cocky player type of college guy that we see in a lot of NA books. He is mature, responsible, and the type of guy who buckles down and gets done what needs to be done.

Ben and Lexi meet at a bar that he works at, she has on the black wig, and so the story flows.

I really enjoyed Business As Usual. It had just the right amount of romance, drama, and heat. It also had it’s completely crazy character that I didn’t quite understand (Tina), I think we need Tina’s book to figure out why she is such a – freak (not in a good way), why she forced Lexi to do what she forced Lexi to do, which was messed up. I’m wondering if I read the first two books in this series if I would understand Tina’s self destructive behavior or if that doesn’t come into play until a later book in the series?

I cannot believe this is the first book that I have read by Denise Grover Swank. I actually had to go back through my reviews and double check, yep, first one. I will definitely be picking up more books from her, especially the ones that are in the Off The Subject series.

annag77's review

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4.5 Stars. Review to come.

anabelsbrother's review

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Oh man. What is it with me and NA nowadays, I feel like I've been cursed or something

DNF because everyone is making wrong and stupid decisions and it's pissing me off, geez

angelastl's review

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Great story line. Love the characters. Great book!

11momo's review

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This book would have been perfect if Tina wasn't in it.


bananatricky's review

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This was an interesting twist on some of the most common NA/YA angst tropes. There is quite a bit of pre-story. Lexi was raped by her so-called boyfriend. When she tried to accuse him, he vilified her and then his parents/lawyers struck a deal with her parents which bound her never to speak of the 'incident'. Unfortunately, it didn't impose the same restrictions on him and he made life so awful for her that she and her brother moved away and changed their names. Ben, on the other hand, was riding high at college on a scholarship until his ex-girlfriend accused him of rape. Despite the charges being dropped, he lost his scholarship and many friends.

There is lots going on in this book. Lexi's brother Reed is behaving strangely and alienating his girlfriend Caroline. Understandably, Lexi has some issues with intimacy, especially since the rape is somewhat of a taboo subject. Caroline's ex-roommate Tina is behaving very oddly - are we going to see her book next? Lexi is trying to create an ambitious summer school activity program for middle school children and Ben is trying to work three jobs to keep himself in school.

Generally I liked this book, it was well-written, the plot moved along pretty well, neither Lexi nor Ben were the sort of h/h that made me want to punch them in the face etc. However, there were two things I didn't like. Well maybe one I didn't like and one I didn't understand.

1. There seemed an unhealthy obsession by Lexi's friends (and not-friends) with her getting drunk. I know they were unaware of the rape but even so, suggesting that she get drunk, or insisting that she get drunk, seems dangerous.

2. Why does Tina behave the way she does? Honestly are there really girls out there who would do that to another girl? I would love to know her story but I can't see how that would ever be forgiveable.