
Destination: Planet Earth by Tom Clohosy Cole, Jo Nelson

geekwayne's review

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'Destination: Planet Earth' by Jo Nelson with illustrations by Tom Clohosy Cole first caught my eye with it's striking cover. The facts and illustrations inside kept my attention in this science book for younger readers.

The book features 2 page spreads in the form of a group of kids going on a vacation. The book is filled with all kinds of facts about our planet. There are pages on the oceans and continents, navigation,the poles, the equator, climate,biomes and other topics.

I loved the illustrations in this book. They kept me interested in the parade of facts going by. But the facts are good too, and broken up with charts and illustrations.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Quarto Publishing Group - Wide Eyed Editions, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

rdyourbookcase's review

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I liked the format and children will love the art style.