
Stake-Out by Lily Luchesi

nikkieliz13's review

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 ⎯» Rating: 2.75 Stars
 ⎯» Genre: Paranormal Romance
 ⎯» POV: Third Person Omniscient

The synopsis for this book caught my attention, and along with its good reviews, I was almost positive that I would enjoy it. Sadly, it didn’t take long for me to feel disappointed. I can honestly say that I think the premise is brilliant, and if it weren’t for its poor execution, it would be one of my favorites.

Its cringey dialogue, immature characters, frequent spelling-grammar and punctuation mistakes, as well as a severe case of telling-not-showing…let’s just say that if I hadn’t paid for it, I would have left it as a DNF.

The only part that I enjoyed was the epilogue, and that just made my disappointment worse.

 ⎯» Labels:
•First in Series
•Paranormal Detective Agency
•Serial Killer

(FMC=Female Main Character, MMC=Male Main Character)

 ⎯» Triggers: Spoiler
•Death, Murder 
•Graphic Scenes—blood, gore, violence
•Cheating—MMC and FMC just broke up and he pursues OW to hurt FMC 

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tltravis's review

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Lily, the story is full of drama, never faltering climactic points, diverse characters with aching hearts and oh, so much more.

No book is without its errors, but this story more than makes up for them and after reading your most recent works, I know you've grown leaps and bounds as an author.

I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

gothauthor's review

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A great start to a promising series!
A killer on the loose, a doomed romance, and paranormal creatures functioning in modern society make for an exciting story. It has issues that usually accompany an author's first book like head-hopping confusion and showing versus telling, but the story itself shines through. I enjoyed the bit of mystery and romance just as much as the action and fight scenes.
Very well done and can't wait to read the sequel!

hyperashley's review

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A fast paced vampire hunting novel. At only 100 pages it had to pack quite the punch to get to the end. It may have been short but that doesn't mean it was lacking in any department.

The characters were great and even in only 100 pages you still got enough details about all of them to know them. Though things seemed a little rushed at times, I know it was just because it was so short. I did think Danny trusted everything Angelica told him too quickly. I don't think I would just say okay and hop in the car with a woman that told she was basically a vampire hunter. That's just me though.

I wasn't surprised by the revelation about Angelica. I knew something was up with her and the fact that Danny didn't see that was weird. Though she did hide it well, you can't get things like that passed me.

There was a lot of action in this small little book. I read it in an hour because I couldn't put it down. I actually gave 3.5 stars on my blog.

For more of my reviews visit :

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: January 25th 2017
Rating 3,5qqq

“Who would've guessed that, in this world, there were vampires, werewolves and specters lurking around every corner; that evil witches who lived for centuries were being burned to to death a few miles away?”

*** A copy of this book was kindly provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! ***


I confess I'm normally not a fan of vampire stories and tend to stay away from them, especially since I seem to dislike about 99% of them. But when I was approached with the question if I wanted to read the Paranormal Detectives series, something about the description caught my attention and I decided to give it a go. And even though I'm normally allergic to fanged characters, I enjoyed Stake-out a lot better than I thought I would. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the vampire element didn't seem to bother me, which can probably explained by the fact that the vampires are properly scary without all the 'sparkling' and cheesiness. I found Stake-out quite a refreshing story and I liked that it had other supernatural creatures; the vampire/creature hunting is a very interesting angle as well. The story was both easy and entertaining to read, although I do have to admit the amount of question marks used can get a bit annoying. The plot and characters make up for it though, and I loved the flashbacks/past life subplot. If you like a good paranormal fantasy story that isn't fluffy or overly romantic, Stake-out is without doubt a great choice. I will be reading and reviewing both sequels soon!


When Detective Danny Mancini finds out the murder suspect he is following is actually a 200 year old rogue vampire, nobody actually believes him. The department put him on early retirement despite his many years of service, and things are getting worse from there. Then, two years later, the beautiful Detective Angelica Cross shows up at his doorstep and offers him to join a secret branch of the FBI. She wants him to track down Vincent, the vampire that ended is career two years ago. But Danny's new life will need some time getting used to...


Stake-out isn't just another vampire story. Sure, vampires play a big role, but the plot is more about hunting supernatural creatures and following the main character Danny as he slowly comes to terms with his new world working for the secret branch of the FBI. I especially enjoyed the flashbacks and past life elements and I will be looking forward to find out how the story continues.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

littlefrye04's review

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While many humans love paranormal books, tv shows and movies, it is just Fiction. It's fun to read about or watch, but it's not something you have to worry about in real life. That is until the creatures from the pages come to life.

Danny Mancini is a detective for the CPD. While on a stake out for his current case, Detective Mancini will get so much more than he bargained for. While witnessing a young woman being attacked, he never could have prepared himself for what would happen. His eyes had to have deceived him. For what he saw wasn't real was it? He never could have guessed that in one night, his reputation and career would be destroyed.

When Angelica Cross, founder of the PID branch of the FBI shows up at his house requesting help to catch the murderer that ruined his career, he jumps at the opportunity to do something about the evil that is Vincent and others.

He is not part of the small percentage that knows that paranormal creatures do exist. But what will he do with this information? How will he react when he realizes there is more to himself than meets the eye.

I highly recommend this book to those who love paranormal books. You will find vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, etc. Review for Mommy's Naughty Playground.

readinggrrl's review

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The beginning of this book has some issues but they quickly worked themselves out and I found myself flying through this book. I loved the concept and the characters. The heat between Danny and Angelica reminded me of Mulder and Scully of the X-Files. I love how the mystery and romance meshed but didn't overpower each other. In fact I loved it so much I immediately picked up book 2! Great start from a promising new author!

vondav's review

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Detective Daniel Mancini has to go into early retirement due a stake out that goes horribly wrong. He is tracking a serial killer who turns out to be a vampire the trouble is nobody believes him and thinks he is crazy due to his injuries.
Two years later he gets a knock on the door and a beautiful agent Angelica Cross invites him to join a secret part of the FBI who investigates paranormal activity. She wants him to help her catch the vampire serial killer and as he knows the case he is the best man for the job. Whilst he gets trained in how to fight all things paranormal a close friend gets killed by the vampire causing Daniel to have an unhealthy hatred of all things vampires. Both Angelica and Daniel has their secrets but can they work together to solve the crime.
I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a great start to the series. I liked how the relationship between Angelica and Daniel was going and the prejudices they both faced. I love the idea of a human working with a paranormal and can’t wait to see how the series progresses. Angelica is one feisty lady and you can tell that she does not taking any nonsense. Daniel is your typical cop, always questioning everything and wants to get to the bottom of the mystery.
I can’t wait to find out where their relationship will go but I don’t have to wait long as book 2 is already out

cappiethorn's review

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Loved Danny and Angelica so much! I dont want to give spoilers, but the way the author connected the two main characters was awesome, and i loved watching their relationship form. 10/10 would read again.

loganashleyauthor's review

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I was contacted by Lily Luchesi and offered a free e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I was immediately intrigued by the plot. This book had a great opening chapter and immediately sucked you in.

I absolutely loved the characters and their personalities. Especially Angelica. That girl could seriously kick some ass.

The biggest complaint I had with this book was everything was seemed so rushed. All the emotions and action packed scenes were over as fast as they started. The characters and their relationships grew and receded so fast, I couldn't even adjust before it was changing again. Even the ending was so rushed. I felt like so much detail that connects the reader to the story was missing. It just needed to be beefed up to support the already great structure it has.

Another (maybe this is petty) thing that bothered me was the immense use of exclamation points. I read the way things would be said in real life, and the exclamation points just seemed to be used in awkward places or overused altogether.

The overall plot and characters were fantastic, and I know this was only 100 pages but there are so many instances where senses, emotion and detail could be infused to beef it up and help connect the reader to the story, that it could easily double in length.

A fast reader and very entertaining! Definitely held my interest!