
Beauty by Sarah Pinborough, Les Edwards

allysadventuresinbooks's review against another edition

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I really liked the start of this book but honestly the graphic content in the middle seemed very out of place with the tone of the rest of the book! Also there was an unanswered question at the end of the book...

eusteph's review against another edition

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Good enough to catch my attention but overall dull and predictable. Ten pages into this book I already had predicted its 'major' plot twist. For a fairy tale retelling with such a suggestive title I honestly expected more. My expectations went through the roof when I saw it was dedicated to Joe Abercrombie. I found many flaws along the story such as typos and 'meninist' behavior that did not suit medieval times, but I appreciate the author's intentions. At the end of the day I only finished this for the sake of finishing a book and were it not for my trusty sticky notes I wouldn't remember this story tomorrow.

lifeand100books's review against another edition

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Review Coming

sarahsindorf's review against another edition

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Resenha do blog Sincerando, escrita por Sarah Sindorf

ATENÇÃO: Esse livro contém cenas de sexo e eu não recomendo para menores de 18 anos. É o terceiro livro da série Encantadas, mas a resenha não contém spoilers dos anteriores.

Um príncipe e um caçador saem em busca de um reino perdido, pois o príncipe precisa de uma aventura. No caminho, encontram uma jovem, Petra, curiosa com o que há por trás de um muro de plantas intransponível. E é dentro desse muro que acham um reino adormecido, com uma bela mulher deitada em uma cama. E ao acordá-la, a aventura começa. O que há de errado com o lugar e quem gostaria de amaldiçoar uma Rainha tão bonita e bondosa?

Sempre gostei da história da Bela Adormecida. Pobre alma bondosa e cheia de qualidades que é condenada a dormir cem anos e acordar em um mundo totalmente desconhecido, mas que ganha um amor verdadeiro ao despertar. Parece ser uma boa recompensa para tamanho castigo. Mas será que é isso que acontece realmente?

Conhecemos nesse volume um príncipe bonito, mas com uma certa dose de irresponsabilidade e um tanto superficial e um caçador jogado nessa aventura sem ter opção, mas que é sério e perceptivo. Além deles temos Petra, uma jovem mulher cheia de vida, que precisa descobrir o que a chama atrás de um muro misterioso.

A cidade que descobrem é estranha e silenciosa. E quando exploram, encontram pessoas adormecidas em posições estranhas por toda parte. Mas, quando entram no castelo, encontram mais mistérios, entre eles uma bela mulher adormecida. E ao despertá-la, podem estar despertando muito mais do que esperam. Descobrem um segredo terrível e se envolvem em uma trama antiga.

Gostei muito desse livro. Gostei das mudanças na história da Bela Adormecida, e gostei da forma que envolveram outros contos de fadas, que pareceu muito mais natural que nos outros volumes. Os personagens são muito mais cativantes também e tem cenas horripilantes. Foi uma leitura rápida, mais pelo fato de não conseguir largar do que pelo livro ser pequeno.

Fiquei satisfeita com o desfecho da trilogia e com a forma que a autora interligou os três. No final tem uma entrevista com a autora que me ajudou a entender melhor o seu trabalho. O trabalho gráfico é o mesmo dos anteriores: papel amarelo, letra confortável e marcador destacável no final.


elee2013's review against another edition

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On second read:
after finding and reading the other 2 books in this “series”, I feel like I kind of read this perfectly. Start with this book, then Poison, then Charm. I felt Charm had the strongest “ending”, but it wraps to the beginning of this book and obviously the end of this book is the beginning of Poison. It’s a very cool way to mesh the books together.

First read:
Sooo the horror element in this book was exactly my flavor — I think I’ll have to find books 1 and 2 to get my head all the way around this universe. I enjoyed it’s unfinished sense of cyclical history, although I do wish the huntsman had a glimpse of his girl.

abbyreadssometimes's review against another edition

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I don't know who put this in the kids section of our library, but it definitely shouldn't be there. There was some adult stuff in this book that should preclude it from that section. The book was an interesting take on fairy tales and interwove the different stories beautifully.

tcjax's review against another edition

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This is apparently the 3rd book in a series but I think it can work on it's own. There were some hints to things I THINK may have took place in the previous books but its not too bad. This one did make me want to pick up the other two though.

It is an interesting twist to Rapunzal, with a host of other well know tales woven into the story. It's quite clever how they all piece together.

This is only about 180 pages so I finished in a few hours. It's a fun read but quite brutal. There is swearing, explicit sex, explicit violence and all manner of debauchery so beware. I wasn't expecting it to be quite so. . . blunt. Twas nice though. I'm excited for the first two :)

qrb's review against another edition

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3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

se_wigget's review against another edition

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This is the last in the trilogy, and I really liked the first half, including how it combines different fairy tales. Also, it's edgy and mysterious. 
After Red Riding Hood, the prince, and the huntsman get through the barrier, the enchanted city would have at first seemed like it was entirely a remake of Sleeping Beauty... if it weren't for how unsettling and eerie the atmosphere is.... reminding me of the tension and anxiety I felt shopping at a supermarket during the coronavirus pandemic. Yeah, when I'm out of produce, I think I'll do limited fasting, because this is a bad time for empaths to grocery shop. 
But I digress... 
This is a small part of the book, but I strongly dislike the claim that a kitten was acting like a puppy just because it followed the princess around and slept on her pillow. Following you around and sleeping on your pillow is a normal thing for cats to do, not just dogs. Plus killing off the poor cat—that's the point where my enthusiasm for this book began to dwindle. 

ronimac74's review against another edition

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Not exactly what I was expecting. I was expecting a different take on Sleeping Beauty however I got a mash-up of fairytale characters like in the TV series Once Upon A Time. The author did a great job combining the characters and interweaving their stories together. I think I am just still expecting a happily ever after.