
The Dead Lands by Dylan J. Morgan

clairereviews's review

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Publication date: 1st September 2014


Publisher: Author


ISBN: 9781499242096


Rating: 4½/5



Lane is a bounty hunter for Erebus' corrupt government,  his life a constant battle against past demons. Framed for murder, Lane is offered one option to avoid the death penalty: rejoin the army and partake in a covert operation to the apocalyptic world of Hemera, Erubus' sister planet. A century after the nuclear conflict that ended mankind's third age, Hemera has now sent a distress signal to it's sister:  the president has awoken and he's calling for aid. Early intelligence reports indicate the mission will be straightforward, that Hemera is a vacant shell with all forms of life and hostility extinguished. They are wrong. Bandits control the dead lands, but there are things much worse waiting for Lane and his squadron once they enter the city walls.  Having lived with the nightmares of his shattered past,  Lane must now face the mutated horrors of mankind's future in the toughest battle of his life.



To say I was hooked from the first chapter would be an understatement. This story really grabbed my attention and pulled me in from the very outset. Lead character Lane is well written and endearing; I was rooting for him from the very start of his journey and experienced a myriad of emotions as I travelled alongside him for the duration of his treacherous mission.

Hemera's desolate landscape springs to life with Morgan's perfectly descriptive prose, the planet's inhabitants scarily so. Alongside the action, there are some unexpected and wonderfully touching displays of humanity. 

My only criticism is that there are a few grammatical errors here and there, but this is my pedantic proofreader side butting in. That aside, I was utterly absorbed, reading until the early hours, determined to reach the dramatic conclusion. 

This book will not disappoint - buy it now!

*I'll admit, I'd not heard of the author until this book was recommended to me by a friend. I get recommendations all the time, but am often disappointed, so tend to approach with trepidation. Once I'd read the synopsis of this book, however, I bought it without hesitation - a very rare thing; as a reviewer I usually receive almost all my books free*

lilyn_g's review

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Oh, I wanted to love this book. It looked perfect. Mutants, science-fiction, post-apocalyptic setting… I’d seen great reviews, too. Unfortunately, The Dead Lands was a dud for me. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. I just didn’t feel anything for or towards it. It evoked no emotions. It never aroused my curiosity, never made me think.

It was technically a science fiction novel in part because it was based on a different planet, but it wasn’t really based on a different planet. Apart from the advanced weaponry and cryogenics, the worlds that are featured in this novel (mutants aside) are disturbingly mundane. There’s nothing in them that suggests an exotic location. None of the characters appealed to me. They’re not cardboard characters, exactly, but they’re so typical that with the mundane setting and other issues they were almost irritating.

However, and here’s the interesting thing, this would make a great movie. The more I read it, the more that occurred to me. All the little bits and bobs , the occasionally gruesome images and odd character tics, etc, are at best mildly interesting in the book. If it was a movie, though? Hah! It’d be freaking awesome! Filled with shoot-em-ups, last stands, and plenty of gore. You’d probably have to pay me to get me to read the second book in this series. But I’d be there on opening night in the theatre, saying “Shut up and take my money” to see this on the big screen.

My favorite part of the book was near the very end. The author killed off a character I was expecting to live. It was completely unexpected, so I’ll happily admit I did a little internal cheer. I love it when authors go against the grain and do something unexpected. Overall, The Dead Lands was an okay read. Morgan knows how to put a story together, but he needs to refine his writing a little bit. I know that lots of people think a lot more favorably of it than I do.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.