
The Unbelievable Gwenpool #1 by Christopher Hastings

crystalstarrlight's review

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Bullet Review:

That was HILARIOUS. It felt like a cross between Harley and Deadpool. HYSTERICAL and light-hearted.

Not sure if I should hunt down single issues or wait for volume 1!

karrama's review

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Lots of fun if you like your Marvel Universe. A good "bubble gum read" with Gwenpool's attitude.

tawfek's review

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well that was fast i was always attracted to gwenpool i don't know why i think i might be attracted to pink and red like girls a flaw i came out with it seems but they are pretty <3
so gwenpool i knew her from a card collecting game she looks pretty i absolutely love her
she is what i would call anti hero, any hero that kills could be called anti hero i think.
in this issue we get introduced to gwenpool who is like deadpool is aware that she is in a comic and she constantly thinks that way.
she is from the real world goes into the fictional world of marvel and works as mercenary but after she kills modok mercenary modok forces her to be his mercenary.
i think i might read issue 2 before i finally go to sleep.

queenkoko's review

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"I've seen uncle Ben die more times than I've eaten Arugula." - Gwenpool.

Lmao and I am dead. Did I mention in my last review that I love the pink text bubble? Gwen is back breaking the fourth wall and making me laugh. I hope the series continues to be funny. I'm probably going to be reading the single issues here and there when I have the time.

SpoilerThey killed the dude at the end? I liked him! I was hoping he would be her sidekick and then he gets vaporized. That was sad.

narflet's review

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Noticing that issue #3 of this series (out this week) had a Totoro homage as its cover, I was curious. Turns out that this was wildly entertaining. Then, I wondered how the character came about. I mean, it seems like they're just creating a female version of Deadpool, and why do that? And it was also a bit confusing because I knew Marvel has a Spider-Gwen title, so why another Gwen? Here's the backstory from Wikipedia that answers both those questions:

Due to the popularity of Spider-Gwen, in June 2015 Marvel published variant covers for 20 of their current series, which saw Gwen Stacy re-imagined as other Marvel characters, such as Doctor Strange, Groot and Wolverine. One of those variants, for "Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #2", featured an amalgam of Gwen Stacy and Deadpool dubbed "Gwenpool", which turned out to be especially popular with the fans. As the result, Marvel produced two stories featuring Gwenpool as a character, a backup story in the series "Howard the Duck", and a one-shot "Gwenpool Special #1". A retcon in the Howard the Duck #2 backup it was revealed her name is actually "Gwen Poole", not Gwen Stacy, or even an alternate version of Gwen Stacy. Following the publication of the one-shot, an ongoing series titled The Unbelievable Gwenpool by the same creative team was announced, starting in April 2016

onceandfuturelaura's review

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Hilarious and pink. Oh so pink.

lovmelovmycats's review

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Comics are weird. (I didn't read them growing up) I liked this one though.

theliteraryowl's review

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This was a nice first issue, Gwenpool is funny and the plot is engaging. I love that she doesn't have superpowers and is just a regular girl (but a superhero all the same) so yeah. Also, that ending was ... ugh! Can't wait to read the next issue! Oh I forgot to mention the art, it's pretty cool, too! So yeah :)

taschima's review

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Let me start this off my saying I am new to the comic book world (and already possess quite a nice collection). I am no expert, I haven't been doing this for decades, so this review is from a newbie to a newbie.

Gwenpool is so fucking awesome I could die. When I first went to my local comic book shop I of course went in not having a darn clue of what I was doing or looking for. I knew I liked Marvel, and I knew Spider-Man was to be my gateway to the comic book world (two reasons, always loved Spider-Man, and my married last name is Parker, coincidence? I think not). I found Spider-Man vs. Deadpool on that faithful day, and then I fell in love with Deadpool's smart ass/jackass/clueless asshole. As I was looking FOR MORE DEADPOOL I came across this gem, GWENPOOL.

GWENPOOL is a normal girl, who just happened to travel in between dimensions and land on a universe that looks a lot like the comics she grew up reading as a kid. Superheroes exist (yay!) but so do villains (fuck!). If there is one thing Gwen knows from the super powered world is one thing-- extras die, and they die quickly and most of the time they die horribly. In order to avoid such a fate she decides that she is now a superhero character, and she goes by Gwenpool. Soon enough she comes to realize that being a superhero is not all that is cracked up to be, sometimes good intentions lead to bad endings, and being the hero of your story doesn't mean you get to avoid pain.

GWENPOOL is a fun, relatable character. She likes all things that explode, guns, motorcycles... anything that can and will go boom.She is of course trying to make the best out of a weird situation, and having all the fun she can out of it. Half the time she doesn't know what the hell she is doing, just like me in this crazy comic book ride. The other half she expects her ultimate superpower will save her from any harm, knowing that this is her story and main characters don't die. She will fall out of tall buildings and land on a truck full of feathers, she will go against the baddest super villains in town and come out with not even a scratch. Her real superpower to me is her smarts and cleverness, she did figure out how to survive a super powered world, and in style!

I love the art. I am no expert on artists, but I do also know that if I were to pick up a comic in which the art is not attractive to my eye then I would quite possibly put it down. The art in GWENPOOL is playful, comical, bright, vibrant, just a little bit silly, like the main character herself (I would definitely get this first issue cover as a poster and put it in my library).

So the question to be answered is this, how did Gwen make it unto this dimension? Nobody knows, and that is one of the secrets that keeps you coming back for more. Though really, half of the time I find myself not caring, because I am having too much fun with the character. The real question is, will GWEN ever decide to go back home...

doyoudogear's review

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If you like Deadpool, his knack for the inappropriate, and love of violence, then Gwenpool is probably a comic you'd enjoy. Gwen Poole is from the "real" world, has read comic books her entire life, and then somehow manages to insert herself into the Marvel universe. She is fully aware of who she is and what she's doing, and she's determined to make herself a hero with her very own story. It helps that she knows everyone, their histories, secret identities, etc. She uses that information to survive in the beginning, but after a few comics she tries to learn basic fighting skills. Her only source of information has been the internet, so I'll let you come to your own conclusions. 

I love her snarky personality and the unexpected things that pop out of her mouth. If you're her friend, she will try to keep you safe, but Gwenpool has a borderline scary obsession with violence and killing. She sees people as extras in her story, which means to her they are expendable. Unfortunately, the supporting characters don't see things that way, and they want to fight for the lives they believe themselves to be living. Have I lost you yet? If this sounds even the least bit interesting, I highly recommend that you read it! It will make more sense when you do, but know that with Gwenpool there will always be a little bit of confusion.

Originally posted at Do You Dog-ear? on Monday, October 9, 2017