
Bound: Wars of the Heart, Book 1 by Kara Leigh Miller

bubblewombat's review

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It has been exactly *checks calendar* 317 days, 18 hours, and 54 minutes since I saw the Cursed characters last in Abby's book. THAT'S A LOOOOONG TIME AWAY FROM MY BABIES. Especially my ultimate favourite, Jax.

Back then I was so excited that my boy was getting his own series and I said (now read this part carefully) that I hope his series wouldn't be painful. Oh how naive I was!

Because, as we know from the Cursed series, Jax attracts pain like a magnet does steel. HE JUST CAN'T CATCH A BREAK, CAN HE?!

By the end of all of this he's going to need all the hugs in the world.

SO. We begin with Jax meeting Piper, which was covered in Abby's book, but since it was from her PoV we didn't get to see the full scope of what Jax was feeling.

I like that it was done this way, not just to refresh our memories, but also so newer readers could jump in and know what transpired, instead of dropping them in the middle of the action with all these characters they didn't know.

But, I'd still recommend they read all 7 books that came before this one, because they're amazing and worth reading, and so they could suffer with us from the beginning. It only seems fitting.

The rest of the book was them getting to know each other and all that fun stuff, but Piper comes with a secret, one that is designed to break his heart (and the hearts of everyone reading too).

There's also another super cool secret, I'm not sure if I was suspecting it or not. It was left for the end and went nicely with the cliffhanger.


NOW THE CLIFFHANGER!!! I WOULD LIKE TO CRY. A LOT. IT'S NOT FAIR TO END IT LIKE THAT!!! I am now going to be in a perpetual state of sadness until I can get my hands on book two.

ANYWAY, I am so so so so so so so so so so happy that Jax has his own series. And I did shelf this on my teen-and-ya shelf here on Goodreads, since the main series was YA, but it's more NA because of some scenes. Maybe like a cross between both categories? You should read it for yourself to see which category is best, because I said so.

*I'd like to thank the amazing author for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review*