
Rock On by Denise Vega

loveleareads's review

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I am a big fan of books that have to do with any kind of music, which is what drew me to Rock On in the first place. That, and that it has a male main character, which is very refreshing. Rock On was a very cute and fun read. I quite enjoyed Ori and his story.

I really liked Orion. He was kind of nerdy but he was very sweet. At the beginning of the book his whole life is centered around his guitar and band. As the book goes on he starts to focus on other things, his music always right behind him.

I also liked the other characters in this book. The other band members, Vela, Alli, Gwyn. They were all funny and entertaining. And Jane and Ori were very cute together.

The main conflict with this book is focused around Del, Ori's brother. Through flashbacks, we see that once upon a time Del was a good older brother to Ori. But now, Del is moody and a total jerk to Ori and everyone in general. This part of the story was predictable, but I still enjoyed it.

Rock On was very fun. It wasn't too serious yet it was still able to maintain a realistic aspect. I really enjoyed the characters. I can't wait for more by Denise Vega.

kpasteka's review

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I'd give this one 3.5 stars if I could. It's a cute story, the characters are very realistic. Loved that she included a deaf character since my dad is deaf, and it's not something you regularly see in mainstream books. I did have one issue- the transition between chapters 27 & 28 seemed jarring and I wish she spent more time with the battle after all the lead up.

*I received a free copy of this book through a Goodreads Giveaway.*

amburhostyn's review

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I've mentioned that I love music, so I pretty much jump at the chance to read anything music-related that I can get my hands on, and in the case of Rock On, I'm extremely glad that I did! :D

One thing that I absolutely loved about Rock On was that it was from a teen boy's perspective, which I found really interesting...I also absolutely loved Ori (or Orion) and his passion for music! :D Ori was pretty much a prodigy and had been playing guitar for years. I was never a prodigy myself and only played the saxophone for a brief while, but Ori's passion totally made me wish that I could play like that...or that I had actually tried to learn to play better. :P

I also loved that Rock On didn't stick to one type of storytelling. Instead there were blog posts and updates for the band through the Battle of the Bands website, which I thought was a fantastic touch! I especially loved that you could see the comments of the people visiting their made me wish that it was an interactive website that I could've actually checked out. :P There were also flashbacks, which I didn't enjoy as much as the blog, but they were alright. I found the switch to a different type of perspective a bit strange, but I did like getting to see into Ori's past and to see how his relationship with his brother, Del, was like before.

My favourite part about Rock On was Ori himself. I just loved his character. I did want to nudge him in the right direction every once in a while though. :P His relationship with his brother, Del, was probably the biggest conflict throughout the book, and like one of his best friends, Allie, I just wanted him to talk to his brother and work things out. His brother was kind of a big butthead, but being closer to Del in age, I could totally understand why he was acting out. It still didn't justify it though. I really felt for the two brothers, and I liked that the conflict between them was realistic. It added a completely different side to the story, one that I didn't really expect to be so prominent, but still thoroughly enjoyed. I also really liked the side characters, and getting to see Ori stop being so awkward with girls. It was great seeing him get out of his shell. :)

Overall, I really liked Rock On. I thought that it was an interesting perspective on music, and I liked that it was unique. I've definitely never read another story that was anything like this one. I especially enjoyed the characters. Not only was Ori a great main character, but the supporting characters were fantastic as well. Right from all of their entrances, each of the characters were so fully defined, and I thought that was fabulous. :D I'd recommend this one if you like music, and if you're into stories that cover all the bases from romance to sibling drama, to stage fright, to trying to come into yourself and out of your sibling's shadow.

kellyhager's review

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Ori and his band are pretty good. Yes, they're high school students and no, they've never really had a gig before, but still...they're pretty good. (Also, there's the small problem of Ori's stage fright and the fact that they don't have a name...yet.) But even so, he's sure they'll win the Battle of the Bands.

Ori's other problem (no band name and stage fright being the two big ones) is that his older brother Del is home from college. Normally, that'd be great, because Del's his best friend. But since he's been back, things have been different. He's moody and honestly, a total jerk. Ori wants his real brother back, but there seems to be no way to get things back the way they were.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, because those seem to be two really incompatible storylines, right? But they work. The Del storyline fleshes out the story and makes it a lot more relatable. We may not all know what it is to be musicians but I think everyone can relate to people suddenly changing, and not always for the better.

Everything about this book is incredible, though. The juxtaposition of where Ori wants the band to be and where they actually are is sweet (he basically pictures a Beatles-like level of fame before they've even played their first gig). It's nice watching them start to get a fan base, too. I wish Denise Vega had followed Jodi Picoult's example and included a CD with the book, but I'd be willing to bet that's not really cost-effective. Still, I found myself wishing they were a real band, because I think I'd like their music.

Highly recommended.