
Indigo Dawn by Elle J. Rossi

eg_m's review against another edition

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Having read the prequel, [b:Alabaster Nights|18515993|Alabaster Nights (Josie Hawk Chronicles, #0.5)|Elle J. Rossi||26213022], the opening was a little disconcerting. Years appear to have passed with Josie and Keller being on-again, off-again with the book opening in an off-again. Fortunately, that conflict is resolved early in the book and they move into a steady state on-again. At which point the story takes off into fast-paced urban fantasy reminiscent of Karen Chance and Patricia Briggs, with the an enjoyable side-order of steam.

Josie is a great character; bad-ass, dedicated to protecting her city, a snarky manner but quick enough to apologize when it gets out of line, and willing to take risks but without a descent into TSTL. Keller is all heart-throb vampire with mad skills and enough self-awareness and dry sense of humor to leaven his near obsession with Josie.

On the personal nit side: I did find the use of similes distracting such as He collapsed like a useless sack of potatoes. I realize with deep POV people do think like that, but it tended to disrupt the flow.

amandasbookreview's review against another edition

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Indigo Dawn by Elle J Rossi is technically the first book in the Josie Hawk Chronicles. I have read the prequel, Alabaster Nights and loved it! I have just found out that there is a second prequel called Crimson Beat which I need to get my hands on. Thankfully all the books in the series can be read as a standalone story. Keller and Josie cannot stay away from each other. They are like a magnet. Keller is a vampire and Josie is the Huntress. They shouldn’t be close but they are destined to be together and destined to be partners as well. Josie and Keller watch the streets of Nashville at night, to make sure paranormal entities are behaving. (Never likely.) One night, Josie is drugged by a pixie named Esmeralda. However, she isn’t the only one. Behind Esmeralda is someone more dangerous making a power play with the Assembly.

I LOVE a good paranormal romance. This book has evil beings, sexy vampires, badass females, politics, romance, mystery, and suspense. This is the first full-length novel in the series and I am so glad because the prequel was just a taste of the world Elle J Rossi created. I love the different factions (vampires, witches, demons, pixies) and their political intrigue. Each group has its own rules and they usually protect their own. However, when Josie is friends with different factions, it makes it that much more interesting. She is like a bridge between them.

I also love Josie and Keller’s relationship. Josie can be stubborn. Keller can be protective but when they are in sync, they are unstoppable. I love their humor. They play off each other and they bring a lightness to a dark story. I can’t wait to read more! I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

irishcontessa's review

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Indigo Dawn is the first full length novel in the Josie Hawk Chronicles, a series I've enjoyed from the first novella. Josie is a complex and interesting character and reading about her makes me want to know her. She is smart, honest, dedicated, and has very deep feelings which she hides behind attitude and sarcasm. Josie's past is revealed in bits and pieces as the series progresses and the unfolding picture makes her actions and reactions completely understandable. And if Josie couldn't kick my ass without breaking a sweat, I'd try to take Keller home with me :)

From the first page, Indigo Dawn is pure action. The poor characters just can't catch a break! As soon as they put out one fire, another pops up and they have to race to deal with it. This makes the book flow well and makes it a fairly fast read. The action also allows Rossi to paint a picture of the characters' interactions and personalities organically. Rather than descriptions of Alec, Grant, and the others, you learn who they are by their own voices and by their actions in the middle of all the drama.

The Josie Hawk Chronicles are set in Nashville and Rossi does a brilliant job of transporting readers to the city but at the same time she builds a new, supernatural world that makes it a Nashville different from the one we know. It is both familiar and alien in the best possible way.

The ending left me wanting more and wanting to know what will happen with the supernatural world that Josie and the gang inhabit. I highly recommend the Josie Hawk Chronicles and particularly Indigo Dawn to any fan of fantasy and paranormal stories with strong characters and lots of action.

Review previously published at Just A Reader.