
Animal Instincts by Gena Showalter

spiringvenus's review against another edition

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The sarcasm from the main character in this book made me laugh out loud a couple times. It was an entertaining read, but the quick love declaration was a little off putting.

anzuk's review against another edition

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I must admit that this is my first Gena Showalter book. I really don’t know what made me pick this one, but I was glad I did. It was really fun to read, relaxing and fast. I guess I finished it in two days. But it was like a breath of fresh air. Too much seriousness gets to you in the end.

Now, I really liked the story. It was light but the best part of it was the humor. I really enjoyed the whole Tigress thing. I gathered some quotes that I thought hilarious, but there were too many so I had to do some serious selecting. I’ll post them at the end of this review.

Naomi Delacroix is the main character here. I found her really funny; in many moments I was lolling and my mum was staring at me while having a strange expression. God only knows what she was thinking… but I find this as being a good sign. It’s really been a while since I laughed like this from reading a book. Royce was a sweetheart. Even though he was filthy rich, he still remained modest (at least to a point). He fought for what he wanted and eventually got it. Go for it my man!

Anyways, I have to tell you to give this book a try. I don’t think it’s too popular even though it deserves more attention than it has right now.

In the end, here are the quotes I gathered. Have fun!

Ten Things You Shouldn't Say on a Date
1. You're wearing that?
2. Something smells funny.
3. Where's the Tylenol?
4. And to think, I first wanted to date your brother.
5. I have a confession to make…
6. My dad has a suit just like that.
7. That man is hot. Look at him.
8. My ex, may he rot in hell forever…
9. You're going to order that? Seriously?
10. You're how old?

"What's that smell?"
I froze. What? Did I really smell so distasteful he had only to lean in my direction to catch a putrid whiff of me? I stayed the urge to break his freaking nose for pointing out my stinkiness.
He sniffed again. "I can't place it."
"How bad is it?" I asked, my cheeks heating.
"It's good. Some kind of flower."
My first thought: Hurray! I don't stink.
My second: Ohmygod!

My ex—may he soon discover tiny worms have invaded his body and are slowly eating him alive—once told me God made men so perfect because He'd wanted to make up for the inadequacies of women.

He'd asked me to marry him. He'd kissed me. Twice. He said he loved me. What a scum, rat, dog bastard. I wouldn't sleep with him now if I was dying and the only thing that could save me was a penis injection from him.

Neighbor… was that the word for "whoring tramp" nowadays?

I cast a glance in my new admirer's direction. "You may call me Your Highness," I said. "Or Empress Beauty."
He chuckled. I wasn't kidding.

Me: I think we should have sex again.
Royce: Bad idea.
Me: Why?
Royce: I want more from you than sex.
Me: Goodbye, you prudish bastard.

ashleymichelelx's review against another edition

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There were its parts , but the ending was alittle predictable. It was a good book , but for me it was more of one that you would read when you need a filler book , the plot was great but...i wish it was alittle more detailed and just alittle more eventful.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, this was an awesome book, loved their banter, and that he has their wedding waiting for her, even though she's 3 hours late, just loved it!

*First read February 17th 2012*
What a great, great, amazing book! I loved it, it was a lot of fun to read, always funny, so totally a Gena Showalter book! Must read more!!!!!

thenia's review against another edition

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A light, brainless read with barely any plot and, of course, over the top expressions of baseless feelings. The chemistry between the characters is apparent, but the characters themselves are a bit two-dimensional and flat.

A fun enough story to relax you after a heavy book.

lasiepedimore's review against another edition

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Questo romanzo è in perfetto stile Showalter: via le c*****e serie, fate largo a tanto sano divertimento. Quindi non aspettatevi approfondimento psicologico, personaggi di spessore, riflessioni sui massimi sistemi della vita. Qui si ride, gente. E tanto!

Naomi è una donna tanto delusa dagli uomini che potrebbe fare la promoter della castrazione chimica maschile. Ben decisa a non dare mai più credito all'altro sesso, è costretta a rivedere alcune delle sue priorità dopo l'incontro con il bel miliardario Royce Powell, che ha tutta l'intenzione di renderla sua moglie.

Credo di essere morta dalle risate leggendo i commenti a tutta questa faccenda delle due gemelle - nonché migliori amiche di Naomi - Kera e Mel. Un'accoppiata fantastica.

«Che ne dici di questo?» Kera mi mostrò un completo color menta. «È scontato del cinquanta per cento.»
«Ma è sempre verde» dissi esasperata. Perché non mi davano ascolto?
«Sorellina, vola in Colorado con Royce Powell» disse Mel, «non partecipa a un congresso di libraie sessualmente represse.»
Kera ridacchiò. «Hai ragione.»
«Pensa a qualcosa di disinibito, di sexy.»
«Non voglio sedurlo» annunciai.
«Non dire stronzate» replicarono all'unisono.

Per non parlare di Gloria, la madre di Naomi, e il suo patrigno Jonathan, psicoterapeuta deciso a psicanalizzarle ogni aspetto della vita...

«Naomi?» Poi un silenzio sorpreso. «C'è qualcosa che non va? Cosa c'è che non va? Lo so che qualcosa non va.»
«Va tutto bene, mamma. Volevo solo sentire la tua voce.»
«Gloria, che succede?» chiese il mio patrigno in sottofondo.
«È Naomi. Dice che mi ha chiamata solo per chiacchierare un po'.»
«Per chiacchierare? A quest'ora? C'è qualcosa che non va.»
Mia madre sospirò.
«Non so. Dammi un minuto per scoprirlo.»
«Va bene, ma poi voglio parlarle anch'io.»

elfit's review

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Cute, funny and entertaining. A good read for spring break.

mitabird's review against another edition

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The problem with this book is the author trying to sell to me that this couple is meant to be together. Royce is a straight-up cardboard character, with no depth whatsoever. Naomi is a recent divorcee, who has a crush on Royce, but can't believe he's actually interested in her. You know, he's a rich, eligible bachelor on the marriage mart. Their attraction was not convincing, plus he was a controlling jerk. DNF'd at 29%.

elfit's review against another edition

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Cute, funny and entertaining. A good read for spring break.