
Fair Creatures of an Hour by Lynn Levin

serenaac's review

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Lynn Levin's Fair Creatures of an Hour is a collection of poetry that draws on current events -- Smarty Jones in "Little Red Telegram" and skydivers Sara Loshe and Ron Samac in "Freefall" -- imagery, and culture to draw in its readers. Levin intertwines traditional Jewish rituals and stories into her poems, and interjects a fresh perspective. Readers will intimately understand her and mimic her lines.

"What finer thing is there than to pour out

your thoughts and have someone drink

of your meaning?

It is better than being loved

I sometimes think

for love is not everything." (Page 61, "I Wanted to Tell You")

Levin creates a wistful atmosphere in some of her poems, but easily turns that into something playful. Even in her most serious poems, Levin cultivates an undercurrent of sarcasm, playfulness, and hope. From "Peace Is the Blithe Distraction," Levin repeats the word "peace" and uses each subsequent line to illustrate what peace can mean to even the worst of enemies and how hope plays an integral role.

On the other hand, her humor is ever present as she begins more than one poem with horoscope predictions and planet alignments. Readers will enjoy the wit shown in these poems and will nod in agreement with many of them. Levin has an eye for the human condition and the emotions, even those not most desirable.

The poet includes references and explanations in the back of Fair Creatures of an Hour, of which the title is taken from a John Keats poem, "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be." Levin's collection is about embracing the moment and being comfortable with oneself before fate steps in. Well worth reading again and again, Levin's collection will leave readers wanting more.