
Unethical: A Psychological Thriller by Marla L. Anderson

whatemsreadingx's review

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I received a free ARC of this from NetGalley and BooksGoSocial. This has not impacted my review in any way and all thoughts and opinions are my own after reading this book.

My first words when I completed this book were "wow" repeatedly. Unethical was absolutely brilliant.

There are few books, that I've read at least, that focus on a member of the ageing population, who is also incredibly ill and this book felt like representation of those suffering from Alzheimer’s.

The story itself thrilled me, it was so fast-paced and had to many twists and turns I nearly got whiplash trying to keep up! There were no lulls in the story, every time you turned the page the story got better.

At points I was quite frightened by this story, it made me really question if something like this could be happening already... Without giving too much away it wouldn't surprise me if there were similar programmes for other diseases.

The stand outs of this book for me though were the characters, each one was blended perfectly into the story, bringing something different and standing out in their own way.

Jo was wonderful, the grit and determination she showed towards her Father was excellent, the author didn't shy away from making it clear how much she struggled with him and how easy things would have been if she just left him, but also showed us how much love and compassion Jo had.

Scott was by far my favourite character, he had so much depth! And his backstory was a really clever little addition. The way he kept supporting Jo, even from the start was admirable.

Kessler again was absolutely brilliant. The author wrote his decline through the book so well, I don't want to give too much away as this is part of the story but it was so cleverly done.

Suzanne I had mixed feelings about, I think she was the best written character through the book. The author really put the work in to make us feel every possible emotion whilst we read Suzanne's parts.

The ending of this book made my heart break and swell at the same time, I don't want to be cryptic but I don't want to give anything away!

On the whole, this book was excellent. Every word written built suspense, fear and excitement and I couldn't wait to keep turning the pages to see what was going to happen.

Unethical by Marla L Anderson was amazing, I'm so grateful that I got to read this book as I thoroughly enjoyed it.

kkecreads's review

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Published: January 28, 2021
Wolfheart Press
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Marla L. Anderson is the author of numerous short stories and novel-length fiction. Her specialties are science fiction, fantasy, horror, and suspense. Her love of speculative fiction began at an early age, and she started writing her own soon after. When she's not writing, she uses her metalsmithing and enameling skills to create art and jewelry. She worked as a law office administrator until deciding to devote herself full-time to writing and art.

“Poppycock, balderdash, and horseshit!”

Jo has a lot going on- she is struggling to find some balance without completely losing her mind. Her father’s recent diagnosis weighs heavily and consumes much of her time. Jo hasn’t had a solid night's sleep in weeks, and she is starting to feel worn out. And then a miracle reveals itself, and Jo decides to decide with her interest front and center. Little did Jo know, that decision would be a nightmare.

I enjoyed this story. I found the characters interesting, and I enjoyed the dynamic and chemistry between the main cast. This book has a nice balance of emotions, and sad is balanced with happiness, which is knocked over by anger, which is kicked across the room by grief, tossed away by frustration, all while humor is sprinkled throughout. The emotional range is well written, and the flow was very natural.

I expected more medical terminology and “doctor talk,” but I’m glad for the balance with that, too. I’m not a neurologist, so the language used was just enough to sound credible and well researched.

The overall concept for the book is pretty fantastic. But a cure at such a cost is just terrifying. It’s scary because something like this could very well happen, and the public wouldn’t know. No one would know, and those who did wouldn’t say anything. Secrets are scary.

I appreciated the full spectrum Jo took throughout this book. She blossomed as a character, and her depth and influence were very well done. She is smart, capable, and sassy. It’s almost impossible to dislike her.

The epilogue was bittersweet. I didn’t realize that twist that would come at the last minute, which honestly surprised me. Not only did I not see it coming, but I didn’t expect that to be the turn of events. It was a well-played and clever plot twist.

This was a fast-paced and entertaining read. The last half moved a lot faster, but the buildup is intense, and the plot is solid. If you like medical thrillers, this may be the book for you!