
How to Love an Alpha by A.K. Michaels

becsa's review

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An Immortal Christmas by Monica LaPorta

Constantine Castillo DeLaVega is a werewolf who recently became a hero after rescuing a girl from being raped. The problem with that is now he is known and his goal to remain in the shadows is over and he will be forced to relocate again. He senses his mate close by but his heartbroken when he sees her kissing her husband.

Camelia has been in love with Constantine for centuries but due to her family they were kept apart. She has chosen to remain with her best friend Quintilius through the years but is still yearning for her past love.

When Constantine and Camelia discover each other will they be able to set the wrongs of the past right? Will they finally have a chance to get their happily ever after?

Camelia has been a character that I have been intrigued about for a long time and I am so happy that I have finally learned more about her. Her past is full of conflict within her family and again we get a touch of the jealousy that Iris had towards her.

Constantine had a deep love for Camelia and would have done anything for her. I hated how they were kept apart, knowing how strong their love was when they were young.

The end was sad and happy at the same time and I can't wait for more from this series!

Hunger Moon by Melissa Snark

Victoria Storm is a werewolf that has reluctantly turned into an Alpha after most of her pack was killed by hunters. She will do anything to keep them safe which has led her to Sierra Pines, CA in hopes of finding an Alpha that can provide for her pack.

Arik Koenig is a lawyer in Sierra Pines, CA and is an alpha to his son, Logan. The two try and keep a low profile in town which has been hard since the death of his wife, Lori.

When Victoria comes to town she knows that secrets are being kept and as she tries to keep her pack safe she may be in over her head with all the mystery that surrounds Arik and Logan. Will Victoria be able to help Arik and Logan solve the mysteries of the past or is she just putting her own pack in danger?

This was a very interesting book dealing with paranormal elements. This was the first book I have read in the series so I was intrigued by Victoria going to Asgard and how that worked.

I definitely thought something was up with the death of Lori and I wasn't surprised with the revelation of who was behind everything. There is still one thing that hasn't been dealt with in regards to Logan and Victoria and I hope that it will be in the next book.

Looking forward to more!

Saved by Her Dragon by Julia Mills

Devon Walsh is a Guardsman and dragon shifter who has found his mate in the hospital, although he has never met her before.

Anya Sloane is in a coma due to some unknown forces that seem to be preventing her from waking up. When she finally wakes up will she be ok with everything she is presented with or will she try and escape from under Devon's care?

When Devon learns who is behind Anya's attack will they be able to get the traitor in time or is he likely to escape from them again?

I enjoyed this story and this is the first one that I have read from this author. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more in this series and I didn't feel as though I was missing anything major. I think I would have liked to know more about what happened with Andrew but I was not feeling like I had to know to read the story.

I found it interesting that Devon found his mate without knowing her and I'm not sure what brought him to the hospital. I've read enough shifter books to understand the pull of the mate so I understand that part fully but I don't think it explains on how he locates Anya in the hospital to begin with.

I loved learning more about Anya and then it will definitely be interesting to see where everything goes with the prophecy and if she is involved more. Devon was a pure Alpha male and I loved how protective he was of her.

I love their whole sense of community and I think that is a huge part of why I will go back and learn more about their group. They had their hands in a little of everything and they all worked so well together.

nikkisbooknook's review

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My review will be updated as I get through the books individually!

Hunger Moon by Melissa Snark

My favourite Valkyrie is back. With her pack dwindling, Victoria is directed by Freya to a small town with a powerful Alpha. But this Alpha has no pack there is only him and his son. Victoria is then caught between the powerful alpha almost twice her age and his son who is closer in age to her but really annoys her!

There are twists and turns and trips to Valhalla and the really hard task of trying to return a reluctant soul to his body! There are thankfully no cliffhangers but now I'm just itching to know what happens next. Will the Loki mark claim its next soul and turn him to darkness?!!? I love mythology and history so I'm really happy to have found this series.

Saved by her Dragon - Julia Mills

This is much more emotional and heart tugging book than the previous books of the series. There are less bangs and explosions but the story is just as inspiring and poignant, probably more so.

Devon is the white dragon of the Clan. He is a powerful dragon and the last of his line.

Anya, had been captured by Andrew, the traitor, and is in coma when Devon becomes aware of her as his mate. He tends to her within the hospital and tries to mindpseak with her to help her recover. Once released to his care, Kyra conducts a spell to lift the "black fog" which is keeping her from consciousness. Once awoken Anya has little recollection of her life and struggles to recall her name. We learn more about her past as the story develops.

Anya is another strong female character and hates it when the usually emotionally available, level headed Dev goes "Neanderthal". Mind you she has a superb trick to get him back in line tout suite!!!!

"Act like a Neanderthal and throw me over your shoulder again and see what other tricks I have up my sleeve. Paybacks are a bitch, dragon man."

Superb story, great writing and fabulous, snarky, fiesty females and the alphas they bring to heal. What more could I ask for??? I'm dying to know more about wee Sydney after this book. She is such a lively but enigmatic wee thing and an old soul trapped in a new body!!!

Deceit and Lies (Black Rose Chronicles 1) by AK Michaels

Set in a dystopian future rather than a paranormal present day, this book had an entirely different feel. It felt quite dark and gritty but still with the edge of humour you expect from Ms Michaels.

The world has been plagued by a inter-species war and witches have been hunted to almost extinction due to a dark prophesy. Rose is part witch, part werewolf and the survivor of a witch hunt when she was a young child. Left with a guardian whilst her father hunted those who hunted them, she is trained well...too well you could say by her fathers friend, Seth, and becomes a lethally effective assassin - The Black Rose.

She is sought out by the Demon, Basilius, to take down a rogue Vampire, Cassius Allarde, who is seeking to unite all "supers" under his commend and take over the world and hunt humans without regard. But Rose does not follow orders blindly, she researches her targets well and only kills when she knows, without doubt, that they are worthy of death.

When she goes to meet the engimatic Cassius, under the guise of working for him, she is hurt by a "super" and wakes up under Cassius' care. The man she meets has little in common with the intel she has been provided. So Rose gets to work determining the fate of Cassius and his followers before she concludes her assignment.

NO spoilers here but there is a cliffie (damnit!!!). I loved all these new characters. Rose, mysterious hybrid assassin; Seth - Ex Special Forces Soldier and Witch; Cassius - Vampire High Duke and all around hottie and Basilius - the new power hungry Demon leader of the Council (think paranormal UN).

There are also great secondary characters that I hope we see more of in the other books in the series such as Sue and Valentine (who I think are adorably self effacing). There are also a slew of icky bad guys that by the end of the book you will be making up your own tortures to inflict on them (Ms Michaels writes really good slimebags!!!!)

I read this in one go as I could not put it down and it was a well paced story with snappy dialogue and great interplay between the characters - both allies and protagonists! There are also nods to other paranormal authors throughout the book, Ms Michaels is not afraid to highlight the work of other authors to her large fanbase or to take a pop at certain sparklies!