
Crossroads by Cathy Bryant

faithfulgirl4's review

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In this sixth book of the Miller's Creek series, we meet Mara and Ashton. Mara is a bitter, cynical single mom who is looking to make a way for herself and her daughter, Ashton. Trying her best to make ends meet, Mara meets up with Carter, the town deputy, to show him some homes. Carter is looking for a place for him and his teenage daughter, Chloe. Like Mara, Carter is a single parent. However, he is generally an upbeat, positive person. At first, I really didn't like Mara, maybe because in some ways she reminds me of myself. It takes a lot of prayer, encouragement, and pure grit to get through to Mara that she is worth a life and the love of Christ.

While reading this book, I had many different emotions. One minute I find myself laughing at the antics of Chloe (especially since I've already raised two teenage girls and have another one plus a boy to go!), and the next weeping with Mara as she watches her baby girl fight leukemia. This was a definite page turner and I had a very hard time putting this book down once I got started on it.

A few notes: Even though this is the sixth book in the series, it is a stand alone book. I have read the first book in this series but somehow missed the other ones in between! I'll be fixing that soon! Also, I do have some differences in beliefs religiously than the author but overall, this is a good book. I would recommend it to anyone looking for something inspirational to read!

I did receive a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion, which you have received here. Many thanks to the author and publisher for this opportunity!

mjqueen's review

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I was given a copy of this book [b:Miller's Creek Truth Collection: Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study|28819350|Miller's Creek Truth Collection Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study (Miller's Creek Collections Book 4)|Cathy Bryant||49036991] for an honest review. I had only read one of the other Miller Creek series books, [b:A Bridge Unbroken|22011106|A Bridge Unbroken (Miller's Creek , #5)|Cathy Bryant||41790314], and didn't feel lost or confused. While there are reoccurring characters in every book from my perspective it is easy to read them in any order.
I enjoyed the overall story of Mara and Carter, and of course their daughters. The relationship struggles seemed real and believable especially Mara's struggle to believe in the midst of her daughter's diagnosis. I enjoy how [a:Cathy Bryant|2666708|Cathy Bryant|] doesn't portray any of characters, Christian or not, flawless or perfect. Each of them struggle with doubts about every day events to larger and deeper spiritual questions that don't always have a cut and dry answer. Some Christian novels that I have read previously left me feeling like a poor excuse for a Christian because I am not always certain and still have questions. Through the books that I have read by [a:Cathy Bryant|2666708|Cathy Bryant|], in addition to the Miller's Creek series, I am left with a feeling of being a pretty average Christian and that is truly refreshing. I would definitely recommend the novel [b:Crossroads|25080270|Crossroads (Miller's Creek #6)|Cathy Bryant||44766473] to anyone who is looking for a read that is full of faith and real life journeys of people who are looking for answers.
The Bible study aspect of the [b:Miller's Creek Truth Collection: Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study|28819350|Miller's Creek Truth Collection Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study (Miller's Creek Collections Book 4)|Cathy Bryant||49036991] was a bit more difficult for me. I think it would be better to do as a group with a book club or even a women's Bible study. I didn't automatically find the Bible study questions as it is located well after the novel ends and there are previews for other novels, information about the author, links to the newsletter and groups on Facebook well before the Bible study is even mentioned. I would not have continued searching the end pages if I didn't know that there was a Bible study included. For me the Bible study aspect was difficult to get into. I have a physical disability that limits the use of my muscles and I use the Text to Speech function on my Kindle to read. It is amazing what technology has enabled me to do but unfortunately I am still somewhat limited. The biggest limitation for the [b:Miller's Creek Truth Collection: Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study|28819350|Miller's Creek Truth Collection Christian Romance and Companion Bible Study (Miller's Creek Collections Book 4)|Cathy Bryant||49036991] was the need to have access to a Bible while simultaneously reading the study guide. The Kindle only allows one book to be open at a time and toggling between is tedious and tiring for my physical limitations. In the future or for others who are in similar situations I would recommend doing the Bible study portion as a group of at least two individuals so that one person can read the study questions and another can read the accompanying verses.